As a blogger against censorship I feel it necessary to clarify why this blog has comments set to "moderate" and is no longer open to random anonymous responses. First of all, few people have ever commented anyway, but I only set it this way as I would like to know when there is a comment. I haven't promoted this blog as of yet; though I intend to begin a promotional campaign soon. You could say just about anything in a response, as long as it's not illegal because I'm not going to an American jail for you. If it is negative towards me or my posts, I reserve the right to respond accordingly, and I let little go by when under attack. Now that we have cleared that up----
I spent some time today attempting to get Amazon to remove this blog from Kindle, mainly because of the false review by the woman that never subscribed to begin with. Each representative that I spoke with misunderstood me – they all thought that I was requesting that the review be removed. No, I want the blog removed and did un-publish it 4 days ago. The system responded that it would be removed from the Kindle store in 24-72 hours, but we are beyond that. You know why I no longer want it in the Kindle store? Well, when I'm attacked I respond, and I cannot respond how I'd like to on Amazon's website or I chance losing my posting privileges. I do sell books on occasion there, so I really don't want to go there. But no dear lady – I have no desire whatsoever to censor your statement. I simply want to respond my way.
So much in the US is censored, yet few realize it, and actually attack China, Cuba, and Iran over it. Television is censored, newspapers are censored, and even some websites are censored from results by Internet service providers (ISPs). Even government documents can be withheld for 30 years from those seeking to use the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Thirty years is a long time! FOIA allows government representatives to censor what they want to censor. Florida has the state version of FOIA that is referred to as the government in the sunshine law or sunshine law. You should see some of the documents that I managed to get a hold of from various cases – the redactions blot every page with black ink and there's little left to interpret, but then that is the idea, right?
Why do Americans accept this?
Oh, I do realize that there are others out there like me that denounce the process, but the great majority tolerate censorship without a word. I do not get it. What happened to the understanding that there is a First Amendment to the United States Constitution for good reason? I am too acquainted with censorship though, with all of the years that I have spent in adult business in the US. The ironic part is that I have never published an ad that offered anything illegal, or even came close to that border. I wish someone would explain to me what exactly is moral about judging others and acting as judge, jury, and executioner when we lack any information that is material to the situation. It is as I have viewed it for years: In the US, one is guilty until proven innocent, and even then will be considered guilty.
My malicious reviewer went so far as to state that I was anti-American on this blog. I find that hilarious coming from someone that chastises Amazon for allowing the blog to be published on Kindle to begin with. She is actually attacking Amazon for not censoring me, yet acts as if she is the proud American.
If my refusal to accept arrest without probable cause, wiretapping without warrant, and sneak and peek searches makes me anti-American, then I suppose that I am. If my belief that speech should not be limited by religious or moral cause makes me anti-American, then I must be. If my failure to accept one woman as the judge, jury, and executioner translates to anti-American, then so be it. If my view is that we all have the right to confront our accusers is anti-American; well that's me. If I believe that petitioning state or federal government to change unjust laws is an obligation, and not only a right, makes me anti-American – well, perhaps I am. If my refusal to accept prisoner abuse places me in that same category…oh well!
Our forefathers must be rolling in their graves at what is currently acceptable behavior by the proud Americans and what is anti-American in these United States. On second thought, I'm removing the "moderate" feature, unless you are commenting on a post that is more than 14 days old so that I'm alerted.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
True Freedom

On that first weekend there we went out to eat at a nice restaurant that was seriously overbooked, and the host walked us through the crowded tables, out a side door, down the alley, and into another establishment where we were seated. The food wasn't so great, but I imagine that was because it had to be carried down the same route that we walked from the far-away kitchen. We were so ripped that we didn't have a care in the world though, and saved room for space cake at a nearby coffee house.
One important thing that I learned about Amsterdam is that the buildings go straight up, with ladder-like stairs – hell, they are ladders and not stairs at all. It's not the place to wear a dress; that's for sure. When a tenant moves furniture into an apartment it is lifted from the outside of the building, and every building has such a lift. Though I am not so sure that I could deal with this on a regular basis it sure was cool to watch.
At one point in my life – from age 17 or 18 to 21 – I spent almost every weekend in Amsterdam. I lived in Germany at the time and it was about a six hour drive, if you drive fast, or we usually took the train as we had no intention of driving once we arrived anyway. In the later years I frequented a club called Melkweg that is actually still there… believe it. The Melkweg has survived all of these years! That translates to Milky Way. It felt like being on a different planet too, or what one would think that would feel like. The place had a moat around it and a drawbridge, and when it was full, they lifted the bridge and no one could leave, or enter of course. My main advice if you should decide to go is to never wear a dress there; trust me on that.
The Melkweg had a coffee shop that sold space cake and other fun deserts and had a hashish and marijuana menu. If memory serves me it was in a basement area, and I do recall the lines going out the door and around the halls. A busy place indeed! One could order whatever they wanted from the menu by gram, for example when it was your turn you approached the counter and said:
Let's see – I'll take 5 grams of Trippin Green – this was hashish from Turkey that was a light grass green color and was super potent and resulted in a ripped type of high. I'll take 5 grams of Afghani black – this was rich, dark, and musky in taste and it took very little to end-up in a mellow can't move frame of mind. Now that was usually enough for me as each had dissimilar effects, each to be used for its own purpose. I don't think that I ever smoked marijuana there except perhaps once – who remembers? Not me.
