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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Manhattan Incall Operator stuck in Rikers for now

The case of Anna Gristina is an interesting story with potential for many additional charges if we are to believe the short statements from the Manhattan ADA involved in prosecuting the case. There is no reason not to believe anything stated, but at this point the Manhattan District Attorney has yet to issue any news release and anything stated is quoted by reporters listening in court hearings.

Apparently there is an unnamed co-defendant involved and at least one informant that was working with Gristina's operation. Oh - and there's wiretaps involved to cement the case in court if necessary. Nothing like bragging about making $millions from a business when you haven't bothered to file taxes in many years. For all we know, Anna Gristina could be a braggart that boasts of non-existent accomplishments. The problem here is that she also openly bragged about her police connections. Nothing like a big corruption case to get the wheels rolling... and nothing like telling people you plan to flee the country at the first sign of problems.

At this point Gristina has only been indicted on the one count of promoting prostitution. Jason Itzler would laugh. What, no "enterprise corruption" charge or something relating to the minor(s) involved that the ADA alleges? The many allegations in this case are serious, but the one count charged not so much in comparison. Are they waiting for her to break and spill it all in a deal to get out of Rikers? From what I have heard of the place, it's likely that she will fall in step to save her ass.

According to the news, Gristina was running an incall brothel and I admit to having little to zero knowledge of how such operations work. I do know that the only place in the US that this would be legal is in a list of Nevada counties.

Various news articles also state that she was arrested while visiting with a "banker friend" to discuss going online with her business. I guess I'm naive about that too as I thought every business was online these days. It must have been a 'word of mouth' type of set-up wherein one person recommends another. I also thought that most people understood the concept of wiretaps and how easy it is for law enforcement to get them these days. Who in their right mind has discussions like those described on a telephone today? Hell, I rarely even speak on telephones.


Woman Charged as Madam has Powerful Ties, Prosecutor Tells Judge

Accused NYC Madam was Building Online Dating Service: Defense Lawyer 

Judge keeps bail at $2M for mom alleged to be running hooker ring

High-end madam busted for running upper East Side brothel is a suburban mom with 4 children

So what is the Manhattan DA after in this case? Are they searching for money hidden or for corrupt police connections or clients or all of the stated? In time all will be revealed.

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