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Saturday, August 14, 2010

A New Epithet – The Professional Left

I was reading a recent article on the NORML website this evening that concerned Obama supporters that have deserted. Of course this includes me, though I still haven't responded to any of the many emails that I receive weekly from the Obama campaign. Most likely I haven't responded as I have nothing nice to say and it would be sufficient to reply with a "remove me as a subscriber" click.

The writer of the article, Russ Belville, was quoting White House press secretary Robert Gibbs: "Gibbs was expressing frustration at progressive activists who are complaining that the president hasn’t lived up to campaign promises on a number of issues."

It is obvious to me that the 2012 campaign has already started. I have had too many heated discussions with these new Obama supporters – well, I don't know if they're new or not, but I do know that each one comes-off like they support Obama only because he is the Democrat. I've always been nonpartisan. I supported Obama for many reasons, but not just because he was the Democratic candidate. I could not care less about his party affiliation. I supported Obama because of the anti-war, anti-Gitmo, rule of law platform that he ran on.

What were a few of the significant reasons that I supported Obama?

His promise to close the Guantanamo Bay camps as soon as he took office.

His promise to end the war if it was not already over by the time he took office.

His promise to bring all troops home if not already done by the time he took office.

He told us to make him accountable, yet he is accountable for nothing.

He is arguing in favor of U.S. military detainment of individuals without habeas corpus instead of opposing this criminal practice.

He claimed that he would hold the telecoms accountable for violating law by allowing wiretaps without warrant and instead gave them all a pass.

His intentions in relation to universal health care were beaten by the opposition, so I really cannot blame him for that, but we have no more available health care for the uninsured or those with pre-existing conditions (me) than we did before the campaign began. His dedication to education was an additional reason that I supported him, but again this is not a reason to jump ship. He also professed his intention to work towards decriminalizing marijuana and instead his representative press secretary Gibbs has laughed at the idea of legalization; decriminalization was not a part of the conversation. Gibbs thinks that Obama deserters should be drug tested – an absolute insult.

The blogging for Obama workers are already out in full force and ready to disrupt, attack, and neutralize anyone that dares not support their candidate. I know – I blogged for Obama during the campaign. I recognize the agenda, the methods utilized to gain supporters, and the neutralization by undermining and using straw man tactics. Been there and played that.

Really I feel as if I was kicked. I spent unimaginable hours talking people into voting and following-up daily until I knew their vote was made. I spent an uncountable number of hours blogging for Obama. I supported Obama mainly for his promises to end the war, but instead he has escalated the wars.

His current workers go so far as to state that we, the progressive activists that supported Obama, have no choice. Do I want a Sarah Palin or a Rush Limbaugh to end-up in the White House in 2012? Hell no; however, it is also not possible to support or vote for a candidate that has literally kicked us in the teeth with all the lies.

According to Robert Gibbs, the many dedicated people that supported Obama and worked tirelessly to get votes are now nothing more than the "professional left," whatever that means. All I can say is that if Obama doesn't end the wars and bring US troops home now, close Guantanamo immediately, and restore rule of law in this country – there will be more deserting supporters than they seem to believe.

Who do these people think put them in the White House?  

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