For many years, and perhaps even today, the one thing that I really wanted to do in life was to be the house dealer at the Melkweg. We walked through the red light district on occasion, though there are no cameras allowed, and if anyone catches you taking a photo, well at the very least they'll chase you off. It's just not something that you do. I have had friends that worked in the district up until a couple of years ago, but I was told that Russians had taken it over by the early 1990s.
It is a free life there. I do miss it for many reasons, with the main one being the total lack of censorship. A person can do just about anything in Amsterdam without being judged and stifled. As long as you are not harming another person life is full of options and freedoms. Just make sure that you skip the dresses.
One important thing that I learned about Amsterdam is that the buildings go straight up, with ladder-like stairs – hell, they are ladders and not stairs at all. It's not the place to wear a dress; that's for sure. When a tenant moves furniture into an apartment it is lifted from the outside of the building, and every building has such a lift. Though I am not so sure that I could deal with this on a regular basis it sure was cool to watch.
At one point in my life – from age 17 or 18 to 21 – I spent almost every weekend in Amsterdam. I lived in Germany at the time and it was about a six hour drive, if you drive fast, or we usually took the train as we had no intention of driving once we arrived anyway. In the later years I frequented a club called Melkweg that is actually still there… believe it. The Melkweg has survived all of these years! That translates to Milky Way. It felt like being on a different planet too, or what one would think that would feel like. The place had a moat around it and a drawbridge, and when it was full, they lifted the bridge and no one could leave, or enter of course. My main advice if you should decide to go is to never wear a dress there; trust me on that.
The Melkweg had a coffee shop that sold space cake and other fun deserts and had a hashish and marijuana menu. If memory serves me it was in a basement area, and I do recall the lines going out the door and around the halls. A busy place indeed! One could order whatever they wanted from the menu by gram, for example when it was your turn you approached the counter and said:
Let's see – I'll take 5 grams of Trippin Green – this was hashish from Turkey that was a light grass green color and was super potent and resulted in a ripped type of high. I'll take 5 grams of Afghani black – this was rich, dark, and musky in taste and it took very little to end-up in a mellow can't move frame of mind. Now that was usually enough for me as each had dissimilar effects, each to be used for its own purpose. I don't think that I ever smoked marijuana there except perhaps once – who remembers? Not me.
For many years, and perhaps even today, the one thing that I really wanted to do in life was to be the house dealer at the Melkweg. We walked through the red light district on occasion, though there are no cameras allowed, and if anyone catches you taking a photo, well at the very least they'll chase you off. It's just not something that you do. I have had friends that worked in the district up until a couple of years ago, but I was told that Russians had taken it over by the early 1990s.
It is a free life there. I do miss it for many reasons, with the main one being the total lack of censorship. A person can do just about anything in Amsterdam without being judged and stifled. As long as you are not harming another person life is full of options and freedoms. Just make sure that you skip the dresses.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Censorship Today

Typing on an internet forum rarely reflects true emotion, if any at all. Unless the poster states "LOL" it's hard to tell if the statement is intended in jest or in all seriousness, and then sometimes the "LOL" is meant to say I'm laughing at you. Sometimes people on forums seem normal, human, and real, but often they're not. Other times posters travel in groups and no matter what is stated the group will agree with their own member. Some hide their real thoughts and then show-up elsewhere for their attack. That is what happened to me recently. A seemingly normal poster took me by surprise in a different place and posted an extremely negative review of this blog. The irony was that I never posted a link to the blog or attempted to promote it in any way whatsoever, mainly because I have a very specific audience right now and do not want anyone to subscribe on Kindle. I must be free to direct my posts at that audience and cannot feel obligated to entertain all.
So then you might wonder why I published the blog for Kindle in the first place, right? Simple – I published it back in May when I did not seek to address the specific audience. I republished it recently only because I wanted a different photo to show on its page (the screenshot). I left it published as it is a form of advertisement that can sell books. It appears that I have really offended the reviewer that never subscribed to begin with, however I managed to accomplish this.
Hint: When a blog description states that it is about "legal pursuits and prosecutions in the adult industry" and this is offensive to you – well don't friggen read it! Close your eyes. I have learned that we do have freedoms in the US, though we usually must fight for those freedoms, and fight hard. I have a First Amendment right to publish this blog and to write articles as I see fit. You have the right to read something else.
Why lie and state that the blog is "one big run-on sentence"? Why lie and state that I offer "to help anyone set up an escort service"? Why lie and say that I say "if I had to do it over again I'd do it differently"? But then to compare me with O.J. Simpson? What articles on this blog was this reviewer reading? For the last month I've been writing about telephone line blocks in Orlando and Las Vegas area resorts and tossed in an occasional article relating to adult business arrests. The reviewer actually scolds Amazon for allowing my blog to be published – this floored me. Why did she do this hateful thing to me? Every day I learn more about my surroundings and appreciate them less.
I do feel censored in America.
