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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Looking Forward in 2011

Many that read this blog may consider me negative, or one that views the glass as half empty instead of half full. Is that an understatement? Perhaps as I haven't experienced much good in life since the day of my arrest on November 20, 2001. Yes, the jury acquitted me on both first degree felonies, but it was a day of extreme emotion and not a day of happiness and joy.

They did so much to me. Physical torture would have been more acceptable. It was also the years that led to the arrest. I was literally stalked by agents from the MBI, mainly Brant Rose (retired care of Florida taxpayers shortly after my trial), but he was ordered – a mere soldier in the War on Adult Business that was far from alone. Hell, by the time they arrested me I had no tears left and only anger remained. The tears came only when I was acquitted.

I have never been vindicated; not really. Sure, I am not in a Florida prison for the rest of my life or already dead in one, but that isn't vindication. I appreciate the fact that the jury really listened to the case for the entire two weeks of trial and paid attention to all that I stated in testimony. Still, I was left broken from the experience and clearly it rules all that I do, say, and write – even today, and it has been just over 9 years since arrest. I doubt that this will ever change.

I am still missing pieces of that puzzle. Who ordered the pursuit and arrest? Who is really behind the telephone line blocking that has gone on in Orlando since before I ever entered the picture in late 1992? The blocking has evolved with technology over the years, but like Eddie Munoz in Las Vegas has stated, “When 100,000 + people are in town for the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and the phone is ringing two or three times a day, you know you've got a problem.” It falls in the category of too damn obvious and it has for 20 years. That is a long time for a conspiracy to be ongoing.

I asked for answers in Memoirs because I need to finish the puzzle. Of course I have some answers and some educated guesses, but no proof. As far as I am concerned, the conspirators owe me $millions as they do Eddie in Las Vegas and many other escort business operators in Orlando and Las Vegas. There was also evidence of the blocks in several California cities, but I am totally out of touch on that.

The only time I have felt a semblance of vindication was after I discovered Eddie Munoz's various civil suits in state and federal court, and that discovery was in 2009. At least they cannot ridicule me and claim I have no clue what I'm talking about. Eddie and I do not really speak at the moment, but his existence (and many civil suits) saved my sanity and I will forever be thankful for that.

The investigation into the blocks has never ceased for me as I do not believe it has for Eddie Munoz. I doubt that I will be around to collect my $millions when the puzzle is solved, but my son will. He will pursue it in courts until he collects for all the lost money, the damage to his mother, the arrest and created case – every lousy fucking $dollar. Eventually conspiracies are exposed and the conspirators revealed. History is on my side whether time is or not.

The case was based on such flimsy evidence that the MBI and the State of Florida never even had enough evidence to get a wiretap or a search warrant. If any reader is aware of a RICO prosecution based on such a low level of evidence that a judge refused to sign a court order for a wiretap or a search warrant, please do step forward and name the case and the court. It is absolutely unheard of in legal circles. Prove me wrong – please.

So I move forward in 2011 with no more answers than I had in previous years. The anger is still there as is the sense of entitlement – I have paid my dues and I am entitled to answers to the missing pieces of the puzzle. Will I find those answers? We shall see.

Image: Communication Satellite 2009 © Natalia Silych / 2011 ©

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