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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Former Cop Frank Carter of Melbourne: Expounding on the Issues

Many have arrived at this blog recently by searching for Frank Carter's name and it is time to expound on the issues and hope that you understand why I consider Carter a bad cop, regardless of inept prosecutors, collusion, or corrupt judges.

Most bad cops are never prosecuted; look how long it took prosecutors in Cook County, Illinois to try Jon Burge for a lousy perjury charge when we all know that he ordered and participated in torturing suspects to obtain confessions. Of course most of those confessions were false, but the defendants still languished in prisons for years. The fact that the farce of a corrupt system cannot manage to prosecute Carter means little to me.

I find it far-fetched and implausible that Brevard County prosecutors couldn't find any complainants that were willing to testify. From what I know there have been hundreds of complaints against Frank Carter over the years, but of course time is an issue and I am not sure of the statute of limitations on official misconduct charges or falsifying official records or documents, so all cases are no longer valid. They ignored this train wreck for years.; probably 20 years altogether or close to it.

The main case that prosecutors used to arrest Carter was questionable. Getting down to the basics here, Frank Carter was accused of making illegal traffic stops and conducting illegal searches. There is no doubt whatsoever that he has done this hundreds, if not thousands, of times in his 20+ year career. To me he is the definition of “bad cop”. He is the same as the Hernando County deputies that did the traffic stop on my son and his friend a couple of weeks ago. He is the same as several Cocoa P.D. officers that have done worse than the Hernando County deputies did to my son in the past five years.

Ever since my son got a driver's license he has experienced illegal traffic stops and illegal searches of any vehicle he drove. We have it down to a system because it happens so frequently. For the most part it has always happened in Cocoa with Cocoa P.D. officers. It has not happened in Cocoa for a couple of years though, not since my visit to the Cocoa Police Department to speak to a supervisor and request records.

On my last trip to Cocoa P.D. (it was far from the first), I encountered an intelligent supervisor. I'm not sure if he was a sergeant or a Lt, but this is immaterial anyway. A nice man that had recently relocated from NY and was attempting to reform the department, and he sure managed to smooth everything over with me. When I enter a police department under such circumstances I am angry, no doubt, but I am also intelligent enough to know that sarcasm with a smirk is the only tool available to me to get my point across.

In this particular traffic stop my son and a friend were pulled-over for no reason and held for 45 solid minutes while Cocoa P.D. waited on a dog to arrive – that dog was busy in Melbourne, as has been the case in past. That dog was probably busy with one of Frank Carter's illegal traffic stops. The officers were told clearly twice that they had no permission to search so instead they waited on a dog. Neat, except that holding a driver and passenger for 45 minutes is also illegal. Of course there was no reason to call a dog and of course the dog didn't find anything.

I was having a discussion with someone the other day about possible reasons that cops target my son. His last name is different so they do not know that he is my son when the siren and lights go on, so it isn't the usual hatred of me. For years it was stickers on the vehicles and the hour of night that he was driving, in my opinion. He has always been into music and had 10+ and closer to 20+ heavy metal band stickers on any car he has driven. He also worked for Papa John's from age 17 forward – first as an insider, then as a driver, and later as a manager. He has always had the latest shift and often didn't get out of work until 2am or 3am, so that is why he would be going to Walmart or driving down the road at that hour. Not everyone is a day person, as those late shift cops should know.

The recent Hernando County stop was different in that my son was in a rental car that was close to brand new, so no stickers. It also happened at 1am on a Saturday night and I do not consider that late.

Back to Frank Carter

The main case that prosecutors used to arrest him was of one Laura Cabrera. Of course I do not know Laura, but if you look at her record she has been charged with drug and drug-related counts more than once. I believe that she even pleaded to a count once. This woman has had a lengthy list of traffic stops, many probably care of Frank Carter. Carter probably found drugs when he illegally searched when he had no right by law to stop her to begin with. The law is the law and if officers like Frank Carter are not going to obey it, why should we expect Laura Cabrera to?

I didn't mention Cabrera's case in my previous posts as I preferred the case of Dienecia Johnson. She never pled to any drug charge and has had too long of a list of traffic stops for no reason. My previous discussion of her traffic stops is clear on why Carter could not have had reason to pull her over to begin with: She was charged with not having her driver's license or registration to show too many times. How in the hell could Frank Carter know that she didn't have either available when he pulled her over? He couldn't and in several cases she was not charged with anything else.

The situation with my son has been similar several times. He was pulled over for no reason whatsoever and a couple of times the offending cop actually created a traffic ticket for an offense that didn't exist to cover his illegal stop and illegal search. In one case the created ticket was for “running a red light” and my son took photos of the intersection, obtained the records of the pull-over, and argued it in court. The judge found him not guilty. I won't bother to explain how turning right on red without stopping at that intersection was absolutely legal, except to say that it had to do with the lane merging and no stop bar. During that stop my son was subjected to an angry Marine Drill Sergeant cop yelling at the top of his lungs throughout (30 solid minutes), throwing my son against the car to search him, and an absolutely illegal search of the vehicle – no permission and no reason. The dog was busy in Melbourne – again probably at one of Carter's illegal stop and search escapades

There are far too many of these bad cops on the road. Something must be done to stop this in our society. If supervisors don't give a fuck, then it is time to get rid of the supervisors with the bad boy cops.

If the Melbourne P.D. takes Frank Carter back they are in collusion with him and advocate criminal behavior. It is easy to look at his traffic stops and know that he doesn't give a rat's ass about following the law. This guy considers himself a superior being that makes his own judgment calls and totally disregards law.

I have so many additional examples of bad cops detaining my son, including two that involve pizza delivery, that this post could go on and on for pages. Perhaps I will bore you with more later, but hopefully I have made my point concerning Frank Carter.

A cop doesn't have to be dealing drugs or raping women to be a bad cop.

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