Why did this poster ruin my blog page? What did I do to her? I should be use to attacks that utilize false statements, but I've never had one in a review of a blog that was not subscribed to in the first place. This is a new form of attack for me so please do excuse my dismay. Regardless; since it is not my intention to promote the blog at this point, and I'd rather that no one subscribed anyway, I have requested that it be removed from the Kindle blog publisher. And so dear lady – you can jump for joy in that you have indeed succeeded in censoring my written words. Are you a proud American?
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Telephones in my Life

It seems like telephones have been at the center of my universe for 16 years now, and to tell you the truth, I'm so tired of phones that I could live on a desert island and never touch one again – this is stated with both humor and sarcasm. But what I am even more tired of is the Vicky is crazy routine in relation to the escort service line-blocks, IP address blocks, and wireless services blocks. That routine has been used far too often since the day I landed at Sprint-United Telephone in Orlando, back in 1993. I was there to speak with the man at the top of security.
I so tired of the Vicky is crazy routine that I stopped investigating and talking about the blocks for a long time, and then of course I was too busy saving my life in the criminal case – the MBI did tell everyone from my mother to my co-defendants to their coerced witnesses that they were going to see me in a Florida prison for 30 years. So who had time to worry about line troubles? Yes indeed – that was much of the point of the created criminal case.
Even the 3 people that reviewed my book said nothing whatsoever about my pursuit and investigation of line block conspirators. How could they miss it? Part One is entirely about this pursuit, which leads to my arrest and the criminal case in Part Two. And once again, the story turns to the blocks in Part Three. Well, let's put the Vicky is crazy routine to rest here, because Vicky has had it with the ignorance and/or fear exhibited by too many.
While I was busy arguing with Sprint United Telephone in Orlando, Vista United Telephone in Disney World, management at the Swan and Dolphin resorts, the head of the Central Florida Concierge Association, and everyone else that I encountered in relation to the topic, there was a list of people in Las Vegas doing the very same thing. One of those people, Eddie Munoz, has been in court against the Public Services Commission (PSC), Sprint of Nevada, and Clark County since at least 1995 due to the escort service line blocks in Vegas. Others joined Eddie at first, in the case with the PSC, but eventually each jumped ship. Let's face it, after a while people are worn down and tire of being called crazy. In this case the people, myself included, were also financially drained and eventually broke from dealing with the mess. Isn't that what they count on though?
In my case they gave me something else to do with the criminal case – it was beyond overwhelming and anything but normal, as any attorney that had anything to do with it could affirm. Today Eddie in Las Vegas is still in court over it – new suits and federal court – and now they are handing him something else to do as well. I am also being pursued all over again, though I'm not really sure by who, or rather what group. The last pursuit was fought quietly – I never spoke to any reporter until after the trial, and even then the MBI (former director Lutz) just used it as a platform to paint an entirely different, and lie-filled, picture. This round will be loud – and every bit of the line-block conspiracy will be broadcast at the four corners of the earth. So go ahead – make my friggen day and create another false case. And for all of those law enforcement/soldiers involved this round, just note in your mind that I will scream and expose every illegal thing that you do to me, and then I'll write another book – only this time it will contain your real names.
It is also important to note that the line block conspiracy did not only pertain to escort services here in Orlando – I also heard from several small transportation company owners that they had the same problems. I would not be surprised if some pizza delivery operations could also make these claims, though I cannot confirm anything on that part. In Las Vegas the entire matter was handled differently – Eddie Munoz had Sprint on the case 24/7 for years, and they couldn't even figure it out. So did other escort service owners, an attorney, and a couple of bail bonds businesses. Here everyone just disappeared into the horizon because of the extreme interference of the MBI. The MBI did in fact play the interference card for the line block conspirators; whether knowingly or not is up for debate.
If you want to look-up the cases in federal court and read all the dirty details you only need a PACER account.
Even the 3 people that reviewed my book said nothing whatsoever about my pursuit and investigation of line block conspirators. How could they miss it? Part One is entirely about this pursuit, which leads to my arrest and the criminal case in Part Two. And once again, the story turns to the blocks in Part Three. Well, let's put the Vicky is crazy routine to rest here, because Vicky has had it with the ignorance and/or fear exhibited by too many.
While I was busy arguing with Sprint United Telephone in Orlando, Vista United Telephone in Disney World, management at the Swan and Dolphin resorts, the head of the Central Florida Concierge Association, and everyone else that I encountered in relation to the topic, there was a list of people in Las Vegas doing the very same thing. One of those people, Eddie Munoz, has been in court against the Public Services Commission (PSC), Sprint of Nevada, and Clark County since at least 1995 due to the escort service line blocks in Vegas. Others joined Eddie at first, in the case with the PSC, but eventually each jumped ship. Let's face it, after a while people are worn down and tire of being called crazy. In this case the people, myself included, were also financially drained and eventually broke from dealing with the mess. Isn't that what they count on though?
