Dusty handwrote this statement and had it notarized on the way to the courthouse the day that she was finally called by the State of Florida to testify. The notary was subpoenaed on the same day, and immediately after Dusty's testimony. I have transcribed it precisely as she wrote it from my own copy. It is Orange County, Florida Circuit Court Case No. 2001-CF-015492-A, as outlined in my previous post and in Memoirs.
To: Honorable Judge Anthony Johnson Jan. 12, 2003
OSWP Case# 2001-0070-CFD Vicky Lynn Gallas
From: Suzanne Irmischer Redfern
Your honor I was called to testify in regards to the above case # by the State of Florida.
I met agent Brant Rose at the Grand Hyatt Hotel at Orlando International Airport two to three weeks before my arrest in March of 1996. At the time I had no idea that he was an agent or worked for the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation. It was a Full Service call. It was on a Monday between the hours of 11:00AM – 2:00PM. When I arrived I walked into the room he asked me how much. I told him $160 per hour. He then offered me $100 extra not to use protection. I was offended. After we settled our dispute either "my way or the highway" I stayed for 20 minutes and left with $160.
I then came down with a bad case of bronchitis and didn't come back to Orlando to work for two to three weeks.
My first date back to work was the night of my arrest in March of 1996. Vicky phoned me to know a man that went by the name Tim Moody from Arkansas was in town working for Martin Marietta staying at a condo off Curry Ford Road. Shortly after I arrived I was arrested by Agent Paul Winsett. SWAT unit was hiding in garage. They came in undercover with black masks. To my surprise there behind the mask was my Last date that I ran into at the Grand Hyatt Hotel. So now I knew he worked for M.B.I. but I still had no idea who he was since he had used an alias on our first meeting.
June 2000
I awoke late afternoon to find a subpoena in my door jam from an Agent Eddie Byrons [FDLE Agent Eddy Baron] to report to M.B.I. office in late June early July of 2000. I did as requested.
I was escorted to an interrogation room with Eddie Byrons [Eddy Baron]. Shortly after Agent Brant Rose entered room and formally introduced himself. I replied I know who you are. You've lost a lot of weight since the last time I saw you and he thanked me for compliment. He then questioned me about my A.T.&T. cell phone and why I had it turned off?
My answer: I was offered a better deal with Bellsouth.
Then he started asking me questions about Vicky Gallas, her business etc. – I explained that I hadn't spoken to Vicky in 2 years. (If he was monitoring my phone he would have known this). I really didn't have the answers he wanted. Then he starts asking me questions that I answered the night of my arrest. He explained that he didn't want me, he wanted Vicky and that the witness subpoena would protect me. I explained I couldn't give him information that I really didn't have because we weren't in contact.
I did phone her once after I received the witness subpoena to find out what was going on. She explained she had placed a complaint with someone at M.B.I. other than that no idea. So there I was, Brant Rose continued to ask me questions like how many times I had sex on my dates etc.--- I thought the questions were more personal than professional and I told him so.
He then started threatening me that if I didn't answer his questions that he would put me in jail. It would be 30 days before I would see a judge and if I still didn't answer they could hold me up to 90 days.
These were questions asked the night of my arrest in March 1996. It was crazy. Then it was brought up again my witness subpoena would protect me from prosecution. That's when I told Mr. Rose the snake story I heard while watching Church one Sunday. A preacher went to an Indian Reservation to try and convert the Indians to Christianity. He was conversing with the Indian Chief about traditions and how when your confirmed your considered an adult in the Christian faith. The Indian Chief explained that there tradition is to take a brave and put him into the forest from full moon to full moon and when he returned he was considered a man.
Well they took a brave and put him into the forest by a strong rushing stream. The fish were jumping, there were tall pine trees, tall mountains and on the tallest mountain there was a snow cap. The brave having time to kill decided to climb the mountain and touch the snow. When he reached the top of the mountain out crawled a snake saying Help me! Help me! to the brave. If you leave me up here I'll freeze to death and surely die. Please take me to the bottom of the mountain for I don't have legs to carry me. The brave said I will not you will bite me and fill me with your poison and I will surely die. The snake replied would I do that to such a friend that would do me the honor of saving my life? So with a lot of haggling on the snakes part the Indian picked up the snake and put him in his coat and started down the mountain. When he reached the bottom the Indian took the snake out of his jacket turned to walk away and BAMM the snake bites the Indian. The Indian then turns looks at the snake and said but you promised! And the snake replied you knew what I was when you picked me up.
Mr. Rose sat for a moment to think about what I had just said. Got angry told me he didn't want to hear any more stories and stormed out of the interrogation room. Agent Paul Winsett came in and told me my rights. I explained that I didn't have the information that Mr. Rose wanted. I hadn't spoken to Miss Gallas in almost 2 years. Then Mr. Winsett walked me out.
Then all was quiet until late August 2001. I received a phone call from Miss Gallas informing me that one of her girls was detained by Brant Rose, then he stated my name to girl named Kelly and did she know Susan Redfern and that I no longer work in Orlando because I have AIDS and did she know who I was. My answer to Vicky was I wonder who or what gave him that idea. 3 days later I received a call from a client telling me he had phoned "All Angelas," spoke to Terri Isaacs who claimed "her cop buddy told her I have AIDS." No wonder my phones stopped ringing! Well it just so happened that I had just gone to the health department for a 6 month check and the results were negative. So Vicky and I knew that Terri was in contact with Brant Rose. Vicky closed Valentines September 2001. We spoke that day she phoned to let me know. We spoke again sometime in October and then again after her arrest in November.
Sometime in the beginning of December 2001 Mr. Brant Rose came with a witness subpoena for a deposition December 20th 2001. He delivered the subpoena himself along with a Brevard County Sheriff Officer to my door. The date from Hell is also a witness in this case and asking me questions?
I contacted an attorney John Natori from Orlando, told him all the above story. He was busy on the 20th and asked to postpone the depo until after Christmas – John Craft refused! Mr. Natori referred me to James Craner who came with me to depo on Dec. 20th. I also explained all of the above story to him as well as Robert Mihalek's attorney at the time Ken Weaver.
I arrived on Dec. 20th 2001 with my attorney James Craner who was not allowed to speak or advise me. Mr. Craft stated that I would be given 30 years if I didn't answer his questions. What kind of justice is this? I'm afraid of these people that's why I brought an attorney. I have turned off all my phones and have lived in fear for the past year. I took a job where I worked 7 nights a week so no one could say I was elsewhere to discredit me as a witness for this case. I have sat outside in your hallway all week everyday – Monday – Thursday to testify.
Oh and one last thought to ponder. Tuesday afternoon Mr. Rose was sitting in hallway. I was there with my friend. I started a conversation with Mr. Rose but not pertaining to case. Towards end of conversation he mentioned that he would be over in Brevard [County] working the Boardroom case and staying at the Radisson at the Port? after this case was over? Now why would a special agent want me to know where he would be staying? I wonder?
Thank you your honor for taking the time to read my statement.
Suzanne Irmischer Redfern
[Notary information]
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Trial Surprise
In Memoirs of an Accused Madam: The War on Adult Business in Orlando, chapter eight (8) is entitled: "From the Defendant's Perspective: A Bizarre Trial." Towards the end of the chapter I discuss the situation that occurred when Dusty was forced by the State of Florida to testify. Prosecutors subpoenaed her and demanded that she be present in the hallway from the moment the trial began on Monday, January 6, 2003, until they finally decided to call her to the stand on Monday afternoon, January 13th. That was their mistake.
