Trauma Resolution is a special service at Inspirations. Some trauma is part of almost all of our lives. However, the symptoms of unhealed trauma include the following:
• Use of mood altering drugs, alcohol or compulsive behavior to “block out” troubled emotions, along with a chronic relapse pattern for some addicts.
• Feelings of worthlessness, self-hate, or unworthiness.
• Social isolation and patterns of self-neglect; ie, ignoring health needs.
• Use of mood altering drugs, alcohol or compulsive behavior to “block out” troubled emotions, along with a chronic relapse pattern for some addicts.
• Feelings of worthlessness, self-hate, or unworthiness.
• Social isolation and patterns of self-neglect; ie, ignoring health needs.
• Over-reaction to current incidents.
• Under-reaction or emotional numbness.
• Attraction to or feelings of indebtedness to people who are dangerous, explosive or shaming.
Inspirations staff is especially committed to addressing trauma related problems during treatment. Often clients are emotionally or "spiritually wounded” by past experiences. Sometimes this is real and sometimes it is perceived…regardless, to the patient these memories are very real. This “wounding” can continue to influence choices and behaviors during our adult years. As part of the trauma treatment process, we provide intensive Trauma Healing Workshops. In these workshops, each teen is assisted in recognizing past significant events and traumatic experiences and then in reframing these memories to a healing context. Deeply held, unresolved feelings are faced and expressed within a structured protective environment. Following this workshop, teens often report deepened motivation to continue with the process of recovery.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is one of the causes of problem teen behaviors, chaos in the family due to acting out teens, and teen drug and alcohol addiction. Recognizing and dealing with past trauma, allows the teen to focus on the process of changing behaviors, improving copings skills, finding solutions to problems, and working through the process of addiction recovery. Soon the teen recognizes self worth, self-integrity and hope. The recognition of trauma and treatment process is possible through an environment of trust, understanding and mutual support.
Inspirations Teen Rehab is a quality treatment program for teen post traumatic stress disorders, which may include medication, psychotherapy, narrative therapy, and solution focused therapy, as a preferred treatment method.
Visit Inspirations web site for more information on teen Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment and teen behavior treatment programs.
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237 http://www.covecenterforrecovery.com[/b]
• Under-reaction or emotional numbness.
• Attraction to or feelings of indebtedness to people who are dangerous, explosive or shaming.
Inspirations staff is especially committed to addressing trauma related problems during treatment. Often clients are emotionally or "spiritually wounded” by past experiences. Sometimes this is real and sometimes it is perceived…regardless, to the patient these memories are very real. This “wounding” can continue to influence choices and behaviors during our adult years. As part of the trauma treatment process, we provide intensive Trauma Healing Workshops. In these workshops, each teen is assisted in recognizing past significant events and traumatic experiences and then in reframing these memories to a healing context. Deeply held, unresolved feelings are faced and expressed within a structured protective environment. Following this workshop, teens often report deepened motivation to continue with the process of recovery.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is one of the causes of problem teen behaviors, chaos in the family due to acting out teens, and teen drug and alcohol addiction. Recognizing and dealing with past trauma, allows the teen to focus on the process of changing behaviors, improving copings skills, finding solutions to problems, and working through the process of addiction recovery. Soon the teen recognizes self worth, self-integrity and hope. The recognition of trauma and treatment process is possible through an environment of trust, understanding and mutual support.
Inspirations Teen Rehab is a quality treatment program for teen post traumatic stress disorders, which may include medication, psychotherapy, narrative therapy, and solution focused therapy, as a preferred treatment method.
Visit Inspirations web site for more information on teen Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment and teen behavior treatment programs.
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237 http://www.covecenterforrecovery.com[/b]
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