In my case they gave me something else to do with the criminal case – it was beyond overwhelming and anything but normal, as any attorney that had anything to do with it could affirm. Today Eddie in Las Vegas is still in court over it – new suits and federal court – and now they are handing him something else to do as well. I am also being pursued all over again, though I'm not really sure by who, or rather what group. The last pursuit was fought quietly – I never spoke to any reporter until after the trial, and even then the MBI (former director Lutz) just used it as a platform to paint an entirely different, and lie-filled, picture. This round will be loud – and every bit of the line-block conspiracy will be broadcast at the four corners of the earth. So go ahead – make my friggen day and create another false case. And for all of those law enforcement/soldiers involved this round, just note in your mind that I will scream and expose every illegal thing that you do to me, and then I'll write another book – only this time it will contain your real names.
It is also important to note that the line block conspiracy did not only pertain to escort services here in Orlando – I also heard from several small transportation company owners that they had the same problems. I would not be surprised if some pizza delivery operations could also make these claims, though I cannot confirm anything on that part. In Las Vegas the entire matter was handled differently – Eddie Munoz had Sprint on the case 24/7 for years, and they couldn't even figure it out. So did other escort service owners, an attorney, and a couple of bail bonds businesses. Here everyone just disappeared into the horizon because of the extreme interference of the MBI. The MBI did in fact play the interference card for the line block conspirators; whether knowingly or not is up for debate.
If you want to look-up the cases in federal court and read all the dirty details you only need a PACER account.
Even top-notch hacker Kevin Mitnick testified on behalf of Munoz. I admire Eddie Munoz – I just also know that if Sprint is to be blamed so is each telco in the area – so it is currently under consideration to file suit against each here in Orlando. I have been beaten down over the years – they've done so many things to me that few could even imagine, including create a false criminal record for me and call me a hooker on every possible forum – one did this yesterday, but the Orlando Sentinel deleted the comment and my response within 5 minutes. I'm not a friggen hooker and never have been, and I'm beyond over the discrediting lies. Oh, and the case had nothing to do with my promoting prostitution as they so quickly claim – jeez they are tops at making up garbage lies. The next one of them that calls me a pimp or a hooker on a blog gets their info subpoenaed and will be sued. It is why I blog as me, Vicky Gallas.
The federal case information if you're interested. There is also a new case not noted, but you'll see it in PACER:
EDDIE PAUL MUNOZ vs. CENTRAL TELEPHONE CO. NEVADA d/b/a SPRINT OF NEVADA, Case No. CV-S-04-1212-RCJ-RJJ, Filed in United States District Court,
The federal case information if you're interested. There is also a new case not noted, but you'll see it in PACER:
EDDIE PAUL MUNOZ vs. CENTRAL TELEPHONE CO. NEVADA d/b/a SPRINT OF NEVADA, Case No. CV-S-04-1212-RCJ-RJJ, Filed in United States District Court,
District of Nevada Court of Appeals Docket # 05-15295, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
State of Nevada Case No. 97-15906
Friday, September 18, 2009
The New MBI
It was in Orlando area news today that agents from the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation (MBI) arrested 5 hookers in a Craigslist sting. The only part of this that bothered me was a photo in the Orlando Sentinel that showed an officer, who was actually the supervisor of MBI's Vice and Organized Crime Unit, pointing a taser at one of the alleged prostitutes that heavily objected to a Sentinel reporter taking her photo in the hotel room as she sat handcuffed on a bed. Clearly the taser threat was unnecessary because of the cuffs and the arrestee's size – she couldn't have weighed more than 110 lbs and was already restrained. It is a show of power on the part of supervisor Riggi.
I'm not sure why Sentinel reporters would be invited to the sting either – is the MBI attempting to build-up a reputation again? I mean, if they're just doing a job of getting some hardcore Craigslist hookers out of the picture, then great, I do not begrudge them for this. The particular arrestee and two others arrested were also arrested in Sex Busts in Polk County, Florida just a few days ago, and this does place each in the hardcore category from my viewpoint. Every city/county area the size of Orlando/Orange County, Florida needs a vice unit, but why the power play?
I posted a short statement on the Sentinel blog to add to the over 70 statements already there. Sentinel blogs are close to worthless these days as the newspaper switched from the Topix format wherein posters could argue and/or exchange thoughts in real-time, to some other format that doesn't really work if you intend to have a conversation. I did invite Brunosylv to debate me any old day in relation to the MBI, as he was trashing the agency thoroughly – a trashing that is undeserved today. Brunosylv actually thought that he could tell me about the MBI – I'm still laughing – but I still have no forgiveness in my heart for the old regime for all that was done to me and many hundreds of others. I just see the point in getting the hardcore Craigslist trashy types out of the picture. As with the many arrests in Polk County over the weekend, most of these people look like they're on some real drugs. But then what type of idiot would book a hooker on Craigslist these days anyway?
Warning here – the show of power with the taser and the Sentinel invite won't be accepted or tolerated by very many around here, as is evident in the many angry posts, so reconsider the approach and just do the job that you are paid to do.
I'm not sure why Sentinel reporters would be invited to the sting either – is the MBI attempting to build-up a reputation again? I mean, if they're just doing a job of getting some hardcore Craigslist hookers out of the picture, then great, I do not begrudge them for this. The particular arrestee and two others arrested were also arrested in Sex Busts in Polk County, Florida just a few days ago, and this does place each in the hardcore category from my viewpoint. Every city/county area the size of Orlando/Orange County, Florida needs a vice unit, but why the power play?
