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Friday, July 30, 2010

The Patriot Act and Sinus Pills

I'm still not quite sure how this happened or who specifically caused it, but by now most people living in the US are aware of the restrictions placed on the sale of sinus pills. It all began during the Bush regime as did most of the serious problems in this country today.

Congress passed the Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act of 2005 (CMEA) as an amendment to the USA Patriot Act and Bush signed it into law in March of 2006. What particular form of idiots have we the people elected to Congress? It's easy to blame Bush, but he was always acting on the recommendations of others and legislation passed by Congress in every ridiculous act he committed, from sanctioning torture to the USA Patriot Act to the CMEA. The man was a puppet and little more.

I have had serious sinus troubles since 1994. I recall the trigger that resulted in the sinus troubles, but that is immaterial to the problem at this point. At some point in the late 1990s, a doctor recommended that I have sinus surgery, but I've never been one to opt for any medical procedure that could be avoided. So from the late 1990s forward, I have taken sinus pills more days than I haven't. The ability to move, breath, and think is important to me and the sinus pills allowed me these life-sustaining functions.

For the last five years or so I have consumed, on the average, a box of 40 Advil Sinus pills over the course of a month. An adult takes two at a time, so this is not as bad as it initially sounds. Thanks to Congress, Bush, and the USA Patriot Act I have had to sign my name to unread and unknown agreements each time I purchased a box. Does anyone really read that crap? I know that I don't, mainly because it doesn't matter what it says – I still need the stupid box of Advil Sinus. I cannot even take Claritin-D or any of the better sinus and allergy drugs like most people because I have had thyroid disease for 22 years now, and Synthroid and Claritin-D do not mix. I am limited by my own health issues to the less potent Advil Sinus.

Leave it to the fucking US government to make it a ridiculous hurdle to get a lousy box of Advil Sinus. I remember when this legislation was first passed and I spoke to a friend that is also a pharmacist as I was concerned – Is this a horrible drug I've been taking? Is it this meth crap? No, I was assured with a laugh – the law is ridiculous because it would take 80 flippin boxes of Advil Sinus to make any amount of methamphetamine. So what the hell is the problem that Congress would pass such a law? Are these representatives in a state of paranoia or what?

I was in Publix today grocery shopping and as a last minute thought I popped over to the pharmacy to buy a box of 20 Advil Sinus pills – half of a full box mind you. The clerk at one window was quick to ask if she could help me and I pointed at the box on the shelf, which is crazy in itself. Why can't I grab the box from a shelf? Anyway, she then stated that I'd have to pay at the other window so that's where I proceeded. As I approached the window the pharmacist declared that there were many people in front of me, so I stated that I only needed to pay for the Advil Sinus box. She actually glared at me and repeated firmly that I was behind many people.

Am I dumb enough to wait behind people having prescriptions filled to pay for the stupid Advil Sinus pills? No, I'm not. This was only the second time that I have ever gone to the Publix pharmacy for such a purchase and the same pharmacist was rude the first time – a month ago. So I said, "What? You're rude," and walked away. I'll be damned if I will be looked down at or viewed as a problem by some bitchy pharmacist at a Publix that has a sign sheet in front of her that states "Combat Meth".

What in the hell does my attempt to purchase a lousy box of sinus pills have to do with combating methamphetamine? Nothing whatsoever, which is why I was ticked off.

Image: My Hands are Tied 2005 © Christine Gonsalves / 2010 ©

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