Monday, May 30, 2011
Portrayal of Bradley Manning in US Media
I'm with Lulzsec all the way here: Fuck PBS and the Frontline show and the horse they rode in on! The reputation of this broadcaster and this show was just flushed down a toilet by anyone with a brain.
Yep, the good news is that Lulzsec hacked the PBS website, posted thousands of passwords, and included an article about Tupac being found in New Zealand. Don't you love it? I did. I only hope they've covered their tracks well because an angry mob of US pro-war profiteers with all the money in the world should not be taken lightly. The thought sends shivers up my spine.
While I'm at it, fuck that stupid twit Adrian Lamo too. This idiot and his falsified chat logs and his bullshit concern for possible lost lives is nothing but a US military tool. A lousy informant assigned a military handler that will pull his puppet strings. Get a fuckin' backbone you stupid piece of crap.
I'm sure we can look forward to US military sock puppets twisting this story beyond recognition for the sake of the brain-dead in this country.
FREE BRADLEY MANNING!!!! If you can't do anything else, please donate to Bradley Manning's defense on the Bradley Manning Support Network website.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Blocking Escort Services During Conventions

Last week I posted an article on my Blueprint Blog discussing the blocking and strategies of discovery and possible solutions. One reader was paying attention. He stated that he has quietly watched as huge conventions came to his city of operation out west for the last month, unsure of the next move. The conventions brought no business. One intelligent escort that contracts with him and a couple of other area services had similar thoughts, but after the last huge convention brought nothing, zero, zilch, she commented: “What is this, a eunuch convention?” I had to laugh – apparently all conventions in Orlando are eunuch conventions.
I am sorry that I cannot reveal which specific city in the Western US we are discussing here, but I am sworn to secrecy. I don't know this guy, but I verified that he is who he says he is before helping with his mission of discovery. Last night he contacted me and the first sentence out of his mouth was: “I bet you have had a lot of people saying that you are just a conspiracy nut, but this is really happening.”
Yes, no joke on both counts, right. I will name the man Joe so I don't have to continue calling him the guy or that man etc.... I can reveal some basic information here, but nothing that could prevent further discovery – apparently there's much discovery to deal with. Joe felt that several other operators in his area were in a state of “ignorant bliss” in that they haven't really noticed this serious problem. I have found that when an escort operator books every idiot that calls in a 60 mile radius, doesn't check any information, books crap motels and bad neighborhoods or college party situations, it isn't noticeable; not really anyway because they're still making decent money. They aren't taking into account that they'd be making triple or quadruple the $s if convention attendees could reach them.
My situation, especially in the later years of business, was that I always verified calls and only booked nice, mild clients in nice houses or better hotels. The few cops that I booked from late 1992 through September 2001, when I closed my business prior to my arrest, did check out. By the time I booked the last 2 out of the 4 over the years, they knew they had to work to book with me, and they did. The second to the last one had a verified return flight to Omaha. The last one was a repeat client - a good repeat local client turned informant.
These days, if I bother to deal with it to cover my research costs, I won't books locals or anyone not with a convention. The fact of the matter is that not one single caller that I have heard from since mid-January (yes – almost 5 months ago) has been here with a convention. Not even one. How believable is that? Especially when considering that the phone rings often from outlying areas (other counties), questionable areas (maybe safe and maybe not), UCF apartments, dumpy motels etc... It would be nice to believe that men had changed and none dial escort services anymore; however, the calls that I do receive prove otherwise. Only men in Orlando on conventions do not dial escort services. Hmmm...
Anyway, let's get back to Joe's discovery.
First Joe, armed with a variety of wireless phones, a laptop, a wireless modem, and a few helpers, drove to the area of this city's main convention center and set out towards hotel #1, a Hilton. Joe used an unknown wireless phone (not one that's in any ad anywhere) to dial his main business line that he had a helper answering in another area. He reached an odd recording that stated: “you must enter your PIN # to reach this number”. I must add that this sounds like one of those fake recording set-ups that I suggested on this blog long ago if a possible informant is dialing you in Responses to Witnesses and Informants.
Joe continued in his quest for answers. He walked a block from the main convention center and the Hilton, but still to no avail as he reached the same weird recording. He dialed his other helpers and had each move to a different area and each had no trouble at all reaching him on his main business line. He walked out another block – so now he was two blocks from the convention center and the Hilton. Same crap. It's clear that this is not tied to the Hilton alone. Joe repeated the same exercise with a Marriott, also close to the convention center, and received the same results. He walked out over 100 meters from each hotel with the same results.
