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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Teen Marijuana Abuse the Gateway to Other Drugs

The most used illegal drug in the United States among teens is marijuana. Marijuana has maintained its popularity for decades as the number one illicit drug in America. Marijuana is often considered "safe," and is also considered a "gateway drug" because of the teens’ perception that it is mostly harmless. However, marijuana is mind altering substance, and it does have very real and lasting effects on the body.

Rumors about marijuana been better for your health than smoking tobacco is actually just that, a myth. In reality, marijuana smoke can have between 50 and 70 percent more harmful carcinogens than is found in tobacco smoke.

The Center for Behavioral Health Statistics, Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Treatment Episode Data Set, estimated 321,648 admissions in 2008. So it is important to note that marijuana use can cause problems, despite being considered "safe" by many.

Long-term studies of high school students and their patterns of drug use show that very few young people use other drugs without first trying marijuana. Though few young people use cocaine, for example, the risk of doing so is much greater for youth who have tried marijuana than for those who have never tried it. Although research has not fully explained this association, growing evidence suggests a combination of biological, social, and psychological factors are involved.

If you suspect your child is marijuana, seek professional help and remember these three C's: that 'you didn't Cause, can't Control and can't Cure' your child's problems. But you can and must take charge and seek help for your child. The earlier you act upon your child’s addiction problems the better off your child will be.

Inspirations for Youth and Families
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

Cove Center for Recovery Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237

Professionals and Families Helping Teens Face Addiction Problems

Drugs and alcohol addiction has reached the epidemic level in United States. Worse yet, there are kids that are dying using these substances. We all need help in addressing and fighting the adolescent drug addiction. Our kids need help to face abuse and addiction issues and get their lives back.

Unfortunately the statistics are not in our favor. Year after year the incidents of teen drug abuse and death from overdoses are going higher and higher. The problem is getting worse when you look into the ease with which teens have access to prescription medication. No one talked about teen prescription drug abuse a decade ago. Today we are learning about “pharm parties”, the type of party where teens bring pills from their homes and dump them into a large bowl for everybody to reach and pick one as if they were jelly beans. Mostly, they ingest the pills but other times they crush the pills and snort, smoke or inject the powder. In the case of OxyContin, this has led to heart attacks and comma, when the pain medication, meant as a time-release drug, quickly reaches the bloodstream. These parties are a tragedy waiting to happen.

We at Inspirations for teens offer hope and inspiration to our teens and parents. During all the years that we have been providing treatment for alcohol and drug abuse, there has not been one single case that a child came into our substance abuse treatment facility and did not have a dream for his or her future. Kids, regardless of how carelessly they throw away their hopes and future, still dream about a better tomorrow and a better life. We owe it to our kids to show them the path back to a normal and productive life. As Karen Walsh, co-founder of Inspirations Youth and Families, says: “Every child has a dream. If we can show them that they haven’t destroyed it, then we have something to work with.” As professionals and the family, we and you have to work together in the hardest times of our kid’s life to help them rescue their future.

In such critical and vulnerable ages of our teens lives, it is sad to know that not even one third of adolescents who need help for substance abuse, received specialty treatment, in part because such facilities are few and far between.

Inspirations Youth and Families staffed with masters level therapists has specific programs designed to address the present and future of teen addiction. Inspirations focuses on continued education with its on-site school programs and its 90-day residential addiction treatment program emphasizes on living skills. Each of our youth is responsible for cooking, keeping their apartment in the villa, laundry and grocery shopping. They also have the opportunity to re-enter the real world, participating in outdoor activities such as going to the movies, attending a gym, bowling, skating and participating of several local seasonal recreational activities.

Chris Walsh, also co-founder of Inspirations, worked on secluded facilities prior to establishing his own adolescent addiction treatment and he found that patients who relapsed, most often, were those who were not ready to deal with the outside world. He says. “ We bring the world to the teens and make sure they are engaging it …… we want them to use the tools available to make healthy choices.”