What prosecutors didn't consider is the level of anger that she had reached by the time that they called her. Well, on Sunday evening before her testimony, Dusty handwrote a lengthy letter to the judge and then followed-up by having it notarized on her way to court on Monday morning. The act of notarizing the statement transformed it into a sworn affidavit.
I had no idea what Dusty included in the letter, and as the later investigation by prosecutors revealed, played no part whatsoever in her making the statement. In the investigation that followed her testimony, Florida's Office of Statewide Prosecution even subpoenaed the notary public that had notarized this document, and then investigated every allegation in it. The results of the investigation were hidden, at least from the defense, and shortly thereafter the file disappeared in its entirety from the Orange County Clerk of Court's office. The case is Case No. 2001-CF-015492-A. My co-defendant's (Rocky and Beth) case numbers are the same except that the letters at the end are "B" and "C" respectively.
The only thing that I know concerning the end result of the investigation is that Dusty was not charged with perjury and was not approached by prosecutors or any agent of the State of Florida again in relation to my case.
The jury was immediately sent out of the courtroom – the moment that Dusty handed the envelope with the sworn affidavit to the judge as she sat on the stand. So the jury never did get to see a copy of this affidavit and my attorney, Stephen Wolverton, was not allowed to refer to it when the he cross-examined Dusty. As I stated in Memoirs, after she presented the affidavit her testimony was quickly concluded by the examining prosecutor.
Circuit Court Judge Anthony Johnson's clerk was instructed to make copies of the affidavit for the judge, the file, the defense, and the prosecutors, so this is not a secret document by any stretch of the imagination. It did disappear with the rest of the documents in the file. The file was 3 overstuffed volumes, perhaps 6-8 inches of papers in each volume. After the disappearance from the clerk's office, the recreated file contained only some documents from the prosecutor's office, and of course this sworn affidavit was among the many missing documents. Soon the recreated file disappeared also. Today there is a file consisting of 1 volume that is 1 to 1 ½ inches thick.
I do have in my possession most documents from the original file. I have several copies of the sworn affidavit submitted by Dusty. She also gave a copy to Local News 6 investigative reporter Tony Pipitone; however, the station did not use it in their documentary on the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation. When the documentary was made back in 2003, the MBI former director exerted pressure on any news outlet. Before long the show disappeared from the station's website, but of course I have a copy of the tape that was mailed to me by Tony Pipitone. A copy of the affidavit was also given to an investigative reporter with the Orlando Weekly, but the newspaper didn't use it in their 10-page story about the MBI, "The Morality Police," by William Dean Hinton. In fact, no news outlet actually listed the correct charges that I was on trial for, or included any of the really incriminating facts concerning the MBI.
I also have all court hearings and the entire trial on CDs and obviously could prove anything that I state regarding my trial and the court hearings. I so tire of being discredited – like with the 2 reviewers of my book that state it is not believable and assert that I deserved it all. The last reviewer is clearly from the law enforcement profession – perhaps actively or perhaps retired. The MBI has friends in Tennessee – they filmed shows together on Spike TV that they also sell on Amazon.
As stated in Memoirs, I stand by all that I stated – it is a non-fiction book, and I categorized it as "true crime" with subcategories of "criminals," "criminology," and "organized crime" as the agents were the criminals that operated as an organized criminal group.
I did not include a copy of this sworn affidavit in Memoirs, though I am not sure why, except perhaps for the same reasons that I gave all of the agents of the state aliases. This case is a matter of public record and any document in the files can indeed be posted herein, published in a book, or published on the internet; regardless that the guilty parties stole the file from the courthouse. I am finished being the patsy that covers their identities to protect their privacy. Not one ever had any concern for my privacy. Today almost all involved agents are retired care of Florida taxpayers.
The next posting on this blog is the infamous sworn affidavit.
Dusty was always Dusty to me, from the moment that I met her, but her real name is Suzanne Irmischer Redfern. Suzanne was a great friend and she died on March 3, 2008.
Rest in Peace Suzanne
February 1, 1958 – March 3, 2008
What prosecutors didn't consider is the level of anger that she had reached by the time that they called her. Well, on Sunday evening before her testimony, Dusty handwrote a lengthy letter to the judge and then followed-up by having it notarized on her way to court on Monday morning. The act of notarizing the statement transformed it into a sworn affidavit.
I had no idea what Dusty included in the letter, and as the later investigation by prosecutors revealed, played no part whatsoever in her making the statement. In the investigation that followed her testimony, Florida's Office of Statewide Prosecution even subpoenaed the notary public that had notarized this document, and then investigated every allegation in it. The results of the investigation were hidden, at least from the defense, and shortly thereafter the file disappeared in its entirety from the Orange County Clerk of Court's office. The case is Case No. 2001-CF-015492-A. My co-defendant's (Rocky and Beth) case numbers are the same except that the letters at the end are "B" and "C" respectively.
The only thing that I know concerning the end result of the investigation is that Dusty was not charged with perjury and was not approached by prosecutors or any agent of the State of Florida again in relation to my case.
The jury was immediately sent out of the courtroom – the moment that Dusty handed the envelope with the sworn affidavit to the judge as she sat on the stand. So the jury never did get to see a copy of this affidavit and my attorney, Stephen Wolverton, was not allowed to refer to it when the he cross-examined Dusty. As I stated in Memoirs, after she presented the affidavit her testimony was quickly concluded by the examining prosecutor.
Circuit Court Judge Anthony Johnson's clerk was instructed to make copies of the affidavit for the judge, the file, the defense, and the prosecutors, so this is not a secret document by any stretch of the imagination. It did disappear with the rest of the documents in the file. The file was 3 overstuffed volumes, perhaps 6-8 inches of papers in each volume. After the disappearance from the clerk's office, the recreated file contained only some documents from the prosecutor's office, and of course this sworn affidavit was among the many missing documents. Soon the recreated file disappeared also. Today there is a file consisting of 1 volume that is 1 to 1 ½ inches thick.
I do have in my possession most documents from the original file. I have several copies of the sworn affidavit submitted by Dusty. She also gave a copy to Local News 6 investigative reporter Tony Pipitone; however, the station did not use it in their documentary on the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation. When the documentary was made back in 2003, the MBI former director exerted pressure on any news outlet. Before long the show disappeared from the station's website, but of course I have a copy of the tape that was mailed to me by Tony Pipitone. A copy of the affidavit was also given to an investigative reporter with the Orlando Weekly, but the newspaper didn't use it in their 10-page story about the MBI, "The Morality Police," by William Dean Hinton. In fact, no news outlet actually listed the correct charges that I was on trial for, or included any of the really incriminating facts concerning the MBI.
I also have all court hearings and the entire trial on CDs and obviously could prove anything that I state regarding my trial and the court hearings. I so tire of being discredited – like with the 2 reviewers of my book that state it is not believable and assert that I deserved it all. The last reviewer is clearly from the law enforcement profession – perhaps actively or perhaps retired. The MBI has friends in Tennessee – they filmed shows together on Spike TV that they also sell on Amazon.
As stated in Memoirs, I stand by all that I stated – it is a non-fiction book, and I categorized it as "true crime" with subcategories of "criminals," "criminology," and "organized crime" as the agents were the criminals that operated as an organized criminal group.
I did not include a copy of this sworn affidavit in Memoirs, though I am not sure why, except perhaps for the same reasons that I gave all of the agents of the state aliases. This case is a matter of public record and any document in the files can indeed be posted herein, published in a book, or published on the internet; regardless that the guilty parties stole the file from the courthouse. I am finished being the patsy that covers their identities to protect their privacy. Not one ever had any concern for my privacy. Today almost all involved agents are retired care of Florida taxpayers.
