For the time being it looks like the critics of Craigslist's adult services category have won. If you look on the Craigslist main page for any U.S. city, you'll see a block that states CENSORED where it used to state adult services. Being a longtime resident in the Orlando area, I am used to censorship, but most people in this country think that it's something that transpires in China. Welcome to my world. Read the article in WIRED.
From a legal standpoint the Craigslist critics didn't stand a chance – Jim Buckmaster proved that during the last bout with the state attorney generals that targeted the company. Still, the stories of two women that came forward stating that they were trafficked (marketed) by pimps on Craigslist shamed the company into eliminating the category for now. If the critics have their way, adult business will not exist in the United States.
One online ad publisher down and how many to go? If you're an independent escort or an escort business that survives by posting ads online, it is time to get your ducks in a row. I won't even state what the next target for censorship will be – if you're in the biz, you already know the answer. The good news is that sheriffs around the country, like Sheriff Grady Judd of Polk County, Florida, won't have anywhere to post their sting ads or search for targets.
It won't be too long before the industry goes underground in the U.S. as law enforcement officials around the nation rejoice and celebrate their victory. They don't realize what they've done yet, but then the ignorant parties are often the last to recognize what they've really accomplished in any situation. I'm sure not going to tell them.
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