If you suspect your child is abusing drugs or alcohol, seek professional help and remember these three C's: that 'you didn't Cause, can't Control and can't Cure' your child's problems. But you can and must take charge and seek help for your child. The earlier you act upon your child’s addiction problems the better off your child will be.

Inspirations for Youth and FamiliesAddiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

Cove Center for Recovery Addiction Treatment for Young Adults and Adults : 1-888-387-6237

Monday, January 24, 2011

Another Guilty Plea in Miami Companions Case

Nayubet Swaso is the latest in the Miami Companions (MC) case to plead guilty and it looks like Greg Carr is in ongoing discussions regarding a plea as well, and who could blame him at this point. Swaso was the manager of the Costa Rica and Panama call centers for MC and reportedly a former porn star and escort herself. She's pleading to one count of “persuading or enticing someone to engage in prostitution,” according to Detroit Free Press staff writer Tresa Baldas.

Read the entire article:

Former porn star to plead today in prostitution case

Read the update on her plea hearing (she won't actually be sentenced until April 27, 2011):

Former porn star pleads guilty in prostitution case

Swaso's plea deal is sealed, so checking PACER won't reveal anything. I seriously doubt that she will spend any time in a prison or jail with a plea to one count and a sealed deal, whatever that may be.

What do I think?

Someone wasn't in their right mind when they gave this woman a job in an office. I have seen and read various things about Swaso online, including a booking photo on a DUI charge in South Florida after the arrest in the MC case. I wasn't aware that one could be arrested while out on bond without a return to custody and a bond revocation, but then some people are special, or make special deals at the expense of others. Most often they're referred to as informants.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Most Bizarre Racketeering Case Ever

In my last post – Looking Forward in 2011 – I requested than anyone ever hearing of a more malicious racketeering / RICO prosecution with so little evidence that there was no search warrant or court order to wiretap involved to state the case and the court. I invited you to prove me incorrect in my statement that there is no case as ridiculous as the one I endured, and a relative of Philip Furtney came through.

He made no mention of my challenge, but the topic of the email was Philip Leroy Furtney of Ontario from The Bingo Racketeering Case. This man endured more than anyone in any of the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation's (MBI) absurd prosecutions abusing the racketeering statutes. Of course it is an MBI case in Orlando!

To read all about the long plight of Philip Leroy Furtney of Ontario, click on the links below. Mr. Furtney passed in September of 2007. He was described as a passionate man that never gave up.

The Bingo Racketeering Case

The Great Bingo Fiasco

Bingo Case Hearing

The Cost of MBI

May Philip Leroy Furtney of Ontario rest in peace and know that he won the 15-year fight! May agents and prosecutors with the MBI and the State of Florida rot in hell where they all belong.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Looking Forward in 2011

Many that read this blog may consider me negative, or one that views the glass as half empty instead of half full. Is that an understatement? Perhaps as I haven't experienced much good in life since the day of my arrest on November 20, 2001. Yes, the jury acquitted me on both first degree felonies, but it was a day of extreme emotion and not a day of happiness and joy.

They did so much to me. Physical torture would have been more acceptable. It was also the years that led to the arrest. I was literally stalked by agents from the MBI, mainly Brant Rose (retired care of Florida taxpayers shortly after my trial), but he was ordered – a mere soldier in the War on Adult Business that was far from alone. Hell, by the time they arrested me I had no tears left and only anger remained. The tears came only when I was acquitted.

I have never been vindicated; not really. Sure, I am not in a Florida prison for the rest of my life or already dead in one, but that isn't vindication. I appreciate the fact that the jury really listened to the case for the entire two weeks of trial and paid attention to all that I stated in testimony. Still, I was left broken from the experience and clearly it rules all that I do, say, and write – even today, and it has been just over 9 years since arrest. I doubt that this will ever change.

I am still missing pieces of that puzzle. Who ordered the pursuit and arrest? Who is really behind the telephone line blocking that has gone on in Orlando since before I ever entered the picture in late 1992? The blocking has evolved with technology over the years, but like Eddie Munoz in Las Vegas has stated, “When 100,000 + people are in town for the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and the phone is ringing two or three times a day, you know you've got a problem.” It falls in the category of too damn obvious and it has for 20 years. That is a long time for a conspiracy to be ongoing.