The next posting on this blog is the infamous sworn affidavit.
Dusty was always Dusty to me, from the moment that I met her, but her real name is Suzanne Irmischer Redfern. Suzanne was a great friend and she died on March 3, 2008.
Rest in Peace Suzanne
February 1, 1958 – March 3, 2008
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The Conspiracy Charge
This is written from a defendant perspective and is not a legal guide, and no, that is not a disclaimer, but I do want the reader to understand where the point of view is derived. Some statements may be in disagreement with legal viewpoints, so don't bother to quote case law as it is immaterial herein, and chances are great that I am already aware.
Though the charging of a conspiracy has earlier roots in history, the modern use began with the War on Drugs and drug conspiracy charges. It is an available statute that is frequently misused and abused by state and federal prosecutors. I know this for fact as I was charged and tried for the Florida statutes: Racketeering (RICO), F.S. 895.03(3) and Conspiracy to Commit Racketeering (RICO), F.S. 895.03 (4).
Florida Statute 895.03(3) states:
“It is unlawful for any person employed by, or associated with, any enterprise to conduct or participate, directly or indirectly, in such enterprise through a pattern of racketeering activity or the collection of an unlawful debt.”
Florida Statute 895.03 (4) states:
“It is unlawful for any person to conspire or endeavor to violate any of the provisions of subsection (1), subsection (2), or subsection (3).”
I did rip apart the "racketeering" basis of the charge in Memoirs, but never really gutted the "conspiracy" allegations. I had 2 co-defendants – Rocky and Beth – and each pled guilty to the conspiracy charge (F.S. 895.04(4)). One part of the plea agreement that each entered into was to testify against me in court concerning our alleged conspiracy. The other parts involved helping agents and prosecutors develop other cases (setting other people up). Prosecutors never did call Rocky to testify for a variety of reasons, but while sitting in jail with "no bond" after our arrest, he made a lengthy and wild statement. The day that he made his statement, after spending almost 3 months in jail without a bond, he was given a $20K bond and released, a violation of the United States Constitution. The bond was an undocumented part of his plea deal.
At the base of Rocky's jailhouse statement was that he was my partner and we were in business together. The root of the entire case was an informant's statement (Theresa Isaacs/Ryssdal/Raines) that she knew that Rocky and I were in business together, and even a claim that Rocky had introduced her to me. So what agents and prosecutors did was have Rocky confirm the informant's statement after our arrest. Indeed it was a baseless allegation, but then informants make-up crap for prosecutors and agents every minute of every day in this country. It is how the system works.
Ironically, the truth as to where I met Theresa was far worse to me at that point in time. But guess what? When I testified in my defense, prosecutors did not ask the question. They knew better than to go there. By the time we reached trial, time limitations had set in and I couldn't possibly be included in the federal mess – it was too late to turn back that clock and have their informant (Theresa) and my co-defendant change their statements. When they directed Theresa to make the statement that she did to begin with, they had already reached the point of no return, and that was ten months before my arrest.
I actually met Theresa through a woman named Judy (Kathy in Memoirs) in Miami. The evil part of this is that agents and prosecutors were all too aware of exactly how Theresa met me, but chose to charge me as they did because it was more of a case than it would have been to try and include me in the federal mess. So Theresa lied and they all knew it. Florida's Office of Statewide Prosecution was working with feds prosecuting "the Circuit" case with its Miami roots. "The Circuit" case was a huge federal mess, and Theresa was at the center, though none of the defendants ever knew that as each pleaded guilty to one charge or another.
So there was my poor drugged co-defendant in the Orange County, Florida jail unknowingly cementing his own conspiracy conviction. Yes, he was on a lengthy list of psychotropic drugs while in the jail, prescribed by the State's psychiatrist.
We all know that they couldn't have all of that come out in a courtroom during trial, so prosecutors never called Rocky to testify. The next irony was that prosecutors claimed at his sentencing hearing that he didn't complete his plea deal by testifying against me and requested, and received, a 36 month prison sentence and 10 years of felony probation upon release. Of course they also received the fines and costs of $26K and poor Rocky still has 5 more years of felony probation and is still making his monthly payments.
When a conspiracy is charged alleging that 2 parties are in business together, any acts committed by one of the parties is attributed to the other. So what I got in the end was a bunch of idiotic escorts that worked for Rocky's business simply testifying as to how he did business, things he stated to them, and specific situations between each of the escorts and Rocky. I never knew any of them, but in a charged conspiracy this is entirely immaterial.
That is what a conspiracy charge can do for prosecutors, and in my case, the basis of the charge was false to begin with; a fact known by all agents and prosecutors.
Do you get it? Apply this concept to War on Drugs and War on Terror cases for the complete picture.
Though the charging of a conspiracy has earlier roots in history, the modern use began with the War on Drugs and drug conspiracy charges. It is an available statute that is frequently misused and abused by state and federal prosecutors. I know this for fact as I was charged and tried for the Florida statutes: Racketeering (RICO), F.S. 895.03(3) and Conspiracy to Commit Racketeering (RICO), F.S. 895.03 (4).
Florida Statute 895.03(3) states:
“It is unlawful for any person employed by, or associated with, any enterprise to conduct or participate, directly or indirectly, in such enterprise through a pattern of racketeering activity or the collection of an unlawful debt.”
Florida Statute 895.03 (4) states:
“It is unlawful for any person to conspire or endeavor to violate any of the provisions of subsection (1), subsection (2), or subsection (3).”
I did rip apart the "racketeering" basis of the charge in Memoirs, but never really gutted the "conspiracy" allegations. I had 2 co-defendants – Rocky and Beth – and each pled guilty to the conspiracy charge (F.S. 895.04(4)). One part of the plea agreement that each entered into was to testify against me in court concerning our alleged conspiracy. The other parts involved helping agents and prosecutors develop other cases (setting other people up). Prosecutors never did call Rocky to testify for a variety of reasons, but while sitting in jail with "no bond" after our arrest, he made a lengthy and wild statement. The day that he made his statement, after spending almost 3 months in jail without a bond, he was given a $20K bond and released, a violation of the United States Constitution. The bond was an undocumented part of his plea deal.
At the base of Rocky's jailhouse statement was that he was my partner and we were in business together. The root of the entire case was an informant's statement (Theresa Isaacs/Ryssdal/Raines) that she knew that Rocky and I were in business together, and even a claim that Rocky had introduced her to me. So what agents and prosecutors did was have Rocky confirm the informant's statement after our arrest. Indeed it was a baseless allegation, but then informants make-up crap for prosecutors and agents every minute of every day in this country. It is how the system works.
Ironically, the truth as to where I met Theresa was far worse to me at that point in time. But guess what? When I testified in my defense, prosecutors did not ask the question. They knew better than to go there. By the time we reached trial, time limitations had set in and I couldn't possibly be included in the federal mess – it was too late to turn back that clock and have their informant (Theresa) and my co-defendant change their statements. When they directed Theresa to make the statement that she did to begin with, they had already reached the point of no return, and that was ten months before my arrest.
I actually met Theresa through a woman named Judy (Kathy in Memoirs) in Miami. The evil part of this is that agents and prosecutors were all too aware of exactly how Theresa met me, but chose to charge me as they did because it was more of a case than it would have been to try and include me in the federal mess. So Theresa lied and they all knew it. Florida's Office of Statewide Prosecution was working with feds prosecuting "the Circuit" case with its Miami roots. "The Circuit" case was a huge federal mess, and Theresa was at the center, though none of the defendants ever knew that as each pleaded guilty to one charge or another.
