I must reveal the hell that I have gone through in the last 10 days on various fronts. I have discussed several of the problems on a few forums because it was all surreal to me, until now. I get it. One poster, in an attempt to help me, suggested that my computer had a virus as no other explanation was plausible. Well guess what? The answer is an old one indeed and one that I am all too familiar with from the past.
Some Background First
Few readers of this blog have read Memoirs
so I'll summarize it: It is not about escorts and escort services. It is all about escort service line blocks in Orlando area resorts during large conventions, my denouncement and investigation of the telephone number blocking since 1993, and of course my arrest, case, and trial on organized crime/racketeering charges that resulted in an acquittal by jury.
Throughout the years that I ran around screaming about the blocking I was painted as a paranoid nut. During the case that followed my arrest – yes, the case actually worsened post arrest – I was discredited on every forum possible with every person that had even a remote interest in my story. The personal attacks and discrediting varied according to what would be most effective in the particular situation. For example, the main case agent told both of my co-defendants that the entire case against all of us was because "Vicky filed a lawsuit against Disney," and they believed it enough to repeat it to a process server that then filed a sworn affidavit. Agent Rose said something to make it all really believable – it was no simple statement.
My competitors were told that I was an informant. According to several different people, Agent Rose stated, "How else do you think she has remained in business for so long?" Several competitors found it all believable enough to plead guilty in their own cases when Rose told them that I had made a lengthy (7 page) statement against them. Why didn't anyone ever demand to see this alleged statement? I have no idea, except perhaps that Rose was a great storyteller.
The one person that could have corroborated all that I state is dead. Well, my co-defendants could have also except that both are still under psychiatric care and drugged. The one totally sane person that experienced it all with me from 1995 through early 2008 was Suzanne Redfern (Dusty to me). She died of "pulmonary disease," and being the non-medical person that I am, I define that as being related to her excessive smoking. Dusty smoked cigarettes and marijuana almost non-stop for many years. I do not really doubt that this caused her death, but again, she was the one person that could corroborate, and even add to, every single statement that I have made.
The other person that experienced it all with me from late 1992 until late 1996, experienced so much hell in her life, including the suicide of her 17 year-old son, and was under psychiatric care until rather recently – within the last year. Her actual name is Lisa, but her alias in Memoirs
is Kendall .
Several months prior to my trial, the state submitted a deposition by actual informant Theresa Ann Isaacs – she also has several aliases, but read Whatever Happened to Ann? for in-depth information on her. The statement was entirely false and I had little doubt that it was fed to Terri by Agent Brant Rose. I discuss it in the book, but it is so vile that I'm not going to restate it here. The purpose of the statement was to provoke hatred for me in anyone still defending me, and also perhaps to provoke my suicide (it almost did).
Since 1993, I have been viewed by so many people as paranoid and crazy when the topic of the telephone number blocks comes-up. Well guess what? Eddie Munoz of Las Vegas has pursued the telephone line block situation since 1993, with a list of cases filed in state and federal court in Nevada . Eddie investigated differently than I did – he documented the problems and had Sprint on the case 24/7 for years. His statements were also corroborated by other escort service owners in Las Vegas and former hacker/current security consultant Kevin Mitnick – in a court of law! Read more about Eddie Munoz's pursuit of the blockers in Ongoing Conspiracies.
Okay, enough on the background. What has transpired during the last 10 days?
Last Sunday I awoke to find several anomalies in relation to my website, my blogs, and each of my books. I am an Amazon Associate and love the Kindle, so when the new Wifi/Wifi-3G Kindle was announced in the news I ordered one and placed banners all over each blog and the website that click-through to Amazon if a person wants to order it. I would receive a commission if purchased through my banners. Anyway, after going to all the trouble to place these Kindle and Kindle book banners all over the place, I awoke to find something else entirely: marketing spam crap banners with "check your credit score free" and bouncy, jumping smiley faces everywhere. It was a mess. I spent the afternoon removing these banners everywhere because I hate spam crap.
Once I was finished removing all the banners I decided to check my book product pages in the Kindle store. Each ebook had two product pages – one published through Amazon Digital Text Platform (DTP) and the other was imported by Amazon from the Mobipocket publishing platform, and each also has a paperback product page on Amazon. The paperbacks have always been connected to the Kindle books – Amazon does this shortly after a book is published.
