With Craigslist adult services long gone, the anti-adult agenda has turned towards Village Voice Media, the owner of backpage.com. In Seattle, the mayor has pulled the city's ads in the Seattle Weekly, also owned by Village Voice Media. American Airlines also pulled all ads from Village Voice Media publications.
Trevor Neilsen with Huffpost Mediastated: “The goal is also not to stop adults from selling ads. The goal is simply to stop children from being sold for sex.”
Don't be naïve Trevor. They won't stop until all adult categories have been eliminated from all Village Voice publications. I'm sure that you watched it with Craigslist and the personalized attacks on Craig Newmark and Jim Buckmaster, right? What makes you believe that this witch hunt is any different? I will await your answer.
Beyond that, I have watched it and dealt with it since I entered the escort business in Orlando in 1992, with special emphasis on 1996, when Sprint Publishing was threatened with RICO charges over its yellow pages in the Orlando-Disney area and then again with the arrests at the Orlando Weekly back in 2007: The Yellow Pages Fiasco
Using the cause of child sex trafficking is a somewhat new tool in the anti-adult business toolbox. Really in any case that I have heard of that involved Backpage, we are talking about some random sleezebag that advertises a teenager. Let's not pretend this never happened before the world went online.
If Village Voice Media is somehow able to verify ID prior to posting an advertisement in the adult categories, do you believe that it would stop there and the current attackers would welcome the media company with open arms? If you do, I still have that home in the Everglades for sale and the wildlife comes right to the door.
This entire attack is all about the anti-adult agenda and has little or nothing to do with child sex trafficking. Trust me; they'd like to kill all adult businesses in the US and make advertising anywhere impossible. The question is, who will be the next in line after Village Voice Media caves?
The fact that PayPal chose to censor me and killed my ebook sales for books that would be rated PG or R tells me that I will encounter issues elsewhere in the near future. It is indeed an anti-adult agenda.
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