So there was my poor drugged co-defendant in the Orange County, Florida jail unknowingly cementing his own conspiracy conviction. Yes, he was on a lengthy list of psychotropic drugs while in the jail, prescribed by the State's psychiatrist.
We all know that they couldn't have all of that come out in a courtroom during trial, so prosecutors never called Rocky to testify. The next irony was that prosecutors claimed at his sentencing hearing that he didn't complete his plea deal by testifying against me and requested, and received, a 36 month prison sentence and 10 years of felony probation upon release. Of course they also received the fines and costs of $26K and poor Rocky still has 5 more years of felony probation and is still making his monthly payments.
When a conspiracy is charged alleging that 2 parties are in business together, any acts committed by one of the parties is attributed to the other. So what I got in the end was a bunch of idiotic escorts that worked for Rocky's business simply testifying as to how he did business, things he stated to them, and specific situations between each of the escorts and Rocky. I never knew any of them, but in a charged conspiracy this is entirely immaterial.
That is what a conspiracy charge can do for prosecutors, and in my case, the basis of the charge was false to begin with; a fact known by all agents and prosecutors.
Do you get it? Apply this concept to War on Drugs and War on Terror cases for the complete picture.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Justice is an Illusion
Justice is most often elusive today. The U.S. criminal justice system has never been perfect, though prior to the enactment of the USA Patriot Act on October 26, 2001, it was one of the better systems in the world. At least one could go through life with the illusion that it ranked right up there with the best before that date, whether it was true or not. Today our justice system falls in rank to one of the worst in the Western world.
The Bush administration brought us deserved disdain from around the world. This outspoken contempt didn't last long though, and they all quickly backed-off. After all, the potential financial sanctions that the U.S. could dish out serve a purpose. Bush told the world: "Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists." The rest of the world got the message. Remember when we had dolts running around boycotting France? As if the French people care about our "french fries"! What they did care about was the boycotting of French wines and France. Yes, it all served its purpose with the followers and worst idiots at the front of the line.
I am not a religious person, but I am spiritual and I do believe it reincarnation. I believe that organized religion serves to divide humanity. Throughout history one organized religion or another has been targeted. Muslims are the target du jour at this point in history; in this decade and this will clearly continue for at least the next decade. I have often not understood why more Muslims do not speak out against the targeting of their own and of the invasion and occupation of nation-states dominated by those of the Islamic faith. Indeed many do, but obviously not enough or the target practice would have already been discontinued.
You must stand-up to the bully, or the bully will always win. Attempting to placate the bully will never help. This is something that I learned from the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation (MBI). The MBI bullied every adult business (gambling, slots, bingo, escort services, massage parlors, adult clubs, rave clubs etc...) in the metro Orlando area by threatening everyone, from the owners to the workers, with racketeering charges and decades in prison. This agency tossed around the word "racketeering" as if they were tossing a salad. The worst part was that they followed-up on all of this and these were not mere threats. Still, all crumbled in their hands like croutons in that salad.
Today this is transpiring in the War on Terror. One person in this decade that has fought the bully at each attack is Dr. Sami Al-Arian. A federal jury acquitted Al-Arian on some counts and deadlocked on all other counts. The jury did not convict on any count. He has been a political prisoner – yes, we have this in the U.S. too – since 2003 and under house arrest since September of 2008. There are many others that fought for their rights in this War on Terror, but most tumble in the end through no fault of their own.
Several other cases stand out in the war, mainly because few victim-defendants take it to trial and are found not guilty by a jury. Most are charged with "material support to terrorism" under the USA Patriot Act. When the U.S. government loses – watch out – this is the worst of the sore losers that you will ever encounter in life. The DOJ takes the statement "payback is hell" to new extremes in the War on Terror.
Cases that stand out in the crowd:
Youssef Megahed – Acquitted by a federal jury in Tampa in April of 2009. Retribution was quick and ICE arrested Mr. Megahed, with the goal of deporting him, several days after his acquittal. Several jurors on the federal jury wrote statements protesting his re-arrest by ICE. An immigration judge tossed out the case and released him in August 2009. His co-defendant pled guilty in the federal case. Megahed fought the great fight, and won.
Lyglenson Lemorin – One of the "Miami 7 - Sears Tower plot" that was actually engineered by the FBI and an informant. The entire case was a farce. The government should be ashamed – very ashamed. The federal jury in Miami acquitted Lemorin and deadlocked on his co-defendants in December of 2007. Lemorin was immediately arrested by ICE, but has not been as lucky as Megahed. I know that he was not released by the immigration judge; however, I cannot find any further information. Most likely he is in a secret ICE camp.
Naudimar Herrera – One of the remaining "Miami 6 - Sears Tower plot" defendants. Later they became known as the "Liberty City Six". He was acquitted by the jury in May 2009 on the government's third try! Trial number three worked for Herrera; however, the jury convicted his five co-defendants. Mr. Herrera endured 3 federal trials, two of which ended in a deadlock, and was acquitted. He was not attacked by the government after it was all over, and he spends much of his time attempting to help his former co-defendants. This is one man that I'd like to meet…
Muhammad Salah and Abdelhaleem Ashqar – Both were acquitted by a federal jury in Chicago in February of 2007 on a racketeering charge; however, were convicted on an obstruction of justice charge. They were accused of being a part of a 15-year long conspiracy to finance Hamas. Both were college professors at one time.
Sami Omar Al-Hussayen – A federal jury in Idaho acquitted this Saudi graduate computer science student and webmaster on all counts in June 2004. This case was an inspiration and an early defeat of the USA Patriot Act. This was truly the test case and the trial took place while Bush was still popular with much of the U.S. population. They lost, Al-Hussayen won, and justice prevailed! When it was all over he was deported, but I'd imagine that this was a non-issue to him at that point.
I am sure that there are cases in the U.S. courts resulting in acquittals that I am unaware of, though this list is of cases that I saw in the news as they transpired and applauded the defendants for their strength in fighting the unjust prosecutions. There is a lengthy list of cases from other countries that have resulted in acquittals. Most convictions in the War on Terror cases are prosecuted with the flimsiest evidence imaginable and most defendants plead guilty out of fear more than anything else. When you think about it the War on Drugs is similar when the "conspiracy" charge is utilized in prosecution.
More on the "conspiracy" charge in the near future.
Once in a while justice does prevail in the United States.
The Bush administration brought us deserved disdain from around the world. This outspoken contempt didn't last long though, and they all quickly backed-off. After all, the potential financial sanctions that the U.S. could dish out serve a purpose. Bush told the world: "Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists." The rest of the world got the message. Remember when we had dolts running around boycotting France? As if the French people care about our "french fries"! What they did care about was the boycotting of French wines and France. Yes, it all served its purpose with the followers and worst idiots at the front of the line.
I am not a religious person, but I am spiritual and I do believe it reincarnation. I believe that organized religion serves to divide humanity. Throughout history one organized religion or another has been targeted. Muslims are the target du jour at this point in history; in this decade and this will clearly continue for at least the next decade. I have often not understood why more Muslims do not speak out against the targeting of their own and of the invasion and occupation of nation-states dominated by those of the Islamic faith. Indeed many do, but obviously not enough or the target practice would have already been discontinued.
