How in the hell can they justify executing an alleged car thief that was unarmed? The way it works here, the deputies probably received commendations. Read more about the execution of Torey Breedlove HERE.
Back in January of 2004, Orange County Deputy Richard Mankewich shot and murdered 26 year-old Marvin Williams when Williams took off running during a traffic stop. Mankewich chased the unarmed Williams through a populated neighborhood near downtown Orlando, firing repeatedly, and all because he fled during a traffic stop. Sure Marvin Williams had a record and his driver's license wasn't exactly in order, but is that a valid reason to execute the man? Read more about the murder of Marvin Williams HERE.
Mankewich is better known for his 1997 traffic stop of a Miami police major traveling on the turnpike through Central Florida. Campbell is black and the case had major racial overtones since there was no valid reason for the traffic stop to begin with. Before the stop was over, and Campbell was arrested on a list of false charges, I am sure that he considered it more than possible that the good old boy cops intended to kill him.
Deputy Mankewich was promoted not long after he shot and murdered Marvin Williams. He also has an extensive record of complaints and at the time he killed Williams, there were 27 complaints of excessive use of force. Our lousy former sheriff, Kevin Beary, never bothered to investigate any of the complaints against his prize deputy. My main questions would be were all of Mankewich's victims black? If not, then what percentage were? Mankewich is more recently known for his odd and false arrest of a black juvenile that was later tossed out by the state attorney's office – read about that in Government Accountability.
There have been many more murders committed by Florida deputies during traffic stops in the last decade than anyone would care to admit and far too many in Orange County. When I was researching for a civil suit against Sheriff Beary et al. back in 2003, I found a lengthy list of cases in federal court files. In one particular case, a 16 year-old was electrocuted with 19 jolts from taser guns by 7 “John Doe” deputies. The deputies were referred to as John Does in the suit because Sheriff Beary ditched the police reports and all paperwork and the mother and her attorney could not even get the names of the deputies that murdered this unarmed teen. A lousy federal judge dismissed the suit; the same lousy judge that dismissed my own, if I recall correctly.
State and federal files here are full of dismissed cases against former Sheriff Beary for abuse, excessive force, and murder committed by his unruly deputies, though the Torey Breedlove case occurred on current Sheriff Demings watch as many more have also. These people do whatever the hell they want to do to the citizens, and they get away with it. They literally get away with murder.
In other news, rioters burned stores and attacked police over the shooting death of a motorist in Tottenham, a socially disadvantaged area in north London. Hey – at least the people in this area react to bad cops and police abuse, as they should. The police are supposed to be working for the citizens, not killing them. I haven't seen any normal reactions here since the riots after the cops that beat Rodney King were acquitted in trial back in 1992. What happened here? Perhaps it is exactly what I have been saying: Somewhere between 65% and 75% of the population is drugged and with these mind-numbing psychotropic drugs, fighting back is not an option; they'd rather watch trash on television.
Am I condoning rioting and looting? I don't know and if there is a better solution, please do inform me on the specifics. Filing complaints results in nothing whatsoever here and the complaints are ignored and tossed in the garbage. Filing lawsuits does absolutely nothing either – bad judges that work in a corrupt system simply dismiss the lawsuits for the bad cops. Grand juries manage to find justification for cops executing unarmed motorists. Been there and done that. You see, that is why I wrote Memoirs – to keep the information out there. Serious police misconduct and abuse involved in my case, but few even care to read about it and many more buy my Blueprint books – thanks, but totally beside the point.
In the US, police are rarely held accountable for their actions so they abuse the general population at will. Why not, right? Cops decide that actions by other cops are justified, even when it amounts to murder. Judges and courts give cops and the state a pass regularly in Florida. The FL Department of Corrections regularly sanctions any abusive actions by its own guards. We have the fox guarding the henhouse here - it is totally absurd!
Federal prosecutors in New Orleans are different today. They went after bad cops that murdered and covered-up murder and the people answered: Five cops all found guilty and facing decades in prison where they belong. Kudos to federal prosecutors in New Orleans for pursuing these bad cops that execute citizens! Read more about the New Orleans case in Danziger Bridge guilty verdicts are another strike against New Orleans police.
So, any thoughts on how we can hold them accountable for police misconduct, abuse, and murder of citizens?
I was arguing on a message board yesterday – something I do often these days – and the topic was a 17 year-old that supposedly committed suicide in a Florida Department of Corrections (DOC) hospital facility. Demetrius Jordan was found hanging in a cell. His family believes that it was not suicide and that he was beaten to death and the hanging a part of the cover-up. This may indeed be the case, but this was his 4thtrip to the hospital facility, they were about to send him back to the DOC facility, and maybe he saw no hope and couldn't fathom a return to a facility wherein he has been beaten and abused so frequently.
Was Jordan's abuse at the hands of corrections staff or just on their watch? Either way it reveals negligence on the part of the staff and only to different degrees. He was a 17 year-old, a child, that these state minions claim to be protecting in so many other ways. How in the hell can a healthy teen require hospitalization on four separate occasions in the course of just over a year and someone in authority does not question and investigate it? Tell me how, please, because I will never get it. No one else posting in this discussion even cared and several thought that it was good that Jordan was dead. The article is HERE. My discussion is under the Orlando Sentinel article HERE.
Florida's juvenile facilities are some of the worst in the country and now many are run by G4S, formerly known as Wackenhut. Allow your child to end-up in a Florida juvenile facility and that child may never make it out of there. If by chance your child makes it out alive, the damage sustained will last a lifetime. Doubt what I'm saying? Read about The White House Boys Survivor's Organization. And yes, I know several people that were sent there too many years ago.
Get off the flippin' drugs people or get your heads out of the state's ass and start holding them accountable for their actions.
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