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Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Classy DC Escorts Case and Informants

There are more people interested in the Classy DC Escorts case than any other that I have ever posted about. From a legal perspective, there is not much going on with the case, at least there have been few documents filed. However, I am viewing this case argued and debated on TER and in some comments here.

More than once, I have felt provoked by comments made by anonymous posters here so I feel it necessary to offer a quick newsflash for those with comprehension issues. This blogger supports the defense, but this should have been obvious to anyone that actually bothers to read what I write. I also *feel* a few informants involved in the case trying to sway me to their side in emails and in comments, but that will never happen.

All that one must do is search the term "informants" in the blog search function to know how I feel about informants against adult business owners. There are numerous articles on the topic posted. In reference to the world of adult business, I view informants as snakes. You could chalk that up to my extensive experiences in my own case and trial.

The comment made by one party on a Classy DC post last night should serve as a guide of what not to waste your time posting here. I will respond more often than not. The truth is that I have no idea how these people operated this business; however, several situations, emails, and even telephone conversations that I have had about it have alerted me to current issues.

A main issue is that prosecutors do not seem to have a solid case against the defendants. If they did have a solid case they wouldn't have the need to hunt for escorts that they can call as witnesses. They're trying to find solid witnesses or a lengthy list of witnesses (voluminous) which would serve to persuade the business operators that a plea deal is necessary. With a voluminous case the quality of testimony is not as important.

Do not waste your time telling me that the driver and the confidential escort/witness discussed in the indictment are wonderful people. I am aware of the real back story and know that they were both thieves. I even have doubts about the story of pistol-whipping. They both had an agenda and the escort has her own business going in a different US city. She has even had probable clients claiming that she's wonderful. At least by the wording they sound like clients. Totally insulting to my intelligence.

And then there are the other escorts that never worked for this service and never encountered the owner trashing him and claiming friends that did work at Classy DC told her this and told her that - pure gossip and conjecture. No one gives a rat's ass dear. But if you do make it to any witness stand, a decent attorney would rip your testimony and your life apart - guaranteed.

The one document that I linked in my other posts on this case basically stated that discovery will not happen until 5-7 days before trial, if there is a trial. Doing it this way will allow prosecutors to keep their entrenched informants a secret and trust me: there are definitely entrenched informants involved. Some juries do not appreciate informant witnesses though as more often than not, they've committed worse acts than any defendants. Often this is revealed in trial - it was in mine. Such delays in discovery should be illegal.

Some of those informant witnesses are independent escorts and I really mean independent - working on their own on TER, Backpage, and EROS and also working with Classy DC Escorts. A circuit of sorts in a way, complete with cross country tour dates. I have no issue with independent escorts unless they decide to bite the hand that fed them. An escort business does have costs and expenses and marketing is time consuming. The fact is that any one of these escorts could have walked at any time - no one held anyone hostage in this case.

I also feel that at least one confidential witness was an insider and working with the feds long before the indictment was handed down. As a matter of fact, there probably would not have been an indictment if not for the insider. Prosecutors knew they needed more than the driver and the escort that claimed a pistol-whipping because that pair is not credible.

These days there are companies that offer snitches for hire. Really. They actually set people up on behalf of a paying defendant to reduce a sentence and they have extensive experience in such underhanded endeavors. I'm not going to link to the numerous websites that offer such services, but they're out there and I am even aware of the identities behind one such anonymous business. The US criminal justice system actually allows for such services. Of course prosecutors have no desire for a jury to hear about the practice.

Note that emailing me is a bad idea if you are an informant. Do not forget that. I am the last person on this planet that would be fooled by your bullshit.

When any documents of substance are filed in this case they will be uploaded to the Updates (Documents) page of my website. Feel free to check as often as you want to, but this past week there was nothing to upload that mattered.

EDIT on 23 April 2012 @2:45am EST: I added three documents to the Updates page. They are the last 3 and the very last document is scary, at least for 20 unknown people:

US Attorney Motion for Blank Subpoenas Filed 19 April 2012

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