You must stand-up to the bully, or the bully will always win. Attempting to placate the bully will never help. This is something that I learned from the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation (MBI). The MBI bullied every adult business (gambling, slots, bingo, escort services, massage parlors, adult clubs, rave clubs etc...) in the metro Orlando area by threatening everyone, from the owners to the workers, with racketeering charges and decades in prison. This agency tossed around the word "racketeering" as if they were tossing a salad. The worst part was that they followed-up on all of this and these were not mere threats. Still, all crumbled in their hands like croutons in that salad.
Today this is transpiring in the War on Terror. One person in this decade that has fought the bully at each attack is Dr. Sami Al-Arian. A federal jury acquitted Al-Arian on some counts and deadlocked on all other counts. The jury did not convict on any count. He has been a political prisoner – yes, we have this in the U.S. too – since 2003 and under house arrest since September of 2008. There are many others that fought for their rights in this War on Terror, but most tumble in the end through no fault of their own.
Several other cases stand out in the war, mainly because few victim-defendants take it to trial and are found not guilty by a jury. Most are charged with "material support to terrorism" under the USA Patriot Act. When the U.S. government loses – watch out – this is the worst of the sore losers that you will ever encounter in life. The DOJ takes the statement "payback is hell" to new extremes in the War on Terror.
Cases that stand out in the crowd:
Youssef Megahed – Acquitted by a federal jury in Tampa in April of 2009. Retribution was quick and ICE arrested Mr. Megahed, with the goal of deporting him, several days after his acquittal. Several jurors on the federal jury wrote statements protesting his re-arrest by ICE. An immigration judge tossed out the case and released him in August 2009. His co-defendant pled guilty in the federal case. Megahed fought the great fight, and won.
Lyglenson Lemorin – One of the "Miami 7 - Sears Tower plot" that was actually engineered by the FBI and an informant. The entire case was a farce. The government should be ashamed – very ashamed. The federal jury in Miami acquitted Lemorin and deadlocked on his co-defendants in December of 2007. Lemorin was immediately arrested by ICE, but has not been as lucky as Megahed. I know that he was not released by the immigration judge; however, I cannot find any further information. Most likely he is in a secret ICE camp.
Naudimar Herrera – One of the remaining "Miami 6 - Sears Tower plot" defendants. Later they became known as the "Liberty City Six". He was acquitted by the jury in May 2009 on the government's third try! Trial number three worked for Herrera; however, the jury convicted his five co-defendants. Mr. Herrera endured 3 federal trials, two of which ended in a deadlock, and was acquitted. He was not attacked by the government after it was all over, and he spends much of his time attempting to help his former co-defendants. This is one man that I'd like to meet…
Muhammad Salah and Abdelhaleem Ashqar – Both were acquitted by a federal jury in Chicago in February of 2007 on a racketeering charge; however, were convicted on an obstruction of justice charge. They were accused of being a part of a 15-year long conspiracy to finance Hamas. Both were college professors at one time.
Sami Omar Al-Hussayen – A federal jury in Idaho acquitted this Saudi graduate computer science student and webmaster on all counts in June 2004. This case was an inspiration and an early defeat of the USA Patriot Act. This was truly the test case and the trial took place while Bush was still popular with much of the U.S. population. They lost, Al-Hussayen won, and justice prevailed! When it was all over he was deported, but I'd imagine that this was a non-issue to him at that point.
I am sure that there are cases in the U.S. courts resulting in acquittals that I am unaware of, though this list is of cases that I saw in the news as they transpired and applauded the defendants for their strength in fighting the unjust prosecutions. There is a lengthy list of cases from other countries that have resulted in acquittals. Most convictions in the War on Terror cases are prosecuted with the flimsiest evidence imaginable and most defendants plead guilty out of fear more than anything else. When you think about it the War on Drugs is similar when the "conspiracy" charge is utilized in prosecution.
More on the "conspiracy" charge in the near future.
Once in a while justice does prevail in the United States.
Monday, December 28, 2009
The Fabozzi Case
In Memoirs of an Accused Madam: The War on Adult Business in Orlando I wrote about a large family from Brooklyn that had moved to the Orlando area and opened escort services. I also stated that they had no clue what they were in for when they encountered the MBI. In the book I named Joseph Fabozzi "Johnny" and Carmine Fabozzi "Paulie".
I also wrote about the Fabozzi case in Skeletons in the Closet and refer to it in Operation Plastic Empire (MBI), though the second reference doesn't name the Fabozzis.
Joey Fabozzi, Carmine Fabozzi, and Mario Fabozzi were actually nice people. If you read the book you might recall that Carmine (Paulie) was a professional chef. Carmine is now deceased. He died of a drug overdose – I believe this happened in 2004. I just looked on the Florida Department of Corrections website and noted that Joey Fabozzi's probation is extended once again. His probation has been continuously extended since his release from prison after 4 years in this 1995 case. This family was plagued by drug problems; something that I consider a health issue. I find it sad.
All three of the Fabozzis pled guilty in the racketeering case charged back in 1995, and the remaining two have yet to be released from probation for one reason or another. According to Carmine, in a telephone call that I received from him while awaiting trial in 2002, they all pled guilty because the infamous Agent Rose of the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation (MBI) convinced them that I had proffered a 7-page statement against them. The former agent is now retired care of Florida taxpayers. Of course Rose lied to them, and as a matter of fact, the agent lied frequently and in great depth. In the book I named him "Ross" although his real name is Brant Rose, and I sure do not have a reason to conceal his identity for him.
I mailed Joey a book to the only address that I could find for him, but never received any type of acknowledgement – not even a "screw you bitch." I don't think he received it. I am going to mail Mario one in the coming week at his place of incarceration. I didn't before because I figured that FL DOC would toss it in the garbage, but perhaps not.
Of course I never made any type of statement about the Fabozzis. Carmine informed me that Rose only got away with this lie as he convinced them that I worked for the MBI and it is how I remained in business. It sure is revealing of how drugs can cloud a person's mind. The MBI and I were arch enemies from mid-1994 forward, and I knew nothing of how the Fabozzis ran their business anyway. They were a bit on the flamboyant side, and accepted credit cards through the big sting operation, but other than that I could only say that they were nice and Carmine was a wonderful chef.
This is the topic du jour as I just noticed that there have been searches on Joseph and Carmine Fabozzi in the last couple of days that resulted in clicks through this blog. If you know Joey, please do wish him well for me. I am not sure if any charge in his case can be overturned or not, as another involved 1995 case is in process of post conviction relief – the defendants were not charged correctly and should never have been charged at all in this stupid credit card sting. The issue with the Fabozzis' case is that each of them also had additional charges, other than the incorrectly charged credit card factoring sting mess. I can put him in contact with an attorney that would have an answer quickly, so if the blog reader knows Joey, please do put him in touch.
I also wrote about the Fabozzi case in Skeletons in the Closet and refer to it in Operation Plastic Empire (MBI), though the second reference doesn't name the Fabozzis.
Joey Fabozzi, Carmine Fabozzi, and Mario Fabozzi were actually nice people. If you read the book you might recall that Carmine (Paulie) was a professional chef. Carmine is now deceased. He died of a drug overdose – I believe this happened in 2004. I just looked on the Florida Department of Corrections website and noted that Joey Fabozzi's probation is extended once again. His probation has been continuously extended since his release from prison after 4 years in this 1995 case. This family was plagued by drug problems; something that I consider a health issue. I find it sad.
