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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Whatever Happened to Ann?

In the book her name was Ann, but in reality she uses several different names, none of which is Ann. The Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation (MBI) referred to her as a witness for the state, though she witnessed nothing and simply made-up whatever the main case agent deemed fitting to the situation, so that she might weasel her way out of a credit card related mess in relation to her own escort services. Today her names are Theresa Ann Isaacs, Theresa Ann Ryssdal, Terri Rysdal, Terri Ann Raines, Theresa Ann Raines – and she's left a path of destruction and fraud through the State of Florida.

During my case she was in the appeals process of a DUI that left one woman in a wheelchair, but never had to serve the six month sentence that the Brevard County judge handed down. No, it was not overturned on appeal – Terri simply failed to appear when she was supposed to turn herself in. My investigation prior to trial revealed that Terri dialed 911/police over 160 times in just over a two-year period. She called the police on escorts that worked for her own agency, clients of her agency, her next door neighbors, a guy that she called out to detail her vehicle, her mother, her boyfriends, and then she called the police on one officer that refused to take one of her complaints, claiming that he "touched her ass". Terri called the police on anyone that got in her path, and that included me and my co-defendant, Rocky. The main case agent claims that he believed her, and still claimed this long after my trial. Was he living on Pluto?

After the trial I discovered that Terri had several warrants. One was the failure to appear to serve her six month jail sentence. One was for failure to appear for a "possession of cocaine" charge. And then there was a brand new one, for 23 counts of "theft, forgery, fraud" – the catch was that the case existed prior to my trial – the State of Florida had simply hidden it under a rock somewhere. Dusty (from the book) and I found out that Terri was working as a waitress at the Island Barbeque, on Merritt Island, and of course we went directly to the Brevard County Sheriff's Office with the information. Her bond was $250,000, and the deputies took her out in handcuffs in the middle of the lunch rush. She sat in jail for almost a week when someone (from the state no doubt) came to her rescue, the bond was reduced to 10K, and she made a deal for 3 years probation with adjudication withheld on all counts. She was released from that probation in 1 year.

I thought ole Terri had disappeared after she showed-up at my door attempting to entice my son when I was gone to work one evening, but no, she just changed names. She has a new criminal traffic case, a foreclosure, attempted to place an injunction against some woman in Melbourne, a criminal case lien in Escambia County in the Florida panhandle, and various civil judgments under her various names with varied spellings – but it's Terri. Indeed, she was of substantial assistance to the state and the feds – and now she is allowed to commit fraud related to credit and mortgages in several counties under various names, while being in arrears on child support. The State of Florida, and the MBI, must be absolutely ecstatic to refer to this piece of work as an informant and witness.

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