Everyone involved in the Classy DC Escorts business has now pleaded guilty to counts in the case, except for the photoshop lady, Jennifer Churchill. To be fair to these defendants, it does not translate to each actually being guilty as charged. More often than not, the plea bargain sounds much better than a messy trial and the possibility of a 20 year prison sentence.
The statement from the US Attorney's Office in the Eastern District of Virginia is HERE. First of all, this outfit was in business long before 2009 as stated. Another major issue is the statement that they employed more than 50 prostitutes. For such a zealous prosecution, I would hope that it was way morethan 50, as this is not many over the three-year period they reference.
Each defendant that pleaded guilty to charges was “debriefed” and if necessary, each must testify against the poor photoshop lady, now the lone defendant facing a trial. I have never heard anything this absurd as it relates to adult business prosecutions.
I have added documents to the Updates (Documents) section of my website. Please do feel free to download any and discuss on image editing forums, Photoshop forums, or anywhere relevant. Do not allow these overzealous prosecutors to quietly railroad a woman that earned a meager living editing images with some wild claim that she had to have known that the image editing was for a prostitution business and all of the images were of prostitutes.
Jennifer Churchill never met or spoke with any of these confessed prostitutes. She only edited photos. Do not forget that and do not ignore what the DOJ is trying to do to her.
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