The comments that I am responding to:
Anonymous said... on December 1, 2010 @1246PM
Dienecia Johnson has a checkered past including possession of cocaine and pot. Her records indicate she never has insurance or proof and doesn't carry her DL. Her mouth is what got her into trouble and a known drug dealer was seen running from her car. Florida statues allows a ticket to be written for each window with illegal tint. She's a criminal and should be treated as such.
As for Carter, let him have his day in court. There you will see how the FDLE was given false information by the chief of police to start this witch hunt. Why do you think they dropped the first charges? Now are trying new ones? Why does Carter want a speedy trial? BECAUSE HE IS INNOCENT.
Anonymous said... on December 13, 2010 @1158AM
OK let me get this straight, you claim you have met the victims? Personally I think you made that up!Well, obviously I dared.
All charges were dropped but now a new charge has been brought up on Carter. The funny thing is Melbourne PD has lost the copy of the ticket Frank filed, now this is the sole charge they have him on. Did you know that the other charges that were filed and investigated by the FDLE were found to be valid and that the FDLE was given false information by the MPD and chief Carey? You didn't, instead you post your lies and slanted truths there by slandering Frank Carter.
Q) Why did the prosecutor drop all charges?
A) Because they knew they would lose.
Q) How much has the city spent on legal fees trying to get a charge to stick?
A) $750,000.
Q) Why that much?
A) Because they know Carter will get a huge payout from a civil trial
You were prosecuted on racketeering and RICO conspiracy charges yet subsequently acquitted in 2003. You owned escort services for a decade in conservative Orlando, Florida and wrote a book about running an escort service "The Complete Blueprint for an Escort Service." Sounds like a how to on dodging legal issues concerning prostitution. So you were lucky, really lucky.
I guess what I really have a problem with is you claiming only you are a victim of bad police work and cops can't have the same thing happen to them. It did and his name is Frank Carter. Now I'll go start my I love Frank Carter blog :D.
BTW you need to change all of your claims to "alleged." Slander charges can be expensive to fight and nobody needs trouble like that.
Post this if you dare!
First I must address Dienecia Johnson since she is the subject of the first post:
The poster has the audacity to attack Frank Carter's victim in the current filing, and isn't it always that way? She is victimized by Carter and now the subject of attack with lies and deception. I took a close look at all of Dienecia Johnson's cases in the Brevard County Clerk of Court online. If I had been able today, I would have gone to Viera and viewed the actual file in the cocaine charge referenced by the poster, but my schedule is rather full this week and I dislike trips to any clerk's office as I always leave angry.
The only drug case that Dienecia Johnson has ever been arrested in is Case # 05-2006-CF-028296. It doesn't say which particular officer victimized Ms. Johnson in this case; however, the case was DROPPED by prosecutors. Perhaps a bad traffic stop and illegal search or was the charge created from thin air to begin with?
Ms. Johnson's first ever charge was a traffic charge of "No Driver's License" in 2005. In 2006 she was charged with two traffic infractions in one case: "Driving vehicle in unsafe condition" and "Failure to furnish proof of insurance". In another 2006 case she was charged with "Driver's license not carried and exhibited" and it was DISMISSED. In yet another 2006 case this poor woman was charged with "Driver's license not carried and exhibited" (DISMISSED) and "Operating a motor vehicle with unlawful sound making device," whatever the hell that means.
As we go into 2007, Dienecia Johnson was charged again with "Driver's license not carried and exhibited," which was again DISMISSED. Another traffic stop in 2007 resulted in charges of "Improper Passing" and "Failure to furnish proof of insurance." "Improper passing" is an often used charge when an officer wants to pull someone over, but has no actual reason.
Looking at 2008, Ms. Johnson was pulled over and given a ticket for "Obscured tag" – now that is a real stretch and I'd bet that Frank Carter got the dogs there, but they smelled nothing, nada – another bullshit charge. In August of 2009, Ms. Johnson was stopped and given a ticket for "Safety belt violation passenger." The next 2009 case is the case in which Carter wrote a ticket for each window. It is case # 05-2009-TR-003227. In this case he also wrote tickets for "Safety belt violation operator" and "Driving vehicle in unsafe condition," and all charges were DISMISSED.
