The office of National Drug Policy is now considering the abuse of prescription drugs the fastest growing drug problem in the nation considering the alarming nationwide statistics which have become epidemic.
In order to properly dispose off the excess prescribed medication in medicine cabinets, Bucks and Montgomery counties in the state of Pennsylvania have decided to participate in a prescription drug "take-back” program which has been established to collect and dispose of the public’s left over prescription pills, in order to prevent their abuse.
Melanie Swanson, a prevention specialist with the Council of Southeastern Pennsylvania, hoped that this year’s “take back” program would just as successful as last years; hoping the program would help put an end to the abuse of dangerously accessible prescription pills in the community.
For more information on Pennsylvania teen prescription drug abuse and prescription drug addiction treatment visit Inspirations Teen Rehab @ http://www.inspirationsyouth.com/Teen-Rehab-Pennsylvania.asp
Inspirations is an specialized treatment center for adolescents, providing addiction prevention programs as well as treatment and aftercare services for teens who are struggling with drug addiction. For those teens that have moved beyond drug abuse, Inspirations’ teen drug rehab provides recovery that meets teenagers at their place in life. In designing our teen addiction treatment programs, emphasis has been put on helping the teen and family establish recovery and learn the life skills necessary for the teen reach personal goals, academic goals, gain the insight and ability to hold one’s self accountable for decisions and actions, as well as capable of making appropriate choices, living a life without the impairment of drugs.
Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away.
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237
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