I asked for answers in Memoirs because I need to finish the puzzle. Of course I have some answers and some educated guesses, but no proof. As far as I am concerned, the conspirators owe me $millions as they do Eddie in Las Vegas and many other escort business operators in Orlando and Las Vegas. There was also evidence of the blocks in several California cities, but I am totally out of touch on that.

The only time I have felt a semblance of vindication was after I discovered Eddie Munoz's various civil suits in state and federal court, and that discovery was in 2009. At least they cannot ridicule me and claim I have no clue what I'm talking about. Eddie and I do not really speak at the moment, but his existence (and many civil suits) saved my sanity and I will forever be thankful for that.

The investigation into the blocks has never ceased for me as I do not believe it has for Eddie Munoz. I doubt that I will be around to collect my $millions when the puzzle is solved, but my son will. He will pursue it in courts until he collects for all the lost money, the damage to his mother, the arrest and created case – every lousy fucking $dollar. Eventually conspiracies are exposed and the conspirators revealed. History is on my side whether time is or not.

The case was based on such flimsy evidence that the MBI and the State of Florida never even had enough evidence to get a wiretap or a search warrant. If any reader is aware of a RICO prosecution based on such a low level of evidence that a judge refused to sign a court order for a wiretap or a search warrant, please do step forward and name the case and the court. It is absolutely unheard of in legal circles. Prove me wrong – please.

So I move forward in 2011 with no more answers than I had in previous years. The anger is still there as is the sense of entitlement – I have paid my dues and I am entitled to answers to the missing pieces of the puzzle. Will I find those answers? We shall see.

Image: Communication Satellite 2009 © Natalia Silych / 2011 ©

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Signs of Teen Marijuana Use - Teens Smoking Pot

It can be difficult to identify marijuana use if you don't see your child after he or she has smoked, when they are still experiencing the effects of the drug. But below are a few signs you should watch for:

• Blood shot eyes
• Clothing and hair frequently smell like smoke
• Drug paraphernalia in the room, or carried about (most notably a bong)
• Memory seems to be deteriorating
• Starts to lose interest in outside activities, including work, family and school
• Dramatic changes in weight and/or sleeping habits

If you suspect your child is smoking pot, seek professional help as marijuana may lead to other drugs. The earlier you act upon your child’s addiction problems the better off your child will be.

When choosing a teen marijuana rehab treatment program, it's important to ensure that the program is specifically for teens due to their developmental needs. Also, if the teen has mental health issues, the facility should be able to treat them at the same time. Some adolescent teen rehabs provide alongside addiction treatment an educational program which will help your child in keeping their school credits while away from home in a treatment center.

Some specialized addiction treatment facilities for teens offer extra-curricular activities such as sports and special outings. These types of activities will help teens complete the treatment and will positively influence teen’s social behavior like team play skills, trust in others, sense of responsibility and self confidence.

Inspirations for Youth and FamiliesAddiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

Cove Center for Recovery Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237

Teen Marijuana Abuse the Gateway to Other Drugs

The most used illegal drug in the United States among teens is marijuana. Marijuana has maintained its popularity for decades as the number one illicit drug in America. Marijuana is often considered "safe," and is also considered a "gateway drug" because of the teens’ perception that it is mostly harmless. However, marijuana is mind altering substance, and it does have very real and lasting effects on the body.

Rumors about marijuana been better for your health than smoking tobacco is actually just that, a myth. In reality, marijuana smoke can have between 50 and 70 percent more harmful carcinogens than is found in tobacco smoke.

The Center for Behavioral Health Statistics, Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Treatment Episode Data Set, estimated 321,648 admissions in 2008. So it is important to note that marijuana use can cause problems, despite being considered "safe" by many.