All three of the Fabozzis pled guilty in the racketeering case charged back in 1995, and the remaining two have yet to be released from probation for one reason or another. According to Carmine, in a telephone call that I received from him while awaiting trial in 2002, they all pled guilty because the infamous Agent Rose of the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation (MBI) convinced them that I had proffered a 7-page statement against them. The former agent is now retired care of Florida taxpayers. Of course Rose lied to them, and as a matter of fact, the agent lied frequently and in great depth. In the book I named him "Ross" although his real name is Brant Rose, and I sure do not have a reason to conceal his identity for him.
I mailed Joey a book to the only address that I could find for him, but never received any type of acknowledgement – not even a "screw you bitch." I don't think he received it. I am going to mail Mario one in the coming week at his place of incarceration. I didn't before because I figured that FL DOC would toss it in the garbage, but perhaps not.
Of course I never made any type of statement about the Fabozzis. Carmine informed me that Rose only got away with this lie as he convinced them that I worked for the MBI and it is how I remained in business. It sure is revealing of how drugs can cloud a person's mind. The MBI and I were arch enemies from mid-1994 forward, and I knew nothing of how the Fabozzis ran their business anyway. They were a bit on the flamboyant side, and accepted credit cards through the big sting operation, but other than that I could only say that they were nice and Carmine was a wonderful chef.
This is the topic du jour as I just noticed that there have been searches on Joseph and Carmine Fabozzi in the last couple of days that resulted in clicks through this blog. If you know Joey, please do wish him well for me. I am not sure if any charge in his case can be overturned or not, as another involved 1995 case is in process of post conviction relief – the defendants were not charged correctly and should never have been charged at all in this stupid credit card sting. The issue with the Fabozzis' case is that each of them also had additional charges, other than the incorrectly charged credit card factoring sting mess. I can put him in contact with an attorney that would have an answer quickly, so if the blog reader knows Joey, please do put him in touch.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
About Watch Lists
Since watch lists and "no fly" lists are back in the news I thought I'd tell my own short story.
I know that I was put on a list of one type or the other back in 2001, though I am not positive if it was before or after my arrest on organized crime charges. I was arrested on November 20, 2001. If I had to pinpoint a time, I'd estimate that I was placed on the radar in October of 2001. That is when the really strange things started happening in my life. The events of September 11, 2001 gave state and federal agents all sorts of power that they lacked prior to that day.
You sure wouldn't have wanted to be a passenger in a vehicle with me driving if I were getting pulled over. In both instances when I was pulled over for a minor traffic infraction in 2004, I was held for over 30 minutes with several officers with guns pulled ordering me to remain in my vehicle. In each case I was driving 5 mph over the speed limit at a late hour. I look like, and could be, a school teacher, and I also drove a relatively new car. So it wasn't me, but instead was what the officers saw when they ran my tag.
The one time since arrest that I have gone past the ticket counter/lobby area of an airport (OIA) was in late 2003. My son was 17, was flying to visit his father, and I was walking him to the gate. I was stopped and sent to the counter to get a gate pass. They almost didn't issue the pass, but I insisted as my son's father was near death and I had every right to walk my son to the gate.
Once in the checkpoint line, my son and I were directed to the side and into a special area for passengers that were "selected" for search. As a matter of fact, that is the term used by the TSA agent that directed us to the side: "You have been selected for search."
My breasts were literally fondled by a female TSA agent. Perhaps she thought that they were not real, but they are. I stood with my legs spread and my arms outstretched while she ran a wand of some type over every inch of me. All I had with me was my driver's license and my car keys – no purse and nothing in my pockets. Remember, I was only walking my son to the gate.
The only reason I have entered an airport since is to pick someone up or drop someone off, and I have never gone to the gate again. When I go to NY or to South Texas, I drive.
I would like to return to the EU some day, but I know that when I do I will not be allowed reentry into the US, regardless that I am a US citizen. I have been told that I am on the "selectee" list, and could indeed fly; however, should I exit the country, I would be placed on the "no fly" list prior to any intended return. Not that I want to return, but I do have an elderly mother and a son here.
You should have been a fly on the wall for the 5 months it took me to get my son's US passport renewed back in 2006, or at least for the last few weeks of the fight. Even the poor elderly woman at the US Post Office that processed and mailed the paperwork was stunned. Her job was far from over after she tossed it all in Priority mail. I only received the passport after fighting with a variety of people in the U.S. State Department for 2 weeks solid. I was relentless in my pursuit though, and indeed prevailed.
When I was originally put on a watch list there were less than 50K people on the lists. Today there are almost 1.5 million people that have joined me. Though I appreciate the company and the fact that being on these lists today is almost laughable, I will never forget a time when neither was the case. According to the TSA, the "selectee" list is still only around 50K, and if we are to believe the agency, then I am still almost alone.
I know that I was put on a list of one type or the other back in 2001, though I am not positive if it was before or after my arrest on organized crime charges. I was arrested on November 20, 2001. If I had to pinpoint a time, I'd estimate that I was placed on the radar in October of 2001. That is when the really strange things started happening in my life. The events of September 11, 2001 gave state and federal agents all sorts of power that they lacked prior to that day.
You sure wouldn't have wanted to be a passenger in a vehicle with me driving if I were getting pulled over. In both instances when I was pulled over for a minor traffic infraction in 2004, I was held for over 30 minutes with several officers with guns pulled ordering me to remain in my vehicle. In each case I was driving 5 mph over the speed limit at a late hour. I look like, and could be, a school teacher, and I also drove a relatively new car. So it wasn't me, but instead was what the officers saw when they ran my tag.
The one time since arrest that I have gone past the ticket counter/lobby area of an airport (OIA) was in late 2003. My son was 17, was flying to visit his father, and I was walking him to the gate. I was stopped and sent to the counter to get a gate pass. They almost didn't issue the pass, but I insisted as my son's father was near death and I had every right to walk my son to the gate.
Once in the checkpoint line, my son and I were directed to the side and into a special area for passengers that were "selected" for search. As a matter of fact, that is the term used by the TSA agent that directed us to the side: "You have been selected for search."
My breasts were literally fondled by a female TSA agent. Perhaps she thought that they were not real, but they are. I stood with my legs spread and my arms outstretched while she ran a wand of some type over every inch of me. All I had with me was my driver's license and my car keys – no purse and nothing in my pockets. Remember, I was only walking my son to the gate.
The only reason I have entered an airport since is to pick someone up or drop someone off, and I have never gone to the gate again. When I go to NY or to South Texas, I drive.
I would like to return to the EU some day, but I know that when I do I will not be allowed reentry into the US, regardless that I am a US citizen. I have been told that I am on the "selectee" list, and could indeed fly; however, should I exit the country, I would be placed on the "no fly" list prior to any intended return. Not that I want to return, but I do have an elderly mother and a son here.
You should have been a fly on the wall for the 5 months it took me to get my son's US passport renewed back in 2006, or at least for the last few weeks of the fight. Even the poor elderly woman at the US Post Office that processed and mailed the paperwork was stunned. Her job was far from over after she tossed it all in Priority mail. I only received the passport after fighting with a variety of people in the U.S. State Department for 2 weeks solid. I was relentless in my pursuit though, and indeed prevailed.
When I was originally put on a watch list there were less than 50K people on the lists. Today there are almost 1.5 million people that have joined me. Though I appreciate the company and the fact that being on these lists today is almost laughable, I will never forget a time when neither was the case. According to the TSA, the "selectee" list is still only around 50K, and if we are to believe the agency, then I am still almost alone.
Sacrificing Rights Again
Am I the only one not buying into this renewed terrorist threat crap and the new security crackdown that comes with it? I sure hope not.
