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Monday, August 23, 2010

Melbourne Cop Frank Carter Fired

Citizens in the predominantly Black University Boulevard area in Melbourne, Florida have something to celebrate this weekend. On August 20, 2010, the Melbourne cop that enjoyed stopping and harassing so many motorists for so many years was terminated. Carter still faces criminal charges for falsifying tickets and illegally searching vehicles, but this is one step in the right direction.

I have spoken to victims in the Melbourne area that were terrified of Frank Carter. He's one overzealous bad cop on a power trip. The great majority of his victims are Black, though I also met a Puerto Rican couple that had a couple of run-ins with him. All one must do to provoke Carter is drive past him, or be parked when he drives by.

The arrest came in late January of 2010 following a complaint by a woman that Carter had written her eight traffic tickets – her vehicle was parked on Main Street in Melbourne when the tickets were issued. He wrote her a ticket for the vehicle windows having too dark a tint – but this bad boy wrote a ticket for each window. Can you imagine? Apparently it wasn't the first time he had harassed Dienecia Johnson, but we can make a sure bet that it's the last!

Though Dienecia Johnson and most residents in this part of Melbourne consider Carter's harassment to be racially motivated, I tend to disagree. I think he is just one power hungry bad-ass cop that believes he can do whatever he wants to whoever he encounters. Most of his victims are Black, but then his patrol area is predominantly Black also. This is far from the first complaint against Carter.

Frank Carter met his match with Dienecia though! It is about time that someone removed Carter from the picture. I look forward to hearing that a trial date is set in Carter's criminal case for official misconduct and falsifying records.

All news that I have read concerning Frank Carter's arrest was in the Florida Today newspaper. Since Carter has now been terminated, I'll soon be posting information on a case in which he chased down and shot a Black male that ran through a populated apartment complex, firing his weapon over 20 times. It is an involved case, so no more hints.

Cheers to Dienecia Johnson for fighting injustice for the hundreds of victims of Frank Carter!

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