Apparently one of Frank Carter's pals with Melbourne Police Department (MPD) intends to make Dienecia Johnson pay dearly – in an October 2010 case with yet another traffic stop she is charged with "Driving with license suspended revoked cancelled without knowledge" and "Failure to furnish proof of insurance," which was DISMISSED. So they managed to suspend this woman's driver's license without her knowledge – send them to the fucking police hall of fame.
Dienecia Johnson needs to get the hell out of Melbourne, Florida AND THEN start filing civil suits. She has been abused for years according to what I am viewing. Does the Melbourne P.D. have little more to do then to harass motorists? How in the hell do they claim to know Ms. Johnson's license and/or insurance paperwork isn't in hand when they illegally pull her over? She is most certainly a victim of profiling. May the civil suits fly Dienecia!
Now as to this poster's accusation that I lied when I stated that I have met victims of Frank Carter – Bullshit! I have met a total of 7 Carter victims – 5 are Black and 2 are Puerto Rican. In 2007 I rented a house in Cocoa Village from the Puerto Rican couple. They lived a couple of blocks off University Blvd (Frank Carter's sector) and also owned a couple of rental properties in Cocoa, and boy they had stories to tell about encounters with Carter. Each has records similar to Dienecia Johnson's, thanks to bad boy Carter. If "Anonymous" is an intelligent cop he or she will know how to find the couple's names and will know I ain't joking.
The five Black Americans that I met and spoke with all lived in Frank Carter's sector, and one worked at a neighborhood store as well. Every one of the five were absolutely and totally petrified of Carter; well they're not anymore thanks to Dienecia Johnson. These are the citizens that lived in Carter's sector. Why should any one of them need to be petrified of Carter? Every one of them considered the bad cop's actions to be racially motivated. Obviously I cannot offer any names – these people are the victims too. I also had a lengthy discussion with someone at an upper level with Melbourne PD, but the party must remain nameless.
Just because someone wants a speedy trial doesn't mean that the party is innocent. It is a defense tactic and little more. I find the statement that the MPD and Chief Carey gave the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) false information to be dubious at best. Says who? Carter? No doubt.
A Florida Today article written by Kaustuv Basu and published on November 23, 2010, explains the refiling situation much differently than our "Anonymous" poster and I will go with the newspaper's version. The article is Officer Carter case re-filed.
Our poster is wrong on an additional assertion: Carter isn't being prosecuted because they're afraid he will receive a civil payout (fat fucking chance); he is being prosecuted because the Dienecia Johnson mess is the straw that broke the camel's back. Carter has hundreds of complaints against him from his years in the University Blvd. sector. It was about damned time someone did something to get this power freak out of his patrol car. Enough is enough.
And now we get to me and your assertions regarding my case…
Yes, I state that everywhere – I was prosecuted on "racketeering" and "conspiracy to commit racketeering (RICO)" by Florida's Office of the Statewide Prosecutor. I was also acquitted by jury verdict on both counts.
"Anonymous" has the book thing a bit mixed-up though: I wrote and published Memoirs of an Accused Madam: The War on Adult Business in Orlando
The Memoirs
The Blueprint books are exactly as described in Google Books and on Amazon, and not as "Anonymous" describes them. They also sell decently. I hereby offer Carter a free copy – it looks like he may need it. (smile) Frank Carter might consider writing a book and titling it "Surviving an Illegal Traffic Stop," or wait – it would sell better if Dienecia Johnson wrote it.
In so far as the poster's statement that my posts are slanderous – he clearly has no clue about law in this respect either. The correct term would be libelous but I haven't stated anything that could possibly invite a libel suit. Back to law school with you "Anonymous".
I do give Frank Carter the benefit of doubt in this post and the last post concerning his case. Most consider Carter's actions to be racially motivated. I think he would have treated the citizens like he has regardless of color or ethnicity. I think he is just another bad cop. Even if he is acquitted by a jury it doesn't erase what I know to be fact, and it also doesn't net him the civil suit jackpot - as I will attest.
I do thank "Anonymous" for being civil in the second comment and not attacking Ms. Johnson again.
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