Joe's tests were done at a time when there was a large convention in the area – 20,000. He also tested to see if he could search for and click on his websites. He was able to do both and viewed his websites from hotel lobbies using the wireless modem. He had no way of testing the hotel's ISP – I suggested on the Blueprint Blog that a person needed to check from inside a room using the hotel's ISP, not the free Wifi. Checking the Wifi access is a good idea too, but less important because blocking with the Wifi is simple for any hotel as I discussed in a previous post herein: Hotels using Wifi to Block and Censor.
A friend and I recently actually paid a convention attendee in Orlando to allow us to come-in and use the hotel's ISP for a check, but Joe wasn't comfortable with this. I was unable to view my sites using a wireless modem, the hotel's Wifi, or the hotel's ISP. So, Joe is better off in that the website is viewable with a wireless modem, but then again no one can reach his number anyway.
Given the radius that Joe's business line was unreachable, I must say that my original assessment in the last post on this blog on the topic that there is a satellite involved, is on target. It is not only inside a hotel or related to any specific hotel. It also answered another question for me: There have been many times that I heard from a potential client when he was 10 miles from his hotel and on the way back. I'd instruct that he should call me when he reached his room, but I would never hear from him again.
Joe believes that someone is doing all of this business, not much different than what I discovered back in 1993-95, when “Kendall” and I went out to the Disney Swan and Dolphin playing investigator. This is in the earlier chapters in Memoirs. Joe has some reasoning to believe this, but I am not so sure about that part. I have not explored this aspect of the problem in Orlando recently, but do intend to in the near future. Needless to say, Joe intends to get to the bottom of the entire debacle and find out who is screwing him out of so many good calls. In Joe's city this is a new problem and it wasn't happening a couple of months ago.
Of course I had to warn Joe – the relentless pursuit of me only began after I started gutting the telephone troubles and discussed it loudly with people in high places, including telco security. My arrest came after more loud discussion at the wrong people. Poor “Kendall” was ambushed (also in Memoirs). As far as I am concerned the blockers owe me $millions, and I am still looking to collect.
One thought to ponder: We must wonder what other types of businesses they're blocking. Small transportation companies? Small pizza parlors? I'm sure the practice is not isolated to the escort business.
Image: Digital Globe 2008 © Vasiliy Yakobchuk 2011 ©
Thursday, May 26, 2011
The need to implement effective prevention and treatment of drug and alcohol abuse for teens

In a study sponsored by MetLife Foundation, released on April 6, 2011, the trend in alcohol and drug abuse in teens was shown to be in need of immediate attention.
The 2010 Partnership Attitude Tracking Study consists of two nationally projectable samples: a survey that measures attitudes and behaviors of parents with children ages 10 to 19 that relate to substance abuse and a teen sample for students in grades nine through 12.
New data from the study on alcohol use shows that drinking is often considered to be acceptable behavior among teens – less risky and more approved of than abuse of other substances. These beliefs are critically important: data from the University of Michigan’s annual “Monitoring the Future” survey of 8th, 10th and 12th grade high school students, going back to 1975, show that teens’ perceptions of the risk and social disapproval of drug use correlate very closely with drug taking behavior – more closely than demographic characteristics such as race / ethnicity, socio-economic status or geography.
The average age of first use among teens is 14 years old. One quarter had their first drink by the age of 12 and by age 15 six out of 10 teens have had their first drink. Age of first use is critically important: research has shown that more than 40 percent of those who start drinking at age 14 or younger developed alcohol dependence, compared with 10 percent of those who began drinking at age 20 or older.
Underlying this abuse of alcohol among teens is a low sense of risk in use. Almost half of teens do not see a “great risk” in heavy daily drinking. In addition only one in three strongly disapprove of “getting drunk” which means that seven out of 10 do not strongly disapprove of the behavior.
Teens believe that alcohol is drunk by kids because it is fun, makes parties more fun, and helps them fit in with their peers and not feel left out. Teens who have drunk alcohol in the past year say the primarily reason why they do it is because it is fun. At the same time, while having fun and social motivations are the most frequently endorsed reasons for use, over a third of teens are drinking to cope with problems. Drinking alcohol for coping reasons in adolescence is a predictor of later problem use.
About one in seven teens feels they may have a problem with alcohol – either reporting they are worried about their drinking or they drink because it is a habit. Again, heavy alcohol use at an early age, when teens’ brains are still developing, can alter reward pathways in the brain and foreshadow later problem use.
Parents concede that they think most teens will try beer occasionally; however, the majority doesn’t believe their child has drunk alcohol at all.