Well guess what? Each ebook product page for ebooks published through DTP now stated, "not currently available" and "pricing information not available". At this point in time, all except one is fixed: Blueprint for an Escort Service
. It gets worse though – each ebook product page for the Mobipocket imports is a "404 Document Not Found" page with a link to Amazon's main page, and those ebook product pages will never return to the Amazon store.
The only thing that I did was lower the price on the ebooks published through DTP – people do this every day and it isn't supposed to cause a book to be unavailable for an entire week. I am paid for sales of the Mobipocket imports through Vendor Central, so I emailed them and later received the response that having duplicate product pages is a violation of the Terms of Service. I get that, but what I do not get is that each ebook has had a duplicate page since the day it was published – the first in April 2009. So what triggered the sudden removal?
To top all of that off, each paperback was now disconnected from its ebook in the Kindle store. It was if I never had any book available on Kindle. The one book is still disconnected from its unavailable ebook. At the same time – my ebooks are all available at the correct price in the UK Amazon Kindle store.
I also have each book in the Google Book Partners Program, which will soon be opening Google Editions – a Google ebook sales store. I attempted to change prices on these ebooks at the same time that I changed prices in the Kindle store – 10 days ago.
For the last 7 days I have been back and forth with Google Book Partners over my inability to change the prices – I click the "save and continue" button after changing the price, the button looks like it is depressing, but nothing changes – not when I am in the process and not the next day or the day after. The lady from Google doesn't get it either, so I'm not alone, and offered to enter all the information using a spreadsheet, but I haven't checked to see if that worked or not yet.
I have also been back and forth with tech support from Amazon's DTP and Vendor Central, and they do not understand why or how this happened to the DTP published ebooks. They do understand why it happened to the Mobipocket imports, but have no idea how or what triggered the issue. It is also not understandable that each ebook and paperback is available and connected in the UK Amazon store. I have also been back and forth with Author Central at Amazon over my disconnected paperbacks - they are fixed except for the one Blueprint
I never bothered contacting Amazon Associates over the spam banners as I found no reference to the problem on the Associate's forums – I sure don't need anyone else telling me that I have a virus in my computer because I DO NOT. Computer and telephone networks and issues were an area of expertise in past, so let's not even go there.
Oh - and I almost forgot to add that every other day during the 10 day period, I attempted to efile my son's 2009 tax return as he needs his refund - but guess what? It was rejected 5 times by IRS for not having the correct PIN to efile. The efile PIN is the previous year's Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) and I even had my son dial IRS to confirm that we have the correct figure and OF COURSE we did. Still, no matter - it was rejected for an incorrect PIN 5 flippin' times in 10 days and showed a correct PIN in each case. I finally decided to mail it by certified mail.
Oh - and I almost forgot to add that every other day during the 10 day period, I attempted to efile my son's 2009 tax return as he needs his refund - but guess what? It was rejected 5 times by IRS for not having the correct PIN to efile. The efile PIN is the previous year's Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) and I even had my son dial IRS to confirm that we have the correct figure and OF COURSE we did. Still, no matter - it was rejected for an incorrect PIN 5 flippin' times in 10 days and showed a correct PIN in each case. I finally decided to mail it by certified mail.
On several occasions last week I also had serious trouble posting to this blog using Firefox or IE. At one point I gave-up, but later returned determined and posted via a different IP address. It is as if all efforts of writing and publishing since April of 2009 were being erased, one by one. Is someone angry with me? Has something I've written interfered with a scheme of one sort or another? I have always stated that the blocks could not exist except with the assistance of government and specific private parties. I was also arrested and put on trial on organized crime charges with evidence so flimsy that agents couldn't get a court order to wiretap or a search warrant – unheard of in legal circles; ask any attorney.
Today I read this article on the Examiner.com website: Wikileaks Cointelpro Wizzard of Oz or Whistleblower? by Deborah Dupre' –
According to the writer, well hell – she includes this note in the article:
Note: For the past 16 hours, the human rights reporter has experienced what resembles computer hacking. Her article to have been published this morning has repeatedly vanished each time "saved" in the publishing tool. Examiner technicians have been notified and can hopefully retrieve the data.
Cointelpro is alive and well and has merely evolved since the era of Martin Luther King, the Black Panthers, and the Vietnam War.
Image: Computer Hacker with Mask 2010 © Selimaksan /
2010 © iStockphoto.com
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