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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Multiracial Advocacy Response

Response from the Multiracial Advocacy

United States Census Bureau Director Groves blogged yesterday about "big data" changes for the Census Bureau and how it will make it cheaper, faster, and potentially better for users to get statistical information. Here is my response, which now appears on the bureau blog:

One Response to And Now, for Something a Little Different . . .

Susan Graham says:
It doesn’t matter if you call it “big data” or “little data.” It’s not getting to the stakeholders. I am the CEO of a stakeholders’ group and I have been trying unsuccessfully for weeks to get data. I have contacted the person responsible for the data numerous times. Director Groves stated, “Finally, it allows us to more nimbly meet the needs of our stakeholders for timely, relevant and reliable data.” I would certainly like to see how that works because it’s not working currently.