I posted a short statement on the Sentinel blog to add to the over 70 statements already there. Sentinel blogs are close to worthless these days as the newspaper switched from the Topix format wherein posters could argue and/or exchange thoughts in real-time, to some other format that doesn't really work if you intend to have a conversation. I did invite Brunosylv to debate me any old day in relation to the MBI, as he was trashing the agency thoroughly – a trashing that is undeserved today. Brunosylv actually thought that he could tell me about the MBI – I'm still laughing – but I still have no forgiveness in my heart for the old regime for all that was done to me and many hundreds of others. I just see the point in getting the hardcore Craigslist trashy types out of the picture. As with the many arrests in Polk County over the weekend, most of these people look like they're on some real drugs. But then what type of idiot would book a hooker on Craigslist these days anyway?
Warning here – the show of power with the taser and the Sentinel invite won't be accepted or tolerated by very many around here, as is evident in the many angry posts, so reconsider the approach and just do the job that you are paid to do.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sex Busts in Polk County, Florida
The big news in Central Florida today was Polk County Sheriff Judd Grady's announcement of 34 arrests as a result of a Craigslist prostitution sting dubbed "Operation Hot Date" by the sheriff's office. Okay, admit it – that is a lot of hookers willing to travel to Polk County, right? Just for those unaware of the geography involved here, a trip to Polk is about an hour away if you live in downtown Orlando, depending on time of day. I've never booked calls out there; most likely because I don't know anyone willing to drive there, but also because it's an entirely different crowd out that way. None of these Craigslist advertisers actually lived there though, and most traveled from Orlando. If you want to see the photos, you'll have to click on The Weekly Vice, because I'm not willing to post them, and by the way – great website to bookmark anyway.
The main intention of this set-up was to attack Craigslist again. Sheriff Judd stated that "Craigslist continues to facilitate prostitution and they derive proceeds from prostitution." I will disagree with Judd – it's not the advertising venue that facilitates prostitution – it's the hookers that place the ads.
Guarantee that none state in any ad that it's an offer of sex for money – this is done on the telephone or at the arranged location. Kristin Wright and Ken Suarez, on My Fox Tampa Bay, state: "The site took aim at the sheriff saying, "It would be surprising if the Sheriff has chosen to ignore the larger and much more explicit adult service advertising venues operating throughout his jurisdiction." I know "the site" didn't speak, so I'm curious as to where Wright and Suarez received their information. It is not posted on Craigslist Blog, so Jim Buckmaster didn't say it there, but perhaps it came from an anonymous spokesperson. Regardless, there certainly are other, and much busier, adult business advertising venues in Central Florida, so this is clearly another target practice on Craigslist.
My point in posting this is two-fold. First of all, if the Polk County Sheriff's Office can get that many hookers to drive to timbuktu on Friday and Saturday nights – you know the area resorts are blocking numbers. C'mon – a brand new, and very flashy lit-up Hilton just opened this past weekend right next to the Orange County Convention Center, but wait - this is also in Smart City territory. For those not in the know - Smart City is the telco that tookover Vista United Telephone - Disney's old company. The offices are still located in that secured building on Disney property - I know because I've delivered pizza there. LOL. The telco also operates out of - guess where - Las Vegas. Of course they also operate in other cities, but the corporate offices are in Orlando and Las Vegas. More on exactly what they do later....
Next point is that Craigslist is indeed singled-out here – why didn't they dial hookers on other venues? Perhaps they will get to that next, but it does seem to be a sex-obsessed agenda – usually they are setting-up porn stings out there, sometimes child porn is involved, but other times it is adult websites or adult film production. Sheriff Judd stated that plenty of Blackberries and black books were confiscated and every listed client would be contacted; however, Judd also added that he intended to contact the wives of the listed clients, and in my opinion, he had better check with the attorneys on that last part as it doesn't even sound legal.
It is great to hear that Central Florida is crime-free and now we can all sleep better at night.
The main intention of this set-up was to attack Craigslist again. Sheriff Judd stated that "Craigslist continues to facilitate prostitution and they derive proceeds from prostitution." I will disagree with Judd – it's not the advertising venue that facilitates prostitution – it's the hookers that place the ads.
Guarantee that none state in any ad that it's an offer of sex for money – this is done on the telephone or at the arranged location. Kristin Wright and Ken Suarez, on My Fox Tampa Bay, state: "The site took aim at the sheriff saying, "It would be surprising if the Sheriff has chosen to ignore the larger and much more explicit adult service advertising venues operating throughout his jurisdiction." I know "the site" didn't speak, so I'm curious as to where Wright and Suarez received their information. It is not posted on Craigslist Blog, so Jim Buckmaster didn't say it there, but perhaps it came from an anonymous spokesperson. Regardless, there certainly are other, and much busier, adult business advertising venues in Central Florida, so this is clearly another target practice on Craigslist.