Additionally, based on this study, a disturbing trend confirmed the significant increases in adolescent abuse of marijuana and Ecstasy.
All measures of marijuana use (ever tried, past year, past month) continue last year’s significant increases versus 2008.
Past year and past month Ecstasy use continue last year’s significant increases versus 2008.
The 2010 data also indicated that downward trends in LSD and cigarette use, which began flattening out in 2007, may be poised for an increase.
This study provides a significant support to the argument that families need to take action in identification and treatment of alcohol and drug abuse amongst teens. If there is any hope in stopping the destructive effects of addictions in society, specifically the lives of the most impressionable members of the society, that hope is to implement effective prevention and treatment of drug and alcohol abuse now.
If you would like more information on teen drug and alcohol abuse visit Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab an addiction treatment facility specialized in teens struggling with alcohol and/or drug addiction, which may include mental health issues, more commonly known as dual-diagnosis.
At Inspirations Teen Rehab we understand your concern for your teenager and the changing behaviors causing heartbreak and fear for your teen’s safety and future. Inspirations’ teen addiction treatment programs focuses on all aspects of teen behavioral issues. Family is the cornerstone of Inspirations’ teen addiction treatment center. Teens attending Inspirations’ are using or abusing drugs, often beginning with marijuana. Often, marijuana is the only drug or substance used by a teen. However, drug use becomes drug abuse and eventually leads to drug addiction. Marijuana historically leads to other drugs. Drugs combined with behaviors that demonstrate disrespect for parents, home rules, boundaries, and lack of accountability for actions, are typically an explosive combination that leads to significant and sometimes irreversible consequences.
For more information on our therapies and programs please visit us on the web.
Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away.
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for Adults and Young Adults: 1-888-757-6237
Monday, May 23, 2011
Evolving Evidence in a Prodigious Whodunit
First of all, that compound couldn't possibly have cost bin Laden or anyone else anywhere close to $multi-millions. I thought it looked like a dump in a not so great area. Has the Pakistan real estate market surged recently and we all missed it? Good – I'd bet many of the residents in that area would love to sell their properties for even half that. Where are all the real estate entrepreneurs when you really need them?
And then there is the quickly forgotten Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, also named the Al Qaeda September 11 mastermind. Remember – this guy confessed in front of one of their military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay. That is what they told us and I hold them to it, but he also confessed to a lengthy list of other crimes and events. KSM was a super busy guy. I wonder if he confessed to watching porn too? The list is available HERE.
I need to travel back in time for a moment though. Remember Saddam Hussein and the need to invade Iraq and find him at any cost? Remember Saddam's alleged connection to Al Qaeda and September 11th? If you need to refresh your memory there are still an abundance of articles out there. If you find one that states Saddam watched porn, please let us know over here.
Well guess what – now we have Iran complicit in the events of September 11th as well. Suddenly there's a surge of articles online that claim Iran worked with Al Qaeda and Hezbollah to engineer the attacks on that ever-elusive day. Families of September 11 victims have filed a civil suit demanding damages be paid by the Iranian government. According to the Jurist:
It is our expert opinion to a reasonable degree of professional certainty that the Iranian Regime's use of terror and, specifically, its material support of al Qaeda in multiple terrorist attacks, including 9/11, is beyond question.
Really? Beyond question? Get the hell out of here. Did they watch porn too?
So what is this all-powerful Al Qaeda anyway? I have seen it painted with various brushes over the years, but the description that usually stands is of a loosely-knit organization wherein members coordinate movements via one form of communication or another. The truth bears little resemblance to any of the stories, but you'll need to research it for yourself as it is not a part of my point, except for the official claim of worldwide connections.
Does anyone with any knowledge of US foreign policy in the Middle East actually believe that Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, and the Iranian government got together on anything whatsoever? If you could honestly answer this in the affirmative, do you also believe that they all got together to send 19 Saudi men to flight schools in the US with the goal of carrying out the events of September 11th?
If you answered both questions in the affirmative I have a few really simple questions for you:
Don't you think there are flight schools in the Middle East somewhere? Why weren't these men trained before arrival instead of being left to enroll in rinky-dink flight training at various small schools in Florida or other areas of the US when they were required to fly jets and not small planes? Surely a man capable of hiding from a million+ military personnel over a decade could manage to get these guys some real training before they stepped foot on US soil, right?
Those are my simple questions of the month. Why get into how NORAD was completely useless or anything at all that requires thought when the simplest of questions cures the issue? Still, I must wonder if porn was involved and that's why NORAD was derelict in their duty.
