What happened to my child? This is the question most often asked, when parents call Inspirations Teen Rehab seeking help for their teenage child. When parents call our center for help, their conversations quickly recount a time when their teenager was once a small child, and their world was happy, their child was obedient, warm, welcoming, and loving. Then, the conversation turns to the current situation of the struggle between the parent and the child, in which the parent is traumatized, baffled, and in a state of complete despair and desperation, needing the assistance of anyone, preferably a professional, to help understand and mend the alarming and chaotic behaviors of the teenager and the repair of the destruction of the family unit. Most parents are either heartbroken or angry or both. Their dream for their child, which began when their child was placed in their arms upon birth, now appears shattered.
Many parents are fearful of their teenager’s future, as teen behaviors often jeopardize their college opportunities and many times, put them at risk for incarceration. Incarceration or involvement in the juvenile justice program can quickly become a reality, as teens use or abuse drugs, become violent and cause dangerous domestic situations, or demonstrate aggressive or volatile behavior in public or while driving a vehicle.
Parents, family members, teachers, coaches, and other people involved in a teenagers life, often ask this question: When did the teen behavior problem begin? This is a question that is not easily answered. For teenagers who experienced a traumatic event, the trauma is often the catalyst for behavioral problems. For those teenagers who have a history of stable behavior and age appropriate behavior, it is difficult to identify the exact moment or incident (if one exists) at which the teen changed course.
Below are some of the behaviors, situations, or actions, commonly found in teens and families who are struggling with teen behavior problems which have been consistently identified by mental health professionals:
Many parents are fearful of their teenager’s future, as teen behaviors often jeopardize their college opportunities and many times, put them at risk for incarceration. Incarceration or involvement in the juvenile justice program can quickly become a reality, as teens use or abuse drugs, become violent and cause dangerous domestic situations, or demonstrate aggressive or volatile behavior in public or while driving a vehicle.
Parents, family members, teachers, coaches, and other people involved in a teenagers life, often ask this question: When did the teen behavior problem begin? This is a question that is not easily answered. For teenagers who experienced a traumatic event, the trauma is often the catalyst for behavioral problems. For those teenagers who have a history of stable behavior and age appropriate behavior, it is difficult to identify the exact moment or incident (if one exists) at which the teen changed course.
Below are some of the behaviors, situations, or actions, commonly found in teens and families who are struggling with teen behavior problems which have been consistently identified by mental health professionals:
• Given a sense of immediate gratification or quickly satisfied
• Over-indulged, spoiled, or given money and objects without earning them
• Lack of consistent home rules and curfews
• Lack of consistent home responsibilities (chores)
• Lack of definitive expectations and goals
• Lack of Consequences
• Lack of physical or emotional safety (home or school)
• Lack of quality time shared between parents and children
• Severe dysfunction in the home, including violence, addiction, or mental health issues
For more information on teen behavior problems and teen drug abuse visit Inspirations for Youth and Families.
Addiction and Behavior Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237 http://www.inspirationsyouth.com http://www.inspirationsteenrehab.com
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237 http://www.covecenterforrecovery.com
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