I have written about the Taliban sheriff and his gang of whacky women followers in the following posts:
Craigslist Censorship Disturbing (September 4, 2010)
A Thank You to Law Enforcement (August 22, 2010)
Central Florida Law Enforcement Gone Wild (August 22, 2010)
Sex Busts in Polk County, Florida (September 16, 2009)
And then in relation to the removal of the book from Amazon.com:
New Censorship Trends in the US (November 12, 2010)
In one of those posts a Sheriff Judd follower (Maggs) responds. I figured out who she is, though I initially assumed that she was a cop in Polk County because of her statement – she claimed to know a fact that was not reported anywhere. It turned out that she was an aging housewife that simply loves Judd and his anti-sex agenda. So much for claims of knowledge.
Sheriff Judd was the one that originally arrested R. Kelly, but the case was tossed because of an illegal search of Kelly's Davenport, Florida home. The case was prosecuted in Chicago; however, R. Kelly was acquitted by jury on all counts: R. Kelly Defense gets Boost and Kelly Acquitted
Sheriff Judd also pursued the War Porn prosecution of Chris Wilson. All that Wilson did was publish a porn site that allowed soldiers in the Middle East to register for free if they sent a war photo (the more gore the better). As far as I am aware, Wilson pled guilty in the case, but only because he was overwhelmed: War, Porn Web Site Creator Arrested
Well known First Amendment attorney Marc Randazza had this to say about Judd today:
First Amendment Alert! Author Arrested in Colorado because Flori-duh peckerwood pig doesn't like his book
There isn't much to say that could top Marc Randazza's revealing summary of Sheriff Grady Judd. I recall that Judd also prosecuted a couple in Polk County many years ago – her photo was posted on a website and if I recall correctly, they were swingers. Being a swinger and posting a revealing photo on a website is illegal if you live according to Judd's law. I believe that it was his first obscenity prosecution, but I cannot locate any information on it. I recall the woman stating later that Judd ruined her life. It was a late 1990s case.
Sheriff Judd and his cohorts have tackled me in recent days and from two different directions. One attempt relates to my Blueprint for an Escort Service
The other attempt came out of nowhere, but was the day after I published the Central Florida Law Enforcement Gone Wild post. My mind is usually on alert for any attempts to eliminate me from the population, but this one was ridiculous. I have a website that I sometimes use for research and I received a call from a Davenport residence. The party absolutely insisted that I advertised that website in Polk County – wrong – Google search results may show websites that state Orlando in Polk County and I have no control over Google search results. The website never mentions Davenport or Polk County in any way, shape, or form.
The caller (a pushy rude cop) and I had an argument that ended with me informing him that I didn't give a rat's ass what he saw in Google, but we sure didn't operate in Davenport or Polk County and the website is very specific concerning the areas serviced.
Marc Randazza is correct when he refers to this gang of thug sex cops as Taliban. I will donate to the arrested author's defense regardless of how I feel about his book, and hopefully there will soon be a way to donate posted on The Legal Satyricon website.
Judd no longer has Craigslist to help with his sting operations so now he seeks his publicity on a national scale again. Opportunity knocked for an overzealous wrongful prosecution and Grady Judd has answered once again. Let's hope there are First Amendment attorneys out there ready to hand him his ass on a platter and end his crusade once and for all.
Image: Map of Central Florida with Golden Plane - 2009 © Jesse Kunerth / 2010 © iStockphoto.com
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