What will the next story be and who will hold the next title of Al Qaeda 9/11 mastermind? It seems that someone is holding an annual drawing on the topic, or perhaps picking the next one from a hat filled with choices. Careful though - they're starting to include "watching porn" as the added alternate agenda, not to mention the claims of hijackers visiting adult men's clubs the day before.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Coping by Cutting

Difficult and often unbearable, coping with psychological issues takes a toll on its victims, especially young teens. Bottled emotions can build up causing the sufferer to look for any way out of pain. In some cases causing pain becomes a way to release pain.
When a teenage victim of incest in Southeast Missouri finally sought the help of a therapist, all the emotional damage and psychological pain she had been carrying around was showing up as cuts and bruises on her body. Tearing her flesh with a paper clip or razor blade she claimed it was a sort of catharsis, relief from the pain in her mind. Jeff Johnston, a psychotherapist with Cape Girardeau-based Associated Counseling Services said he has seen more clients battling self-injury in recent years, most of them young, more female than male. He sees them as young as middle school age teens, and the incidents of cutting tend to get worse as they get older. Guidance counselors and mental health specialists in Southeast Missouri say while the numbers aren't at an all time high yet the incidents are still quite alarming.
Concern is growing for this apparent new trend among teenagers that leaves them not only in need for medical attention but also with more severe psychological damage than before. Although the numbers are hard to track, an estimated one percent of the total U.S. population, around 3 million Americans, shows signs of self-injurious behavior. Another study in the Journal of Clinical Psychology reported rates of 4 percent. A 2004 British study, "Young People and Self-Harm," estimates 10 percent of people ages 11 to 25 self-injure. These studies have also shown that women are more likely to use cutting for psychological relief than men. A number of researchers claim that it is a cry for attention while others believe it is about control that cutters feel that by hurting themselves they have control over their feelings. There is also the notion that cutters are following a trend, a way to fit in with their peers. Mental health professionals have warned that cutters are in a constant state of recovery and that they may substitute cutting by other self-destructive behaviors such as drug abuse. The realization that these behaviors are damaging is the only way to prevent this self- abuse form progressing.
There are better ways to deal with troubles than cutting — healthier, long-lasting ways that don't leave a person with emotional and physical scars. The first step is to get help with the troubles that led to the cutting in the first place. Inspirations Teen Rehab has created a behavioral treatment program for teens who are cutting. The behavior treatment program includes therapeutic methods and skill building activities:
• Psychotherapy
• Solution-Focused Therapy
• Trauma Therapy
• Individual Therapy
• Group Therapy
• Family Therapy
• Recreational Therapy
• Art Therapy
• Music Therapy
• Anger Management Skills
• Stress Management Skills
• Coping Skills
• Decision Making Skills
• Motivational Skills
• Team Building Skills
• Life Skills
• Physical Exercise Program
• Therapeutic High School Academic Program
For more information on our therapies and programs please visit us on the web.
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-3876237[/
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Most in the US Convict on Charges Alone
Hell, look at me – a jury said “not guilty” on all counts, but the majority of Americans convict me anyway. Why do you think I write books and attempt to support myself doing so? Furthermore, in Florida an arrest record is not erased when a jury acquits. I have no idea if this is the case in New York, or not.
The arrest of IMF Chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn in Manhattan is sending a message around the world. The part that I really do not comprehend is how they can justify holding him at Rikers Island with no bail. Let's not pretend that this man could hide even if he is out of the US, and Rikers is one of the most dangerous jails in this country. They also put him on suicide watch.
Strauss-Kahn has already been convicted in the court of public opinion in the US and his political career may well be over with, at least in so far as a presidential election goes. He has already been asked to resign from his high level position. It all rested on the judgment of a cop or two and a prosecutor or two or three. Can they make it stick in court is really their only question. Innocence or guilt has little to do with it.
Beyond that, in time he will be pushed into a plea deal of some sort. How so? It will be a simple issue of weighing the options as it is for so many here (around 95%). The deal offered could be probation and a fine or a year or two in prison versus a potential (or at least possible) sentence of 25+ years in a New York State prison if he loses at trial.
If he is a lucky man charges will be dismissed, but this is doubtful as once the decision to arrest a high profile person such as Strauss-Kahn has been made, it has already been reviewed by the prosecutor's office and they intend to prosecute.
So much for that myth of innocence until guilt is proven that so many live by here. May it never happen to you.
Michigan Teen Heroin Abuse

With its widespread availability, relatively lower costs and the decreasing stigma attached to its usage, more and more teens are relying on heroin to obtain dangerous highs at potentially fatal costs.