Long-term studies of high school students and their patterns of drug use show that very few young people use other drugs without first trying marijuana. Though few young people use cocaine, for example, the risk of doing so is much greater for youth who have tried marijuana than for those who have never tried it. Although research has not fully explained this association, growing evidence suggests a combination of biological, social, and psychological factors are involved.

If you suspect your child is marijuana, seek professional help and remember these three C's: that 'you didn't Cause, can't Control and can't Cure' your child's problems. But you can and must take charge and seek help for your child. The earlier you act upon your child’s addiction problems the better off your child will be.

Inspirations for Youth and FamiliesAddiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

Cove Center for Recovery Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237

Kids Do Not Perceive Drugs as Dangerous or Addictive

Kids who begin to use drugs think they will not become addicted. But addiction is a disease characterized by a compulsive drug-seeking behavior regardless of the consequences. Research conducted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse clearly shows that virtually all drugs that are abused have a profound effect on the child’s brain. Prolonged use of many drugs including cocaine, heroin, marijuana and amphetamines can change the brain in fundamental and long-lasting ways, resulting in drug craving and addiction.

If and when a child drug abuser becomes addicted depends on the individual. Research shows that children who use alcohol and tobacco are more likely to use marijuana than children who do not use these substances. Children who use marijuana are more likely to use other addictive drugs. Certain genetic, social, and environmental risk factors make it more likely that certain individuals will become addicted to alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. These include:

• children of alcoholics who, according to several studies, may have inherited genes that make them more prone to addiction, and who may have had more stressful upbringings;
• sensation-seekers who may like the novelty of feeling drunk or high;
• children with psychological problems, such as conduct disorders, who self-medicate to feel better;
• children with learning disabilities, and others who find it difficult to fit in or become frustrated learning;

• children of poverty who lack access to opportunities to succeed and to resources when they're in trouble.

The more risk factors children have, the greater their vulnerability.

Regardless of how "cool" drugs may look, there is nothing glamorous about the reality of addiction, a miserable experience for the addict and everyone around him. Addiction causes an all-consuming craving for drugs, leading a caring person to destroy relationships, work, and family life and many times getting caught up with the criminal system.

If you suspect your child is using illegal drugs, abusing alcohol or prescription drugs, seek professional help and remember these three C's: that 'you didn't Cause, can't Control and can't Cure' your child's problems. But you can and must take charge if you find your child involved with drugs and alcohol. The earlier you act upon your child’s addiction problems the better will be the outcome for your child.

Don’t let your child become a statistic. Reach out to us.

Inspirations for Youth and FamiliesAddiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

Cove Center for Recovery Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237

Spring Break Camp for Troubled Teens

Spring Break is right around the corner and the kids are out of school. The question for many parents is how to get their teens safe and busy during spring break. For those of us parents of troubled teens this question takes on special importance. We, like all parents, want to entertain and keep our teens active; however our concern about our teens safety is more than non troubled teen parents.

Looking for an ordinary spring break camp is not the answer anymore. Troubled teens need exceptionally tight supervision, approved educational activity that have therapeutic values and counseling from certified counselors.

Traditional spring break camps are not equipped to handle troubled teens, such as teen suffering from drug addiction, alcohol addiction, ADHD, obesity and other behavioral problems.

Nationally recognized, Inspirations for Youth and Families, offers an excellent program for teens with behavioral problems. The indoor and outdoor activities for troubled teens at Inspirations offers structured activities that combines counseling by certified counselors mixed with fun to create a safe summer vacation for teens ages11 to 18.

Art, music, fun activities and exercise at one of the established gyms are all part of the daily program at Inspirations for Youth and Families.

If you are a friend or family member of a teen struggling with behavior, drug and or alcohol abuse problems and need a spring break camp for your child call now for reservations.

Inspirations for Youth and Families
Teen Behavior Problems &
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

Inhalants Abuse and Addiction - Huffing

One in five students in America has used an inhalant to get high by the time he or she reaches the eighth grade. The largest demographic to abuse are teenagers ages 12 to 17. The next group that follows them is the 18 to 25 age group. Huffing is extremely dangerous. Huffing involves inhaling volatile substances, in order to get high.

