This is only a quick intermission from the attorney stuff. I'll get back there soon.
Craigslist is set-up to be run by the community, and that community of your peers can easily flag your free classified ad down in no time flat. I have posted ads for my book, Memoirs of an Accused Madam: The War on Adult Business in Orlando, on the Orlando Craigslist on several occasions and each posting was removed so quickly that I never did get to view it live, though my account still showed the post as being live. It is a toss-up as to whether Craigslist never posted it to begin with or the so-called community of my peers flagged it down in lightening speed. It was gone before it was there.
If this is the fault of Craigslist, then shame on them. I have referred to Jim Buckmaster and this online classified website only in the best light in my book and in posts on this blog. I am well aware of what the MBI attempted to do to him. I always felt that Buckmaster was singled-out in the world of online advertising, and undeservingly so. If this is a community flagging problem, well these people are quick as the ad was not visible 30 minutes after it was posted. Unless the community of my peers is a gang of vengeful MBI agents this is not understandable. I envision 20 agents receiving an alert to flag the ad ASAP.
If it is really the community in Orlando doing this flagging, then what type of community is this? Are these flaggers people that despise books and enjoy censoring any writer that they are in disagreement with? For crying out loud – it is a damn book, and a factual book at that. Every page of it is non-fiction. Is this the same crowd that wants to clean-up the libraries, remove any controversial books, and send them to the bonfire?
Scary stuff.
Explicit prostitution ads last much longer than my book ad ever did. What does this reveal about the Orlando community or what is acceptable within the community? I will leave that to your imagination.
All the more reason to read my book.
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