According to the Michigan department of community health, the state is currently witnessing a surge in heroin use with the number of individuals seeking treatment in state-sponsored programs doubling since 2003. In addition to these alarming statistics, the number of people who sought treatment through state programs for abusing this drug has gone over 10,000 in the last three years.
With more and more fatalities and heroin related casualties, authorities believe that the key to prevention is none other than education. Many parents of heroin victims and school officials are seeking to educate teens by promoting awareness campaigns by shedding light on the many dangers and consequences of heroin usage by showing the devastation of drug abuse.
In addition to the steps being taken by families and school administrators, Michigan legislators are pushing for a state law that would require drug dealers to register their addresses in order to publicly identify dealers and promote public safety; a method that is currently utilized for sex offenders.
Many hope that the actions taken towards minimizing and potentially eliminating heroin-usage will reduce teen fatalities in the near future.
Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Drug Rehab, urges parents to stay informed about the new trends in teen drug addiction and keep vigilante of your teens friends and whereabouts.
If you suspect your child is abusing drugs, seek professional help and remember these three C's: that 'you didn't Cause, can't Control and can't Cure' your child's problems. But you can and must stay informed, take charge and seek help if you suspect you child is abusing drugs. The earlier you act upon your child’s addiction problems the better off your child will be.
We at Inspirations understand the unique challenges of being a parent. If you have any questions, please know that we are here to provide you with support and guidance, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We welcome the opportunity to answer your questions free of charge about teen drug rehab, teen substance abuse, adolescent addiction, teen behavior, or other related matters. We suggest you to visit our website to keep yourself up to date with the new trends in teen drug abuse, addiction and recovery.
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults:
Prescription for Opioids Often Precedes Teen Addiction

With recent studies suggesting a strong link between teen opioid abuse and a history of prior opioid prescriptions, many believe the only way to end the cycle of teen opioid addiction is to prevent them from getting their hands on it in the first place; suggesting the reduction or potential elimination of legally prescribed opiates by doctors to teens.
Results from a medical record review presented at the American Society of Addiction Medicine's 42nd annual medical-scientific conference revealed that the majority (67%) of 125 teenagers seeking treatment for opiod addiction had a history of at least one prescription for opiate within 2 years of their addiction.
Studies revealed that the common drugs abused included hydrocodone, codeine and tramadol. It was also noted that on average females receive more than twice as many prescriptions as males do; with their mean totaling 6.6, compared to that of males which is totals 3.0.
Dr. Junig, an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at the Medical College of Wisconsin, who also runs a private clinic in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, recently stated that the use of opioids at young age reinforces "addictive thinking — an inappropriate focus inward and the desire to change one's mood using medications". He also says that opioids should be prescribed only for those who have failed back surgeries or those who have phantom limb pain, for example — people who have failed conservative measures. As teens rarely fall into this category, Junig believes that they are not appropriate candidates for opiods. When prescribing opiods to adolescents one disregards the huge problems that will appear down the line- including tolerance, psychological dependency and withdrawal.
Inspirations for Youth and Families co-founder Karen Walsh says: "Forty percent of the teens admitted to our facility for prescription drug addiction treatment had been prescribed opiods in the past. The remaining sixty percent are teens who started their addiction by experimentation." Last year alone the majority of teens treated for drug addiction at their residential facility reported starting they drug abuse with prescription drugs, and about fifty percent of all admissions at Inspirations Teen Drug Rehab were related to prescription drug dependency.
To learn more about the recent trends on teen drug abuse or if you are looking for a specialized teen residential addiction treatment visit: Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka, Inspirations Teen Rehab.
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Fight Censorship in the US First
To summarize the issue, the US will be sinking $30 million into a project to fight censorship in “repressive regimes including China and Iran”. With the reactions that US government officials have had to the Wikileaks cable dump and the “Collateral Murder” video, I cannot imagine that the US Department of State could justify an expenditure this size to stop censorship anywhere.
Beyond the Wikileaks cables we have a complete failure of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) as many requests are ignored for years and others hit a brick wall. There have been FOIA requests for specific documents from the Cold War era and they still refuse to declassify the documents. They exceed their own time limitations on declassifying documents about half of the time.
These people have the audacity to spend $30mil in some weird game to fight censorship in China and Iran? Really it is so absurd that I am at a loss for words.