My point in posting this is two-fold. First of all, if the Polk County Sheriff's Office can get that many hookers to drive to timbuktu on Friday and Saturday nights – you know the area resorts are blocking numbers. C'mon – a brand new, and very flashy lit-up Hilton just opened this past weekend right next to the Orange County Convention Center, but wait - this is also in Smart City territory. For those not in the know - Smart City is the telco that tookover Vista United Telephone - Disney's old company. The offices are still located in that secured building on Disney property - I know because I've delivered pizza there. LOL. The telco also operates out of - guess where - Las Vegas. Of course they also operate in other cities, but the corporate offices are in Orlando and Las Vegas. More on exactly what they do later....
Next point is that Craigslist is indeed singled-out here – why didn't they dial hookers on other venues? Perhaps they will get to that next, but it does seem to be a sex-obsessed agenda – usually they are setting-up porn stings out there, sometimes child porn is involved, but other times it is adult websites or adult film production. Sheriff Judd stated that plenty of Blackberries and black books were confiscated and every listed client would be contacted; however, Judd also added that he intended to contact the wives of the listed clients, and in my opinion, he had better check with the attorneys on that last part as it doesn't even sound legal.
It is great to hear that Central Florida is crime-free and now we can all sleep better at night.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Insecure Telephone Networks
One fact that is exposed by my extensive and long-term research is that there are no telephone networks in the United States that are immune from the expert hackers involved in the ongoing conspiracy. The relentless efforts to block escort service telephone numbers from potential dialers at Orlando area conventions have indeed worked. Make of this what you wish.
I originally discovered the blocks in effect in the Stouffer Sea World resort – today this is the Renaissance Sea World – back in early 1993. Now the PBX in this resort at that time was a classic, and older, PBX and it was serviced by Bellsouth (now AT&T). The hotel also had Bellsouth Yellow Pages in the rooms at the time.
Before long I figured out that this was also transpiring on all the resorts on Disney property, most resorts in Lake Buena Vista, and the majority of better resorts in the International Drive area. Orlando is different than Las Vegas in this respect – some resorts are serviced by Bellsouth, which is now AT&T, and the rest are serviced by Sprint, which is now Embarq.
The problem is not specific to telephone companies though, as escort service websites are also blocked within a short time of being published on the internet. The IP addresses are blocked by a specific local ISP/telco that serves most area resorts in the convention area and on Disney property.
As if all of that is not enough, if you are in one of these area resorts at a convention of any size, you will not be able to reach any of these escort service telephone numbers from your wireless phone! I actually received the message from one conventioneer that he had been attempting to reach any service on his wireless phone for 3 entire days, yet was unable to accomplish this. The conventioneer was able to get through once the convention at the particular resort, the Hilton in Walt Disney World Village on Hotel Plaza Boulevard, was over, and his fellow conventioneers had returned to wherever they came from. This lone man just happened to plan a couple of extra days in our censored area. Is this because there are no services in Orlando resort areas? Hell no!
You've got to wonder what happens to all of these services, so I'll tell you. The services with advertisements in Embarq and A T&T yellow pages go away in not too much time. They cannot pay the heavy ad bills without the ability to book the conventioneers. Sure, they do some calls, but those calls are mostly what I refer to as the side crap: the residents in other areas that are not serviced by this particular, and unnamed, but not unknown, telephone company/ISP; the attendees of very small conventions; and the non-convention visitors. In that I have never been into booking the side crap and only went into the escort business in the Orlando area to book the attendees of major conventions, I did little business throughout. Some escort services do manage to make a great living out of this stuff though – but they also book calls throughout Central Florida, because trust me, they'd never survive by sticking with an Orlando and Orange County booking area. One cannot quote a decent rate with most of this side stuff either, so the escorts are most often less than one might expect in a major metropolitan area.
Clearly technology has evolved since 1993, and today I seriously doubt that any resorts have these classic old PBX systems. The conspiring hackers have evolved along with technology. Over the years there has also been hidden business periodically, and this was the hacker/conspirators profiteering from their blocks, and running their own escort services, though under-the-table of course. I am surprised that none of this has ever interested the IRS – but then perhaps the agency is not yet aware of the underground no-expense business going on in Orlando and Las Vegas. And now the conspirators no longer have the overzealous and relentless anti-escort service MBI running interference for them – oh what will they do??? My research on the topic truly makes a book.
What direction do we look for these dirty tax-evading culprits? Well, look at the main common denominator: the convention industry services in both cities. That is what Orlando and Las Vegas have in common. Add some telephone company, computer network, and wireless experts, and in Orlando you can also add the old MBI agenda whereas in Vegas you've got the mob element....
What a plan!
To be continued…
I originally discovered the blocks in effect in the Stouffer Sea World resort – today this is the Renaissance Sea World – back in early 1993. Now the PBX in this resort at that time was a classic, and older, PBX and it was serviced by Bellsouth (now AT&T). The hotel also had Bellsouth Yellow Pages in the rooms at the time.
Before long I figured out that this was also transpiring on all the resorts on Disney property, most resorts in Lake Buena Vista, and the majority of better resorts in the International Drive area. Orlando is different than Las Vegas in this respect – some resorts are serviced by Bellsouth, which is now AT&T, and the rest are serviced by Sprint, which is now Embarq.
The problem is not specific to telephone companies though, as escort service websites are also blocked within a short time of being published on the internet. The IP addresses are blocked by a specific local ISP/telco that serves most area resorts in the convention area and on Disney property.