Some Nigerian villain of the day manages to get on a flight, without a passport at that, carrying some concoction that can start a fire and make popping noises. He makes a claim that al-Qaeda directed him and suddenly he is the unsuccessful terrorist and the new example of how the gutting of rights in the U.S. is actually working.
One cannot even carry a decent size bottle of shampoo on a flight. Now what? No more carry-on luggage, Bic lighters, or house keys? Have they lost their minds entirely? Well, not half as much as the citizens in the news stating how acceptable it all is if they can keep us safe. Safe from what? A Nigerian that was most likely paid by a government operative or private contractor rep pushing for more security and even less rights than we have today. The description of the suspect's concoction that I have read says firecracker powder – yes, light that up and you will get popping noises and a fire will start. I'm sure.
According to an article on M Live, two attorneys witnessed the Nigerian, accompanied by a well-dressed man, speaking to an airline supervisor regarding the airline allowing him to board the flight without a passport. The next time that the attorneys saw the Nigerian was when the fire started on the flight.
Perhaps the airline should just stick with the requirement that a passenger have a passport when boarding a flight in Amsterdam to go to the U.S., don't you think? I thought that it was always a requirement and has been for many decades.
But no, because an airline let this man board without a passport we all must sacrifice to keep the world safe. Right. Can I interest you in some property out in the Everglades? The wildlife comes right up to the door – it's so exciting.
And yes, I know that this has nothing whatsoever to do with adult business, but someone had to say it.
Some Nigerian villain of the day manages to get on a flight, without a passport at that, carrying some concoction that can start a fire and make popping noises. He makes a claim that al-Qaeda directed him and suddenly he is the unsuccessful terrorist and the new example of how the gutting of rights in the U.S. is actually working.
One cannot even carry a decent size bottle of shampoo on a flight. Now what? No more carry-on luggage, Bic lighters, or house keys? Have they lost their minds entirely? Well, not half as much as the citizens in the news stating how acceptable it all is if they can keep us safe. Safe from what? A Nigerian that was most likely paid by a government operative or private contractor rep pushing for more security and even less rights than we have today. The description of the suspect's concoction that I have read says firecracker powder – yes, light that up and you will get popping noises and a fire will start. I'm sure.
According to an article on M Live, two attorneys witnessed the Nigerian, accompanied by a well-dressed man, speaking to an airline supervisor regarding the airline allowing him to board the flight without a passport. The next time that the attorneys saw the Nigerian was when the fire started on the flight.
Perhaps the airline should just stick with the requirement that a passenger have a passport when boarding a flight in Amsterdam to go to the U.S., don't you think? I thought that it was always a requirement and has been for many decades.
But no, because an airline let this man board without a passport we all must sacrifice to keep the world safe. Right. Can I interest you in some property out in the Everglades? The wildlife comes right up to the door – it's so exciting.
And yes, I know that this has nothing whatsoever to do with adult business, but someone had to say it.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Government Informants
In my all too skilled opinion, Paul Bergrin's so-called girlfriend and current co-defendant, Yolanda Jauregui, started working with the government long ago – when she was charged in the mortgage fraud case. The rest of it is all plotted by the government – from the hitman story to the drug trafficking racketeering case. Jauregui doesn't really face decades in prison at all, but then she is probably the only one that knows that except for the agents that planned it all. Her new attorney had best watch his back.
She is not a potential cooperator as she is being portrayed. She was already an informant and worked to save her own life by setting herself up as co-defendant with Paul Bergrin. Payback is hell, and people in high places felt that Bergrin deserved it for his zealous defense of a soldier in a War on Terror case.
The good news is that more than one person is aware of this plot. The hard part is getting just one participant to spill their guts. Bergrin must look at the entire picture objectively in order to figure out exactly when Jauregui started working for the government. From that moment forward it was all a part of a game.
Yolanda Jauregui did not start quietly cooperating. Mark my words. This case is a house of cards built entirely by agents and informants. It is all a show, complete with her crocodile tears and recent revoked bail.
Paul Bergrin had better step up to the plate and save his own life. He no longer has the luxury of being a naïve attorney. Government informants are indeed a dirty lot, capable of absolutely anything. Cases charged as a RICO conspiracy are anything but simple to fight – I know this from personal experience.
In my own case, the main informant (and alleged uncharged co-defendant Theresa Isaacs), when exposed for the dirty dog that she was while on the stand, actually cried her crocodile tears to a juror in the bathroom – with the planned intention of provoking a mistrial. The juror did the only thing that she could do and reported the encounter to the court officer and the judge. We had a hearing and I was offered a mistrial by the prosecution and the judge; however, I declined and requested that the trial continue. The rest is history.
Government prosecutors play dirty beyond imagination.
She is not a potential cooperator as she is being portrayed. She was already an informant and worked to save her own life by setting herself up as co-defendant with Paul Bergrin. Payback is hell, and people in high places felt that Bergrin deserved it for his zealous defense of a soldier in a War on Terror case.
The good news is that more than one person is aware of this plot. The hard part is getting just one participant to spill their guts. Bergrin must look at the entire picture objectively in order to figure out exactly when Jauregui started working for the government. From that moment forward it was all a part of a game.
Yolanda Jauregui did not start quietly cooperating. Mark my words. This case is a house of cards built entirely by agents and informants. It is all a show, complete with her crocodile tears and recent revoked bail.
Paul Bergrin had better step up to the plate and save his own life. He no longer has the luxury of being a naïve attorney. Government informants are indeed a dirty lot, capable of absolutely anything. Cases charged as a RICO conspiracy are anything but simple to fight – I know this from personal experience.
In my own case, the main informant (and alleged uncharged co-defendant Theresa Isaacs), when exposed for the dirty dog that she was while on the stand, actually cried her crocodile tears to a juror in the bathroom – with the planned intention of provoking a mistrial. The juror did the only thing that she could do and reported the encounter to the court officer and the judge. We had a hearing and I was offered a mistrial by the prosecution and the judge; however, I declined and requested that the trial continue. The rest is history.
Government prosecutors play dirty beyond imagination.
Blind Justice
I missed an attorney, at least one – of that I am sure – in Zealous Legal Representation. I was reading an article written by Stephen Lendman and entitled Targeting Lawyers: The Case of Paul Bergrin, when I realized the horrific injustice that Mr. Bergrin is living at the hands of informant clients. It is the main reason that I passed on law school. Scary stuff in this case, and more so than in any that I have ever heard of.
I first heard Bergrin's name in relation to Jason Itzler of NY Confidential fame. For those that are unaware, Itzler claimed the throne and was known in the news as the king of escort services when he was arrested in 2005. He pleaded guilty to money laundering and attempting to promote prostitution in June 2006. He also referred to himself as the "king of all pimps" if you can imagine. In my opinion it is easy to run services illegally and flagrantly, and I do not understand all of the attention these people get with book and movie offers when they're busted and plead guilty. I consider them a dime a dozen. It is much more complicated to avoid illegalities and take the state or the feds to trial if arrested. Especially if you win like I did.
Which method of operation requires the use of your brain?
Back to the topic at hand – Itzler was a convicted felon when he was arrested in the escort service mess, so he had a lot to lose. Bergrin should never have stepped beyond the basic attorney-client relationship. I do not believe that Paul Bergrin was guilty of much except filing the articles of incorporation for Itzler's corporation. This is something that attorneys do all of the time. Prosecutors also claimed that he had a fringe benefit of spending time with some of the escorts. Being friendly with the client is far from running and owning his business though. I do not buy into that case for a NY minute.