Friday, May 13, 2011
South Dakota Teen Drug Addiction Treatment

Normally, those suffering from a drug addiction cannot safely detox on their own. In fact, in some cases, attempting to do so can be deadly. During the drug detoxification process, the body is denied the toxins usually accumulated by the drug, resulting in uncomfortable and in some cases dangerous drug withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes a drug with a similar action is taken instead, to reduce the side effects and risks of withdrawal. Detoxification is often the first step in a drug addiction treatment program and should be followed by addiction treatment therapies. Behavioral-based therapy and/or a medication (if necessary) are available during Drug Detoxification in South Dakota. Detox alone with no follow-up is not an addiction treatment.
There are a number of South Dakota drug detox programs available. Studies have shown that inpatient drug detox programs are usually more successful than outpatient detox, due in large part to the fact that they are medically based programs located within a drug rehab facility or addiction treatment center.
Teen Drug Rehab South Dakota / Teen Drug Rehabilitation South Dakota
Short-term and long-term drug rehabilitation in South Dakota, intensive outpatient drug rehab programs, outpatient and residential addiction treatment programs along with 12-step programs, individual, family and group therapy are all drug addiction treatment programs available for residents in South Dakota.
South Dakota Addiction Treatment for Boys
Inspirations Teen Rehab provides gender specific- boys drug abuse treatment and boy’s behavior therapy, in a nurturing and therapeutic environment. Inspirations Teen Boy’s Addiction Treatment Program provides opportunities for boys to share their experiences in gender specific therapeutic groups, where each boy can process male issues, experiences, and perceptions relative to each teen’s life. Read more on Addiction Treatment for Boys in South Dakota.
South Dakota Addiction Treatment for GirlsThe number of teen girls using or abusing drugs and alcohol is equal to teen boy’s drug use and drug abuse. Girls are also smoking cigarettes as much as boys. Yet, the issues girls bring to teen therapy and teen drug abuse treatment are often different than as with teenage boys. Read more on Addiction Treatment for Girls in South Dakota.
For more information on our therapies and programs please visit us on the web.
Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away.
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Help for Teen Prescription Drug Addiction

When "drug addiction" brings to mind substances such as cocaine and marijuana, it's no wonder less attention is given to the dangers of legal drugs. The non - medical use of prescription medicine is increasing especially among teenagers and has become a major public health issue with deaths related to prescription drug overdose and addiction being reported on a daily basis. With the abuse of these drugs increasing over the past t decade, so has the need for rehab centers and treatment programs.
When a teen who had been battling an addiction to alcohol and prescription drugs for 4 years, decided he really wanted to get help he faced a two-month wait to enter an addiction treatment program in his hometown. His parents called other facilities, but because they were all out of state and they did not want to stay away from their child, they made the decision to wait. Sadly, 18 days later, their son died of an overdose.
Unfortunately, loving your child has to take on a new meaning when addiction is involved, as for most parents/guardians there is no time to spare. Location of treatment should not be an issue. Although there are very few adolescent addiction treatment centers across the US, you must find the help you need even if it is somewhere across the country. BOTTOM LINE IS, DON'T WAIT. DON'T MAKE THE LOCATION TO BE AN ISSUE. A parent will suffer no greater pain than losing a child, which might be one outcome when the child is abusing drugs.
To keep up with the need of specialized adolescent addiction treatment center, Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab, with its main location in Florida, is now opening new locations. Inspirations Teen Rehab is a nationally recognized, premier residential addiction treatment center which provides a positive environment to help teen addicts or teens that are in the pre stage of addiction to deal with their physical and physiological dependences.
Our licensed teen residential substance abuse treatment offers a powerful combination of programs: teen intensive individual addiction treatment program, family and group therapeutic sessions, educational program for teens in recovery, teen life skills management, and recreational/sports program. Our teen addiction treatment programs combine a motivational treatment program with the “accountability” concept, emphasizing, respect for family, respect for others, and a teamwork approach towards daily goals and accomplishments. For more information on our teen rehab centers, please contact us.
Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away.
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Drugs and Alcohol is Part of Every Parent's Concern, Specially Around Prom Season

Considered a "memorable" event for teens, the prom and the graduation season shortly proceeding have statistically proven to be a risky time of the year for its vulnerable admirers; so many of which succumb to binge drinking, excessive parting and life threatening drug overdoses.
Often teens, notably high school seniors, believe themselves to be above the law and while engaging in risky behaviors such as underage drinking, driving under the influence and using illegal narcotics, jeopardize their lives and the lives of their peers while clearly demonstrating a lack of self control.
In the recent years there has been a growing amount of government and non government prevention groups educating both parents and teens about the consequences and risks involving drugs and alcohol behaviors. As new drugs, "legal" and illegal keeps threatening our teens, more needs to be done to educate both parents and teens. Our children need to be enlightened about the real understanding of not only what goes on in their minds and bodies while they are under the influence of drugs and alcohol, but also been taught about the long term consequences that such behaviors cause.
