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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

When History is also the Present

A few days ago my anonymous attacker that claimed Memoirs was lies also included a statement that the story was old news. Actually the story was never news at all – not really – as my persecutors at the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation (MBI) worked tirelessly to bury their dirty deeds and any reference to the telephone line blocking that has gone on for a minimum of 18 years.

There was indeed a change of the guard over at the MBI, but not until December of 2008, when former director William Lutz exited. Hell, his goodbye statement is still on the top of the main page of the MBI website which is otherwise unchanged since. The MBI victimized thousands during the course of the Lutz era, but Lutz was never alone, obviously. The line blocking continues and was joined by website blocking by 2007. That is what the champions of censorship do – they censor access to any telephone number or website that they choose. Read about the agency's past censorship pursuits in The Yellow Pages Fiasco.

When I have discussed The Bingo Racketeering Case in past it is because the case and the story are a part of history and a part of the present. Philip Leroy Furtney died in September of 2007; however, if all the money owed by the State to Furtney's estate has been paid the moment passed without fanfare. The Great Bingo Fiasco reveals the current state of the case in Orange County, Florida civil court under Case # 1995-CA-006890-O. The last entry on the docket sheet shows that there was a Satisfaction of Judgment filed by Furtney's estate on July 12, 2010. It was the mostly unpublicized case that continued for 15 long years. Whether this means that the estate has recovered the $millions owed or not is questionable.

I have occasionally discussed the ongoing situation with Operation Plastic Empire (MBI) and the case that started that ball rolling, Operation Out Call (IRS). Did you imagine that either of these messy cases were history for the hundreds of defendant-victims? Racketeering and credit card factoring convictions do not disappear and these people were wrongly prosecuted to begin with, as I stated in State as a Con Artist when explaining the new filings on this 1995 mess. Two of the defendants in the case disappeared prior to trial and there is still a Capias issued for each. Another 1996 case that really is still not resolved. The State of Florida case is Orange County, Florida Case # 1996-CF-011913-B, and the last file entry was made on March 10, 2010. The entry is an Order Denying Motion to Vacate and Set Aside Judgment of Conviction and Sentence. I seriously doubt that this was an ending, but know it has never ended for the list of defendants. Read more in Operation Plastic Empire Update and Skeletons in the Closet.

Another case that I have discussed is the Fabozzi case – a case connected to Operation Plastic Empire (MBI) and Operation Out Call (IRS). This is Orange County, Florida case # 1996-CF-003504-A-O addressed in The Fabozzi Case. This MBI prosecution is really not history either – Joey Fabozzi is still on felony probation from the case and he did serve four years in a Florida prison. Do you think it's all history to him? His co-defendant and brother Carmine died shortly after his release from prison.

Of course I also refer to my own case and story often on my blog. Would anyone expect any different? My case is not history. I had two co-defendants – Beth Sams and Robert Mihalek (Rocky). This is Orange County, Florida case # 2001-CF-015492. Rocky served time in prison, but is still on felony probation until 2014 and must pay the assessed court and investigative costs monthly. If you care about what was done to Rocky that caused him to plead guilty to Conspiracy to Commit Racketeering (RICO), just read The State of Florida Drugs Its Witnesses. And what ever happened to Beth Sams? According to the records under her name, there was an AFFIDAVIT FOR VIOLATION OF PROBATION filed on February 11, 2008. According to the Florida Crime Information Center, there is still a Warrant issued for Beth for the Violation of Probation. Apparently she has hidden herself well – good for her!

One issue that is connected to all other issues except the Bingo case mess is the continued blocking in the resorts and hotels on International Drive, Lake Buena Vista, and Disney. If you doubt that the issue existed in past and still exists today, then it is only because you haven't done your homework. Memoirs is far from "old news" as my attacker asserted. Neither are Eddie Munoz's cases that are easily accessed in PACER.

There is also a list of cases that have yet to be resolved by plea or trial from the long, horrifying Lutz era of the MBI. It was only over in December of 2008. I think I will start bringing each of the remaining cases to the forefront here.

I always think about what people state when they personally attack me. I question the statements in my mind. I deleted the post as it was ridiculous and I refuse to argue with an anonymous idiot on my blog. I also question the attacker's agenda – Who is he or she? What is his reason in covering my story by referring to it all as lies? Why does he care so much that I post on this blog and attempt to sell my story? I have been attacked here in past by another escort service owner, but this time I feel it was different. My trial may have concluded with my acquittal by the jury in 2003, but the harassment sure didn't stop there, and actually I wrote the book at the end of 2008 because of the continuing harassment and the informants showing-up at my door. Is the attacker one of those informants, angry that the second edition has her real name? I am sure that I'll never know who specifically it is, but I do recognize the pattern of intent to discredit.

For the full story on Operation Outcall (IRS) read "The Love Float" starting on page 30 of the New York Magazine Google Books box at the Footer of this blog.

Denial doesn't change the facts. My story is all still real and it is history, but it is not in the past – it is the present that I discuss.

Image: Orlando Cityscape in Early Morning 2009 © Josh Rinehults / 2010 © 

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