There are few that haven't viewed the Collateral Murder video since it was first released by Wikileaks in April 2010. This video became evidence in the eyes of many, but others already knew that the actions of US soldiers in the video were nothing new in the fake War on Terror and actually were/are considered acceptable by much of our population here and encouraged and accepted by superior officers. I am in the category of already knew, so the video wasn't big news to me.
The diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks in Cablegate also held no surprises for me and I read through most. Perhaps this is due in part to my knowledge of U.S. foreign policy and perhaps it is due to the fact that I was not born and raised here and do not view U.S. interferences in the affairs of sovereign nation-states kindly.
As a matter of fact, I have a cousin that is or was an Apache pilot. I recall how proud his family was when he went to West Point and then later to a base in Georgia for training and on to Hawaii. Sean is my mother's nephew or brother's child, but my mother and her brother stopped speaking many years ago so all information was via a third relative. In the end all that I know is that his missions were top secret and the relative wouldn't even give my mother an address to contact him.
If there is still anyone out there that believes the U.S. invasion of Iraq was in any way justified, well, this reveals how many people wear blinders in this country. I didn't attend college until after the case, trial, and acquittal by jury – sure, I had some college credits from long ago, but didn't even attempt to transfer any so it was a complete fresh start. For undergraduate studies this was 2004-2007, and almost all of my courses were history or social science. Although most professors appreciated my enlightened perspective in relation to U.S. foreign policy and war, my fellow students did not. I came close to quitting more than once.
The strange thing (to me anyway) was the professors' refusal to correct the students or even encourage reality-based thought on the topics argued or discussed. You must realize that I couldn't discuss collateral murder without some emotion, right? So much for academic discourse. I even had one professor call me at home to say, “You can't say that.” Me: “It's the truth. Why can't it be stated for what it is?” Professor: “I know it's the truth, but you still can't say it to the rest of these students.”
He was a nice professor and I received “A” grades on all of my papers, as I did in all history and social science courses. While most of my professors found me to be a breath of fresh air, most also wanted me to shut-up. One professor that I thought hated me and my viewpoints ended-up giving me an “A+” on my final research paper. It was my final undergraduate class and that was the final paper and she described it as “graduate level research and writing.” A serious compliment, especially considering that she designed courses for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
So yes, I have known for many years that collateral murder is a daily occurrence in this War on Terror. I can do better than that: I knew it would be on September 11, 2001, before the day was over.
So exactly what type of scam is the Department of Defense (DoD) running on the less-enlightened in this country? Why, so many years later, are people still not screaming about it? What sort of fucking place is this where we must all pretend to be stupid to save the feelings of war profiteers? Who gives a flying leap what they feel? Not me.
IF Pfc. Bradley Manning released the video and the diplomatic cables to Wikileaks he is the lone hero in the War on Terror in my eyes. His life is on the line and these morons and war profiteers are being allowed to crush him mentally and physically while so many sit on the sidelines and watch. They so fear what Bradley Manning will say concerning his treatment by military personnel that they deny Congressman Dennis Kucinich an unmonitored meeting with him.
Kucinich is a Member of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, yet he was threatened that he would later be subpoenaed to testify as to the content of any conversation with Manning. In my opinion, Kucinich should have a real conversation with Brad Manning about his treatment and demand equal rights to record. It should then be played on every news station in the country so the rest of the population can no longer deny, deny, and deny some more.
These stupid morons should not be allowed to deny the obvious. This horrible war game they play should be finished, kaput, ended immediately and Brad Manning should receive recognition and a hero's welcome IF he did it. Obviously they all believe he did it, so what is their excuse? The only plausible reasoning is that they all appreciate and encourage collateral murder; every damn one of them.
Read the full article: Kucinich describes “Kafkaesque” experience with DoD over Manning
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