Somehow this all led to the recent superseding indictment that includes drug conspiracy charges and allegations of racketeering, racketeering conspiracy, drug trafficking, murder of a witness in a drug case, and attempt to hire a hitman in another drug case. In relation to the last charge, the hitman is the informant. Can you say set-up? No, that hitman would never lie, right? In the other drug case Bergrin is alleged to have given the name of a confidential witness/informant to someone involved in the drug case that then had the informant murdered. Read the DOJ news release in PDF here.
Let me paint a different picture for you here:
This naïve attorney, that possibly had a weakness for loose women, was lured by Itzler and his hookers and merely filed corporation documents and had some fun. Somehow he ended-up defending someone in a drug trafficking case, which is not unusual when one is a criminal defense attorney, and was talked out of a name by someone else in the case. Now he is charged in a racketeering conspiracy as a result of these mistakes. These dirtbags are his co-defendants, and each and every one of them will plead to charges and testify against him. These co-defendants are the feds new witnesses. Oh – and there's a woman involved in the drug trafficking case.
Paul Bergrin picked a huge fight with the feds when he defended unpopular clients, just as Lynne Stewart did. Does anyone really wonder why I never went to law school?
What in the hell is going on with this case?
I first heard Bergrin's name in relation to Jason Itzler of NY Confidential fame. For those that are unaware, Itzler claimed the throne and was known in the news as the king of escort services when he was arrested in 2005. He pleaded guilty to money laundering and attempting to promote prostitution in June 2006. He also referred to himself as the "king of all pimps" if you can imagine. In my opinion it is easy to run services illegally and flagrantly, and I do not understand all of the attention these people get with book and movie offers when they're busted and plead guilty. I consider them a dime a dozen. It is much more complicated to avoid illegalities and take the state or the feds to trial if arrested. Especially if you win like I did.
Which method of operation requires the use of your brain?
Back to the topic at hand – Itzler was a convicted felon when he was arrested in the escort service mess, so he had a lot to lose. Bergrin should never have stepped beyond the basic attorney-client relationship. I do not believe that Paul Bergrin was guilty of much except filing the articles of incorporation for Itzler's corporation. This is something that attorneys do all of the time. Prosecutors also claimed that he had a fringe benefit of spending time with some of the escorts. Being friendly with the client is far from running and owning his business though. I do not buy into that case for a NY minute.
Somehow this all led to the recent superseding indictment that includes drug conspiracy charges and allegations of racketeering, racketeering conspiracy, drug trafficking, murder of a witness in a drug case, and attempt to hire a hitman in another drug case. In relation to the last charge, the hitman is the informant. Can you say set-up? No, that hitman would never lie, right? In the other drug case Bergrin is alleged to have given the name of a confidential witness/informant to someone involved in the drug case that then had the informant murdered. Read the DOJ news release in PDF here.
Let me paint a different picture for you here:
This naïve attorney, that possibly had a weakness for loose women, was lured by Itzler and his hookers and merely filed corporation documents and had some fun. Somehow he ended-up defending someone in a drug trafficking case, which is not unusual when one is a criminal defense attorney, and was talked out of a name by someone else in the case. Now he is charged in a racketeering conspiracy as a result of these mistakes. These dirtbags are his co-defendants, and each and every one of them will plead to charges and testify against him. These co-defendants are the feds new witnesses. Oh – and there's a woman involved in the drug trafficking case.
Paul Bergrin picked a huge fight with the feds when he defended unpopular clients, just as Lynne Stewart did. Does anyone really wonder why I never went to law school?
What in the hell is going on with this case?
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Telephones and Blocks
I just noticed a comment on my blog from an anonymous reader that is either a foot in mouth statement, or comes from one of the few aware.
Anonymous stated:
"Your making a big deal over phone blocks. You really don't know how it is done? Not as smart as you thought, are you."
Considering the fact that the telephone line blocks in area resorts that I described thoroughly in Memoirs of an Accused Madam and have discussed on this blog occasionally have been denied at the highest levels, I must consider that this poster hasn't a clue. From the moment that I sat down and addressed the issues with Sprint's head of security in Orlando back in 1993, until basically today, each and every person, with the exception of a few victims in Las Vegas, have taken my statements as an opening to play the "Vicky is crazy" card.
In Orlando in the past other escort service owners knew that it was going on, as our joint pursuit of the blockers is described in Memoirs. In Las Vegas the matter has been pursued in federal court cases since 1993, with a recent new case.
Does "Anonymous" think that I am referring to a simplified PBX block in which any guest just can't dial a "blocked" number? Or is it a reference to a call-blocking feature of every telephone (landline and wireless)?
I will not presume that the poster meant anything, and instead will wait and see if I am contacted.
What I find most interesting about the comment is the blocks that I have referred to since 1993 have been denied by all except a few victims. Most escort service owners in Orlando and Las Vegas cannot even comprehend that there is a puzzle. The problem was denied by the infamous and allegedly intelligent MBI, the Statewide Prosecutor's Office, telephone company security at Vista United Telephone in Disney (now Smart City), Sprint Telephone under its various new names, AT&T, the now defunct Bellsouth, and all but one reader of Memoirs, and he happens to be in a tech field.
So Mr. or Ms. Anonymous, please do come forward and put me in my place. There is one answer or missing piece to this ongoing and evolving puzzle that I am still missing. Prove your level of knowledge and I will ask the question. Answer the question and several of us will pool our funds and pay you.
In short time you can gain recognition as having surpassed even Kevin Mitnick in the area of telephone security. You could name your price with the telcos as it has been stated in a court of law that none of the top security officials comprehend the problem - they admit it is transpiring, but are otherwise clueless.
I am waiting. We are waiting.
Anonymous stated:
"Your making a big deal over phone blocks. You really don't know how it is done? Not as smart as you thought, are you."
Considering the fact that the telephone line blocks in area resorts that I described thoroughly in Memoirs of an Accused Madam and have discussed on this blog occasionally have been denied at the highest levels, I must consider that this poster hasn't a clue. From the moment that I sat down and addressed the issues with Sprint's head of security in Orlando back in 1993, until basically today, each and every person, with the exception of a few victims in Las Vegas, have taken my statements as an opening to play the "Vicky is crazy" card.
In Orlando in the past other escort service owners knew that it was going on, as our joint pursuit of the blockers is described in Memoirs. In Las Vegas the matter has been pursued in federal court cases since 1993, with a recent new case.
Does "Anonymous" think that I am referring to a simplified PBX block in which any guest just can't dial a "blocked" number? Or is it a reference to a call-blocking feature of every telephone (landline and wireless)?
I will not presume that the poster meant anything, and instead will wait and see if I am contacted.
What I find most interesting about the comment is the blocks that I have referred to since 1993 have been denied by all except a few victims. Most escort service owners in Orlando and Las Vegas cannot even comprehend that there is a puzzle. The problem was denied by the infamous and allegedly intelligent MBI, the Statewide Prosecutor's Office, telephone company security at Vista United Telephone in Disney (now Smart City), Sprint Telephone under its various new names, AT&T, the now defunct Bellsouth, and all but one reader of Memoirs, and he happens to be in a tech field.
So Mr. or Ms. Anonymous, please do come forward and put me in my place. There is one answer or missing piece to this ongoing and evolving puzzle that I am still missing. Prove your level of knowledge and I will ask the question. Answer the question and several of us will pool our funds and pay you.
In short time you can gain recognition as having surpassed even Kevin Mitnick in the area of telephone security. You could name your price with the telcos as it has been stated in a court of law that none of the top security officials comprehend the problem - they admit it is transpiring, but are otherwise clueless.
I am waiting. We are waiting.
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