From the time I entered this country to date I have encountered so many bad cops that I considered this a U.S. epidemic. Sure, I know that there are some good cops out there; I just drew the justice card and rarely meet any. We all draw different cards in life and mine all relate to justice, or rather injustice.
Most people go through life and never encounter bad cops. This doesn't mean that I did anything wrong and they did everything correct; it means that they didn't draw the justice card in life. Most people remain clueless as to the inner workings of the criminal justice system in the US, though I am not so sure that clueless is a preferred state of mind so I'm happy that I am enlightened regardless of all the problems involved.
I watched a CNN special a few nights ago: Race and Rage: Rodney King 20 Years Later
Rodney King stated that he did forgive the officers that beat him on that unforgettable night in Los Angeles. You may be thinking, why can't you forgive if King can Vicky? Well, I thought about that myself when he made the statement; however, the huge difference is that King's bad cops paid – two officers were convicted on civil rights violations and then King received $million + for his suffering. No one would even let my bad cops get to the point of a trial. None of the bad cops that I have encountered in the last 25 years have paid, yet. So, my state of mind is still that of an angry victim.
I do not know if there is a God and a Heaven and a Hell. I often have doubts and consider believers to be no different than idol worshipers. We all need a crutch in life, but that has never been my crutch. For the first time in many years I prayed to this unknown God the other night. I did this while my son and his friend were in the clutches of the scary and dangerous bad cops referred to in my last post. I do not know if prayer helped or not, but they went from intent to seize the vehicle and arrest my son and his friend on some unknown charges to a short don't come back here again speech. Maybe there is a God after all. Maybe deputy bad-ass #1 had second thoughts for another reason.
A quick search in the Inmate Locator on the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) website reveals that former Chicago police commander Jon Burge is still not serving his sentence. If you are not familiar with the deranged Chicago police commander that ordered and/or participated in torturing over 200 African American men between 1972 and 1991 to force confessions, please read Who is Jon Burge?
Let's not pretend that the charges that Burge was tried on and convicted of reflected his actual crimes against humanity. Burge is the poster child for bad cops.
What ever happened to Lake County Florida Sheriff's Office Detective Ralph D. Fiorenza? The information that I located says that he is retired. He receives a pension for his years of service, no matter that those years included falsifying reports and other criminal acts committed against Mario J. Bassignani and uncountable others, no doubt. This piece of shit, like so many others including Jon Burge, is actually allowed to retire with a pension. Not familiar with Mario Bassignani's story? Read on the website that Mario's brother has had online since 2002: Let Justice be Served
Mario was an engineer at Kennedy Space Center until bad-ass detective Fiorenza entered his life. Mario blew his brains out on the courthouse steps in Lake County, Florida on February 6, 2001. May Mario Bassignani rest in peace and know that if there is a Hell, well, Fiorenza will be going there when he finally croaks.
Bad cops are rarely held accountable for their criminal acts in the US, so is it no wonder that cops like Frank Carter, former Melbourne P.D. officer, and the asshat Deputy Genovese of the Hernando County Sheriff's Office that my son and his friend encountered over the weekend run rampant as they do? No wonder at all as most (defined as more than 50%) of Americans love to see people in cages and suffering.
We live in a country in which most of the population loves to see others suffer, whether guilty or not. Toss that bullshit line innocent until proven guilty right out your proverbial window, because they do not give a rat's ass and consider anyone a cop approaches to question or anyone arrested guilty. We don't need trials here; not in the US. Cops decide innocence or guilt and cops get away with anything and everything in this corrupt nation.
But eventually all bad cops pay for their dirty deeds and crimes against the people.
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