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Friday, July 1, 2011

Prescription Drugs - Juveniles in Trouble with the Law

If your son or daughter were to give another child prescription drugs that they might find at home and the child overdose and die, it is highly likely that a civil suit against you for negligence will result in your having to pay damages.

There is also a chance that you could face criminal prosecution for your leaving dangerous drugs around that could lead to the death of another.

Possession of controlled substances with intent to sell is a crime. The painkillers are mostly Schedule II drugs. Ritalin and Adderall are Schedule II drugs. Most benzodiazepines are Schedule IV drugs.

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s report “Crime in the United States”, there were 143,639 juveniles arrested by state and local law enforcement agencies for drug abuse violations during 2006, representing 10.4% of the drug arrests in which the offender’s age was reported.

If your child is caught in possession of any amount of painkillers or stimulants here are the federal guidelines:

First Offense: Not more than 20 years. If death or serious injury, not less than 20 years, or more than life. Fine $1 million.

Second Offense: Not more than 30 years. If death or serious injury, not less than life. Fine $2 million.

If your child is caught with benzodiazepines, here are the federal guidelines:

First Offense: Not more than 3 years. Fine not more than $250,000.
Second Offense: Not more than6 years. Fine not more than $500,000.

Obviously, if your child is treated as a minor the guidelines can be different, but it is still drug trafficking. By leaving prescription drugs around and by not educating our kids about the dangers of prescription drugs, they risk not only serious injury or death but also prison.

For more information on teen drug abuse, teen addiction treatment, and teen drug rehab programs visit Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab.

Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237

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