As if all of that is not enough, if you are in one of these area resorts at a convention of any size, you will not be able to reach any of these escort service telephone numbers from your wireless phone! I actually received the message from one conventioneer that he had been attempting to reach any service on his wireless phone for 3 entire days, yet was unable to accomplish this. The conventioneer was able to get through once the convention at the particular resort, the Hilton in Walt Disney World Village on Hotel Plaza Boulevard, was over, and his fellow conventioneers had returned to wherever they came from. This lone man just happened to plan a couple of extra days in our censored area. Is this because there are no services in Orlando resort areas? Hell no!
You've got to wonder what happens to all of these services, so I'll tell you. The services with advertisements in Embarq and A T&T yellow pages go away in not too much time. They cannot pay the heavy ad bills without the ability to book the conventioneers. Sure, they do some calls, but those calls are mostly what I refer to as the side crap: the residents in other areas that are not serviced by this particular, and unnamed, but not unknown, telephone company/ISP; the attendees of very small conventions; and the non-convention visitors. In that I have never been into booking the side crap and only went into the escort business in the Orlando area to book the attendees of major conventions, I did little business throughout. Some escort services do manage to make a great living out of this stuff though – but they also book calls throughout Central Florida, because trust me, they'd never survive by sticking with an Orlando and Orange County booking area. One cannot quote a decent rate with most of this side stuff either, so the escorts are most often less than one might expect in a major metropolitan area.
Clearly technology has evolved since 1993, and today I seriously doubt that any resorts have these classic old PBX systems. The conspiring hackers have evolved along with technology. Over the years there has also been hidden business periodically, and this was the hacker/conspirators profiteering from their blocks, and running their own escort services, though under-the-table of course. I am surprised that none of this has ever interested the IRS – but then perhaps the agency is not yet aware of the underground no-expense business going on in Orlando and Las Vegas. And now the conspirators no longer have the overzealous and relentless anti-escort service MBI running interference for them – oh what will they do??? My research on the topic truly makes a book.
What direction do we look for these dirty tax-evading culprits? Well, look at the main common denominator: the convention industry services in both cities. That is what Orlando and Las Vegas have in common. Add some telephone company, computer network, and wireless experts, and in Orlando you can also add the old MBI agenda whereas in Vegas you've got the mob element....
What a plan!
To be continued…
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Knowledge and Furtherance
I received a phone call this evening from a reader of this blog that seems to have seriously misinterpreted the conspiracy story. This person believed that I think the MBI agents of past, including the main case agent in my case, have full knowledge of the line block conspiracy. Quite the contrary – it is my belief that these agents were unknowingly used and still have little or no knowledge that this occurred on their watch. To this day I'd place a bet that each of these agents believed what they were told – that I was paranoid and there never were any blocks. These agents actually believed that they were fighting on the side of good, though several are indeed guilty of misconduct – still, it was committed with the belief that it was the right thing for the right side. I have no thoughts that any agents ever "took the money" as I stated it in my previous post, and regardless of how a few used their positions for the cause – I have little doubt that each is/was clueless as to what the cause really is. The previous post was in no way a reference to agents of the MBI, past or current.
The agents were merely the soldiers that took the orders. In fact, when each discovers how and by whom they were used, sparks will fly. The former director, on the other hand, almost had to know – the keyword here is almost. I am not positive about Lutz, but just cannot imagine that he didn't know. Signs point to his being a part of this ongoing scheme, but truly signs are not enough - I want to know the facts about the man. As of yet, I am not willing to state exactly what those signs are, but several linger. If he wasn't a knowing participant he falls into the category of totally stupid. So at this point you can take your pick on that choice.
I stated in Memoirs that I was not the first escort service owner in Orlando to investigate the line blocks, and that is a fact. Sprint security here in the Orlando area knew this for fact. MBI knew that the allegations were on the table prior to my arrival on the scene in late 1992. Vista United Telephone security out there on Disney property was also aware. Prior to my arrival, the FBI was even called in on the problem. None of these parties could figure out what was being done to the lines, and all were certainly clueless as to the guilty parties. So the Vicky is crazy game that so many played is long since finished.
While the line block conspiracy was ongoing in Orlando, the same thing was happening in Las Vegas. There were, as stated in Ongoing Conspiracies, a list of Vegas escort service owners investigating the problems with their lines as early as 1991, and possibly earlier. Some theorized that it was the mob with Sprint's help and others believed that it was hackers penetrating Sprint's networks. It is my belief that Sprint security had no knowledge. In Orlando some hotels had Bellsouth serviced PBX systems, so the problem was not specific to Sprint networks. There is little doubt that hackers were involved; however, these were not gangs or renegades – this was, and still is, being done with the full knowledge and furtherance of some powerful people in the tourism and convention industry, and as much as I hate to say it – government (state and federal).
Las Vegas and Orlando do indeed have more in common than simply being convention destinations.
Hopefully this clears-up a few misinterpretations, but sorry – it is not yet time to let the cat out of the bag – this is an ongoing investigation.
