I'm the one that took 'em to trial on organized crime charges and won. I'm the one that was smart enough not to have a database of clients. I'm also the only one that really lost in my case – the clients never had a minute of trouble and the few escorts arrested in 10 years of business didn't lose their lives and their home and their belongings and their savings. I did on all counts.
Stopping in is always okay, but usually when you visit Starbucks you buy a cup of coffee. Not much different than visiting here for information and buying a copy of the one book that matters to me. What the hell is $5.99 these days? It won't even buy you coffee and a pastry at a Starbucks.
So here is the deal – buy a copy of Memoirs for the $5.99 or any book I sell for that matter, and receive a free copy of:
The Miami Companions Indictment (PDF)
The Fabiola Contreras Complaint (PDF)
All you need to do is enter "MC" in the instructions to seller box in the PayPal form. And anyone with a credit or debit card can buy with PayPal.
If you have already purchased any one of my books and want these copies, simply email me at the email address in any book. This offer is good no matter where you purchased the book, but if you didn't purchase a book from me then I may ask you a question so I know that you really did.
Consider it my tip cup.
Image: Miami Morning - 2004 © Floyd Anderson / 2010 © iStockphoto.com
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