One of the greatest dangers of huffing is that it can kill a person in the very first time they try. About 22% of deaths that occur because of huffing are by people who did it for the first time. If huffing does not kill you the first time, the effects of huffing can kill your body slowly. The volatile substances can kill brain cells. Once these cells are lost, they will never come back. In addition to this, huffing can cause memory loss, impaired concentration, hearing loss, loss of coordination, and permanent brain damage. Chronic use can cause permanent heart, lung, liver, and kidney damage as well. Another long term effect of huffing is the psychiatric issue such as, depression, mood changes, irritability, and inattentiveness.

Warning signs for parents to look for:
- Drunk, dazed, or dizzy appearance
- Slurred or disoriented speech
- Uncoordinated physical symptoms
- Red or runny eyes and nose
- Spots and/or sores around the mouth
- Unusual breath odor or chemical odor on clothing
- Signs of paint or other products where they wouldn't normally be, such as on face, lips, nose or fingers
- Nausea and/or loss of appetite
- Chronic Inhalant Abusers may exhibit symptoms such as hallucinations, anxiety, excitability, irritability, restlessness or anger.

While several of these warning signs may point to occasional problems most teens experience at some point during the teenage years, don't be fooled. Know what specific signs may signal real trouble for your child.

In addition to this, you should recognize other telltale behavior signs of Inhalant Abusers:
- Painting fingernails with magic markers or correction fluid
- Sitting with a pen or marker by the nose
- Constantly smelling clothing sleeves
- Showing paint or stain marks on face, fingers or clothing
- Having numerous butane lighters and refills in room, backpack or locker (when the child does not smoke)
- Hiding rags, clothes or empty containers of the potentially abused products in closets, under the bed, in garage etc

Huffing is an addictive behavior and a growing addiction among the adolescent/teen population. Seek professional assistance immediately. Inspiration’s Teen Rehab specializes in residential adolescent addiction treatment with individualized treatment for “huffing” abuse and/or addiction. A call today can save your teen’s life.

We at Inspirations understand the unique challenges of being a parent. If you have any questions, please know that we are here to provide you with support and guidance, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We welcome the opportunity to answer your questions free of charge about teen drug rehab, teen substance abuse, adolescent addiction, teen behavior, or other related matters. If you would prefer, please fill out our short form and one of our counselors will respond.

Inspirations for Youth and FamiliesAddiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

Cove Center for Recovery Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237

Cough Syrup Abuse – Is your child robo-tripping?

Cough syrup medications are fast becoming another common drugs of abuse among teens. The active ingredient of many cough syrups is dextromethorphan (DXM), which if taken in large doses can cause visual hallucinations and a heightened sense of awareness - in other words, a cheap high.

DXM is taken orally, usually as a liquid syrup or pill. Some people have begun to use a powder form of the drug. People who abuse it in excessive amounts sometimes refer to DXM as robo-tripping, skittling, dex, or candy.

In very large quantities, DXM can cause effects similar to that of ketamine or PCP, because DXM affects similar sites in the brain. These drugs are called "dissociative," which means they create feelings of not being oneself or of being separate or detached from the environment; they distort perceptions and emotions.

Other effects of DXM abuse can include impaired motor function, numbness, nausea and vomiting, and increased heart rate and blood pressure. On rare occasions, hypoxic brain damage occurs. That means little or no oxygen can get to the brain because of the side effects of the combination of DXM and decongestants also often found in these medications.

If you suspect that your child is abusing cough syrup you should talk to him/her about your suspicions avoiding direct accusations. This talk should take place when he/she is straight, and you’re calm. This will show your child that you still love him/her, but you are most concerned with what he/she is doing to him/herself.

Taking time to discuss the problem without turning away from it is an important first step to take care of the problem. Most important, act fast, seeking counseling from a certified mental health professional with experience in youth and substance abuse is critical. Depending on your teen’s behavior and level of addiction your child will have a greater chance of recovery by attending a residential adolescent addiction treatment. Try to choose a treatment program that also offers an educational program so that your child will not miss out on school credits.