The agents were merely the soldiers that took the orders. In fact, when each discovers how and by whom they were used, sparks will fly. The former director, on the other hand, almost had to know – the keyword here is almost. I am not positive about Lutz, but just cannot imagine that he didn't know. Signs point to his being a part of this ongoing scheme, but truly signs are not enough - I want to know the facts about the man. As of yet, I am not willing to state exactly what those signs are, but several linger. If he wasn't a knowing participant he falls into the category of totally stupid. So at this point you can take your pick on that choice.
I stated in Memoirs that I was not the first escort service owner in Orlando to investigate the line blocks, and that is a fact. Sprint security here in the Orlando area knew this for fact. MBI knew that the allegations were on the table prior to my arrival on the scene in late 1992. Vista United Telephone security out there on Disney property was also aware. Prior to my arrival, the FBI was even called in on the problem. None of these parties could figure out what was being done to the lines, and all were certainly clueless as to the guilty parties. So the Vicky is crazy game that so many played is long since finished.
While the line block conspiracy was ongoing in Orlando, the same thing was happening in Las Vegas. There were, as stated in Ongoing Conspiracies, a list of Vegas escort service owners investigating the problems with their lines as early as 1991, and possibly earlier. Some theorized that it was the mob with Sprint's help and others believed that it was hackers penetrating Sprint's networks. It is my belief that Sprint security had no knowledge. In Orlando some hotels had Bellsouth serviced PBX systems, so the problem was not specific to Sprint networks. There is little doubt that hackers were involved; however, these were not gangs or renegades – this was, and still is, being done with the full knowledge and furtherance of some powerful people in the tourism and convention industry, and as much as I hate to say it – government (state and federal).
Las Vegas and Orlando do indeed have more in common than simply being convention destinations.
Hopefully this clears-up a few misinterpretations, but sorry – it is not yet time to let the cat out of the bag – this is an ongoing investigation.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Varied Motivations

Often in a conspiracy, especially one that is ongoing for an extensive length of time, the various players have different motivations for participation, though the order of business is usually the same. The escort service line-block conspiracy is no different. There are participants that, no doubt, believe that they represent good in the battle of good vs. evil, and some of these conspirators actually believe that they are helping their community. Other players are there for the common purpose of money and profit, and to be sure, some are far more ruthless than others. Many simply follow orders, but at the root of the conspiracy there are the planners and plotters. But make no mistake – each and every one of the cabal is a coconspirator and plays a part in the overall scheme.
In this particular scheme the players that bother me the most are the ones that have a blurred role and mission. It is when good crosses the line to evil and they work side-by-side on the same plan. Perhaps the early motivation was protection of the community in this conspirator's eyes, though at some point the person stepped over and took the money. This type bothers me far more than the original planners that made no effort to hide the money agenda. They were there for the big money and made this clear on all levels.
If I sound philosophical and as if I'm holding back here, it is because I am. I've been investigating this conspiracy for a very long time – 16 years at this point – and like anyone involved for such a length of time, I learn new things as I go along. The investigation is not concluded yet. I know more than I did last week when I first blogged on the topic. Some things that I learn shock even me, believe it or not. I am angrier than I was a week ago, though alarmed is probably a better description; possibly even scared, but not enough to go away.
I think I've finally developed a deeper understanding of what Jonathan, the concierge from the old Stouffer resort in Memoirs, meant when he stated: "It is too big. Nothing can be done. You must forget it Laura." That was in 1993, and obviously I have not forgotten it yet. The problem is that I can't forget it because of those that crossed over that line in the sand and changed the entire game. The plotters motivated by money are the least hated in my eyes. At this point they'd be intelligent to tie up their loose ends – the weak links that crossed over the line from good to evil – the pretenders. Evil is better understood when it is presented as it truly is.
The photo in this article is of a prison in the Bureau of Prisons. You figure it out.
Next: I am curious as to what is next myself.
In this particular scheme the players that bother me the most are the ones that have a blurred role and mission. It is when good crosses the line to evil and they work side-by-side on the same plan. Perhaps the early motivation was protection of the community in this conspirator's eyes, though at some point the person stepped over and took the money. This type bothers me far more than the original planners that made no effort to hide the money agenda. They were there for the big money and made this clear on all levels.
If I sound philosophical and as if I'm holding back here, it is because I am. I've been investigating this conspiracy for a very long time – 16 years at this point – and like anyone involved for such a length of time, I learn new things as I go along. The investigation is not concluded yet. I know more than I did last week when I first blogged on the topic. Some things that I learn shock even me, believe it or not. I am angrier than I was a week ago, though alarmed is probably a better description; possibly even scared, but not enough to go away.
I think I've finally developed a deeper understanding of what Jonathan, the concierge from the old Stouffer resort in Memoirs, meant when he stated: "It is too big. Nothing can be done. You must forget it Laura." That was in 1993, and obviously I have not forgotten it yet. The problem is that I can't forget it because of those that crossed over that line in the sand and changed the entire game. The plotters motivated by money are the least hated in my eyes. At this point they'd be intelligent to tie up their loose ends – the weak links that crossed over the line from good to evil – the pretenders. Evil is better understood when it is presented as it truly is.
The photo in this article is of a prison in the Bureau of Prisons. You figure it out.
Next: I am curious as to what is next myself.
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