How the people operating Miami Companions were indicted now when they've been in business for 10+ years is no longer a mystery to me. I stated in my early morning post – Miami Companions Owners Indicted - that there was much more to the story, and indeed there is. I have encountered enough prosecutions that began as an informant statement to recognize the situation quickly. I must read through a rather large pile of documents to get the full picture so this will be somewhat brief.
I am surprised that no news investigators have bothered to gut this story though. The Orlando Sentinel buried it entirely – I had to search for any article. Instead the Sentinel opted to report on the johns arrested in the Craigslist sting by the Altamonte P.D. on that date, and ran it as a main article online. Puzzling, except that I know Orlando and prostitution are never discussed in the same sentence by the powers that be around here. We do not have prostitution in Orlando – we have Disney.
Okay, back to the situation at hand here:
There was a story in the news back in early 2009 – January/February – about an alleged violent Miami pimp named Rafael Bernabe-Caballero (AKA Marco) and his partner in crime from Maryland, Michael Porru. These defendants were indicted on a lengthy list of felony counts back in December 2008. The Miami indictment was removed and the Michigan indicted prevailed. Are you beginning to see where I'm going here?
The indictment of Bernabe-Caballero and Porru involved this list of charges:
Sex Trafficking of Children or by Force, Fraud or Coercion (1-2)
Sex Trafficking of Children or by Force, Fraud or Coercion (1s-4s)
Coercion or Enticement of Female (3-4)
Importation of Alien for Immoral Purpose (5)
Coercion or Enticement of Female (5s-11s)
Conspiracy to Defraud the United States (6)
Forfeiture (7)
Civil Forfeiture (8)
Importation of Alien for Immoral Purpose (12s)
Conspiracy to Defraud the United States (13s)
Forfeiture (14s)
Civil Forfeiture (15s)
The Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Eastern District of Michigan (Detroit) on the Rafael Bernabe-Caballero (AKA Marco) and Michael Porru case was AUSA Jennifer Blackwell. I say was as Blackwell filed a Motion to Dismiss the counts on July 14, 2010 and District Judge Denise Page Hood granted that motion on July 16, 2010. Porru's indictment, and Porru, disappeared entirely, though Marco's was only dismissed, with the exception of Count 13, this month. He still has that lone "Conspiracy to Defraud the United States" count and sits in Milan Federal Corrections Institution (FCI) in Michigan. He should be released soon if all goes through with this plea deal as time served would apply.
Bernabe-Caballero (AKA Marco) and Porru were described by various news sources as violent pimps. Google the names and read for yourself.
The Miami Companions indictment was removed from the Southern District of Florida and is active in the Eastern District of Michigan by Order of US Magistrate Judge William C. Turnoff on July 22, 2010.
So, guess which specific AUSA in the Eastern District of Michigan is handling the Miami Companions prosecution? If you chose AUSA Jennifer Blackwell, then you've got a BINGO!!!
The counts that the Miami Companions defendants are charged with are nothing in comparison to the counts that were involved in the Bernabe-Caballero and Porru indictments. The Miami Companions people obviously made a lot of money during the time spent in the escort business. It is clear that prosecuting defendants for financial gain is more important to the DOJ than prosecuting alleged violent pimps that entice minors and illegal aliens.
I never posted anything about the previous Bernabe-Caballero indictment because I know who he is and how he operated. "Marco" is not personally known to me; however, we have spoken in past, though it is highly unlikely that he has a clue that it was me he had a conversation with.
The undeserving recipients of an informant plea deal in this situation are the Miami Companions defendants: Gregory Carr; Laurie Carr; Nayubet Loani Swaso; and Michelle Matarazzo.
I have the entire indictment to read through and will post late tonight or tomorrow on my findings. I still must research the other defendant indicted - Fabiola Contreras - and figure out her part in the mess.
Image: Miami Brickell Nights 2009 © javier fontanella / 2010 ©
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