If you are a concerned parent who needs to learn more about new drugs and trends related to teen drug abuse and addiction, visit our website. Inspirations Teen Rehab provides detailed information on recent drugs been abuse by teens as well as a description of our adolescent addiction treatment and programs and behavior treatment programs.
Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away.
Addiction Treatment for Teens:
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults:
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Masters of Deception
I recall a friend back in 1995 that believed the internet to be completely controlled by government and every move, word, and statement theirs for the tracking. She thought anything that we did or said online could be and eventually would be used against us; like it was one huge plot. She chastised me for having a website for my escort service back then and vowed to never experience the internet. She died in 2008, good to her word. She was Dusty in Memoirs; the escort that worked with me for a short time, was arrested by the MBI, and then left the country until her probation was over with, mailing in her payments to the state.
Dusty went to Europe and worked in clubs in various cities in Germany, Amsterdam, and in Geneva. Her family is German and she was on a mission to hire an attorney and have legal documents translated in her pursuit of land, art, and other property confiscated from her family by the US government following World War 2. She had been on a trail for several years at that point and had zero trust in the US government, believing its representatives had stolen her heritage. She died a poor woman and had no success in her pursuit.
I recall telling Dusty that it was a situation of “if you can't beat them, then join them” in relation to the internet. There was no way to stop technology and its availability so I considered it most intelligent to study networks, hacking, and later Carnivore. Before the MBI knew what Carnivore was, I knew exactly what it was capable of. I actually used to email one escort the client appointment information using PGP – does anyone remember what that is? I remember reading about the verbal attacks on PGP developer Phil Zimmermann in the news following September 11, 2001. There were actually people so stupid that they claimed PGP had a role in that day and attempted to shame him into placing a backdoor in the encryption program for the feds.
Not much doubt that Dusty was correct in her initial assessment of the situation. Today many that are now on-board (or rather online) consider people like Dusty and I conspiracy theorists. It is not my fault that they arrived 10+ years later and are clueless. Today we have the US military using software that creates multiple fake online personae with the main goal of spreading government propaganda and deceiving the general public. Read the article written by Nick Fielding and Ian Cobain in the Guardian here: Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media
The US actually uses sock puppets to deceive the ignorant and spread propaganda. How crazy is that? I'd place bets that I have had arguments with one or more of their sock puppets, regardless of the the claim that the program is not yet implemented. It is so absurd that I must laugh.... (laugh break...). Okay – the worst part is that there are so many gullible people online these days that they buy it hook, line, and sinker. I stopped arguing with sock puppets long ago, so if you're that stupid then so be it – I do not intend to enlighten you. *smile*
And then there's Facebook. Julian Assange brought-up the tracking abilities of agents using Facebook recently. Let's face it – they must only be a friend of a friend to get started without the company's permission. I have 5 Facebook friends, so if you sent me a friend request and I never responded, this is why. I comment there on a rare occasion – maybe once every three or four months – and that is how I have always been. Nothing new here. I know someone that posted anything and everything there, and some people that still do.
Indeed, between the USA Patriot Act, the false War on Terror, US military sock puppets, and Facebook we are all tracked in America. However, I seriously doubt that it is any different in Canada or the EU. There is subterfuge around every corner, as they are just waiting, watching. It makes COINTELPRO look mild in comparison. They are the masters of deception.
Friday, May 6, 2011
The Real Conspiracy Theory
Anyone that believes a team of Navy SEALS took out bin Laden in a compound in Pakistan is a fucking idiot. How is that to start with?
Anyone that believes bin Laden and “al-Qaeda” engineered the hijackings on September 11, 2001 and used 19 men from the Middle East with box cutters to do so is the real conspiracy theorist.
It is not as if the agents of the US government have not committed such black ops and false flag operations in history. I do not have the experience of being on mind-numbing prescription drugs that would enable me to believe differently. I am stuck in reality – and the reality of the last 10 years is that our government sucks and its agents are capable of absolutely anything. Take that to the bank – it would be worth more than President Obama's promise to withdraw all troops from Iraq and close Guantanamo.
I was a child when I lived in Paris and my father was personal driver to Army four-star General Lyman Lemnitzer when he was sent to replace General Lauris Norstad. Lemnitzer was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and it was John F. Kennedy that appointed General Lemnitzer to the position of SACEUR. This move transpired shortly after JFK was advised of the plan referred to as Operation Northwoods. All of my knowledge and research points to the fact that JFK was so appalled by the Operation Northwoods plan that he sent him to the European Command to get him out of Washington DC. It was not long after that JFK was assassinated.
As a child I used to play with the electric separator window in Lemnitzer's Mercedes as my father drove me around Paris in it.
It seems that many people in Eastern Europe access this blog and read. Reach into your memory of Cold War history and I know you will recall General Lemnitzer. If you are not familiar with Operation Northwoods, the documents were finally made accessible in the National Security Archive in 2001. The PDF available in the National Security Archive is here: Operation Northwoods
It was close to 40 years before these documents were available to the public. I have personal memorabilia from this time in history and have conducted extensive research over the years. Some say this is the book that I should write instead of this escort business crap. I am guilty of attempting to make a living as few seem to care about war crimes and government misconduct these days. I came close to deleting all the posts on this blog tonight.
Just sayin'...
Thursday, May 5, 2011
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Wednesday, May 4, 2011
The Death that will Save the Election
Gullible is the best description I have of all those that I encountered celebrating the death of a long-dead boogeyman. I really wonder what type of drugs these people are being fed? Or is it a lack of a real education? A person can graduate from college and still not know much about reality in the US these days. Most of my classmates in college (2004-2007) are solid evidence of this.
What do I think? Does it really matter? I don't think it matters at all. One thing about it – I refuse to argue on the topic with anyone that is beneath my level of knowledge in relation to US foreign policy. That counts out almost everyone on Amazon's Kindle forums. Perhaps they might consider spending less time attacking people on forums and more time actually reading books – non-fiction reality-based books though, and not the vampire/zombie stuff so many are into these days.
There is no reason for me to say what I think when Paul Craig Roberts states it so succinctly. Paul Craig Roberts is an economist and is best known for his role as United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the early years of the Reagan administration. The articles that he has published in the last few days best describe what I think:
Osama bin Laden's Second Death
Osama bin Laden's Useful Death
The Agendas Behind the bin Laden News Event
Now you know exactly what I think.
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Sunday, May 1, 2011
Will the Obama DOJ Indict Wikileaks Participants?
An attorney that I met in South Texas back in late 2003 told me a story about being subpoenaed to testify before a federal grand jury in the Middle District of Florida. At the time, he was representing a client in a drug trafficking case in Central Florida. The feds were threatening to indict him when his client became a no show in the case.
He had his own attorney in the matter and was advised that he was probably damned if he did and damned if he didn't. This meant that he could always plead the 5th (Fifth Amendment against self-incrimination) and not answer questions, but it was likely that he would be indicted. He could also answer the questions and would probably be indicted if he chose to. It is like walking a tightrope.
A person that is subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury cannot have an attorney present during testimony. He decided to answer the questions honestly and not plead the 5th – they hate it when a person pleads the 5th and usually indict at that point. He was not indicted. He really couldn't believe that prosecutors in the Middle District of Florida would do this to him, but they did. He considered this area different and stated that this wouldn't have happened in South Texas. Indeed it is different, to say the least.
Alexandria, Virginia is different also. In late 2006, Dr. Sami Al-Arian was served a subpoena to testify before the Grand Jury in Alexandria even though his plea agreement in the lengthy and on-going case was clear that he would not be required to cooperate in any other federal witch-hunt. His entire case and trial in the Middle District of Florida was a witch-hunt with far-reaching allegations.
Dr. Al-Arian refused to testify and was subsequently charged with civil contempt of court. He spent 13 months in jail in Virginia before he was finally released from that charge in that place. In short time he was subpoenaed to testify once again and pursued until federal prosecutors charged him with criminal contempt of court in June of 2008. It was March of 2009 before a federal judge finally agreed with him that his plea agreement in the Middle District of Florida was binding and he couldn't be compelled to testify. The DOJ was claiming that the DOJ in Virginia was not a party to the DOJ in Tampa's plea bargain. Crazy, right? As if it isn't all one and the same DOJ!
Dr. Al-Arian is still under house arrest today. This is a case that has gone on since his early 2003 indictment. As I was on trial in Orlando, he was being indicted in the case in Tampa. And so many people claim that there are not political persecutions in the US?
Those that are subpoenaed to testify in connection to the Wikileaks investigation will have a choice, but is it really a choice at all? Each will be damned if they do and damned if they don't. Get ready for a replay of the Sami Al-Arian case as the DOJ scrambles to indict as many as possible, especially after the recent release of the Guantanamo Files. I haven't yet read through the documents, but that is because I already know the content. Most people that are awake in this country already know the content.