Inspirations for Youth and Families
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

Cove Center for Recovery
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237

Suspicious Your Child Might be Using Drugs?

Since mood swings and unpredictable behavior are frequent occurrences for preteens and teenagers, parents may find it difficult to spot signs of alcohol and drug abuse. But if observe one or more of these signs drug abuse may be at the heart of the problem: reduction in academic grades or attendance, poor attitude when not related to chores or basic requests, avoidance of family members coupled with isolation and withdrawal, sleep changes, eyes are red-rimmed and/or her nose is runny in the absence of a cold, mood swings, change in peer group, change in hygiene and health, missing money, missing items such as IPOD’s MP3 players, electronics and computer games as they are sold or traded for substances.

The presence of pipes, rolling papers, small medicine bottles, eye drops, or butane lighters in your home signal that your child may be using drugs. Other clues include homemade pipes and bongs (pipes that use water as a filter) made from soda cans or plastic beverage containers. If any of these indicators show up, parents should start discussing what steps to take so they can present a united front.

If you suspect that your child is using illegal drugs, alcohol or prescription drugs you should talk to him/her about your suspicions avoiding direct accusations. This talk should take place when he/she is sober or straight, and you’re calm. This will show your child that you still love him/her, but you are most concerned with what he/she is doing to him/herself.

Taking time to discuss the problem without turning away from it is an important first step to take care of the problem. Most important, act fast, seeking counseling from a certified mental health professional with experience in youth and substance abuse is critical. Depending on your teen’s behavior and level of addiction your child will have a greater chance of recovery by attending a residential adolescent addiction treatment. Try to choose a treatment program that also offers an educational program so that your child will not miss out on school credits.

Even in the face of mounting evidence, parents often have a hard time acknowledging that their child has an alcohol, illicit drug or prescription drug abuse problem. Anger, resentment, guilt, and a sense of failure are all common reactions, but it is important to avoid self-blame. Drug abuse occurs in families of all economic and social backgrounds, in happy and unhappy homes alike. Most important is that the faster you act, the sooner your child can start the better is the outcome.

We must remember that every teen is a child with a dream. Teen drug abuse and teen addiction can steal a parent and child’s dreams for their future. Don’t let your child become a statistic. Reach out to us.

Inspirations for Youth and FamiliesAddiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

Cove Center for Recovery Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237

Teen Drug Abuse on the Rise

New research sheds new light on the increasing rate of teen drug abuse. As our youths and teens increasingly participate in the rise of teen drug abuse, so do the overdoses and the deaths of these teens. The study reported that the rate of overdoses today is ten times higher than the rate in the late 1960s.

This rate increase is not just from the baby boomers and hippies as some would be led to believe, but the rate is higher amongst all age groups, including teens and youths. The rate is especially high for white Americans, with this trend on the rise and no signs of the rate of teen drug abuse leveling off any time soon.

This increase or rise of drug abuse among all age groups including the teens are said to be accredited to the trend of abusing prescription drugs. Before in the 1960s, the rate of deaths due to drug abuse was 1 in every 100,000 people. In 2007, 15 white women out of every 100,000 died from drug abuse. For black women the rate was 17 out of every 100,000. The rates for black and white men were even larger jumps.

The abuse of prescription drugs is evident in playing a major role in the rise of these deaths. Abusing prescription medications include painkillers and Vicodin, which are the most commonly abused prescription drugs. With almost half of Americans taking prescription drugs, the opportunities for these drugs to be abused is increased, which leads to the increase of addiction, all scenarios that come with serious, if not deadly, consequences.

Do not wait! Death from prescription drugs are becoming very common. After the death of a 17 year old teenager who ingested a pain killer pill at a party, many people started to pay attention. Teens are not just abusing prescription pain killers but also, anti-anxiety medication, and over the counter cough medications.

If your teenager or someone you know is abusing prescription drugs or struggling with any other addiction or any other destructive behaviors, please call Inspirations Teen Rehab. The one of a kind program which is very successful and well known; featured on the Dr. Phill Show.

Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away.

Teen Addiction Help: 1-888-757-6237

Addiction Treatment for Young Adults and Adults : 1-888-387-6237

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Revisiting a Federal Organized Crime Case

Federal Prosecutors in the Southern District of New York (SDNY) obtained the last two guilty pleas in the Gambino Family associates case that included sex trafficking charges. All 14 defendants have now pled guilty to charges. Read the DOJ press release:

Last of 14 Gambino Crime Family Members and Associates Plead Guilty to Racketeering, Murder Conspiracy, Extortion, Sex Trafficking, and Other Crimes

It looks like Suzanne Porcelli and Steve Maiurro folded first as each has a January sentencing date. Coincidentally, these two were indicted on the sex trafficking and sex trafficking of a minor offenses. Only 7 of the 14 defendants named in the indictment were included in the alleged Craigslist prostitution ring counts. Also notable is that the last two defendants to plead guilty in this indictment, Thomas Orefice and Dominick Difiore, were included in the 7 charged with sex trafficking.

The federal offense of sex trafficking has that power to invoke guilty pleas. It is a charge like none other, and let's face it – a 1997 murder conspiracy, a 1987 accessory to murder count, and a jury tampering count from a 1992 Gotti case had nothing whatsoever to do with a 2009 Craigslist prostitution ring. This should have been separate indictments; however, prosecutors charged as they did to invoke guilty pleas and it worked.

The charge of sex trafficking is powerful and has no equal today. Daniel Marino faces only 5 years for a murder conspiracy count while Maiurro faces 20 years for the sex trafficking count. Considering that someone was answering a phone and someone else was driving women to calls – with 1 minor involved somehow – I consider it absurd. Suzanne Porcelli denied knowledge of the minor in earlier news and she is facing 10 years on the sex trafficking count.

So it looks like answering an escort line is a far worse offense than conspiring to murder in the SDNY. Interesting indeed.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Most Corrupt Place on Earth

Disney is often referred to as the happiest place on earth, which is dubious at best and more likely an outright lie, unless you're a child with wealthy parents. The US is often referred to (by Americans anyway) as the land of the free and the home of the brave and is best known for its quest to spread democracy worldwide these days. You'd better watch out or we'll democratize you next!

To democratize sounds like an evil weapon that eliminates all in its path. Oh wait – it is, at least in the manner it is used today.

I have never encountered corruption as widespread as is obvious today. Everywhere you turn it is scams and bullshit artists disguised as sheep that want to lend a helping hand. The court system – civil and criminal – is one huge scam disguised as law and order in society for the misguided individuals (or wolves) that profit from it, enforce it, and participate in it. They have managed to suck the life out of the intentions of our Founding Fathers.

The creditors should be renamed the predators because that's what they are. The civil court system utilizes judicial assistants and process servers as corrupt as the predators they serve while judges cover their eyes or go golfing and pretend it all doesn't exist while the help rubber stamps their names on any documentation in front of their dirty, corrupt faces.

Anyone that ever believed we would have universal health care in the US should take a look at a home out in the Everglades – the wildlife comes right up to the door and it's so exciting!

I have a chronic health condition that I have dealt with since 1987. It was one of the main reasons I opened an escort service back in 1992 in Orlando. At the time I worked for Mears Transportation as a starter/dispatcher at Orlando International Airport (OIA). Mears is the main transportation company in Orlando and has the contracts to transport guests for Disney outside of Disney property. At the point I decided to open the service I had worked for Mears for 2 ½ years, but only for a year at OIA – I was a driver for the company and was promised health insurance within 90 days of changing positions, and so I did.

I would bother the airport manager monthly until finally I was given the answer that no pre-existing conditions would be covered. Well that's fucking worthless, right? Especially since it wasn't paid for by the company and I would have had money deducted from my barely stretchable paycheck. These people paid me around $8 per hour to deal with the flood of people arriving on the B-1 Delta station and coordinate vans and buses to the US Air B-2 station and the A-side.

I dealt with a radio used to contact the starters on B-2 and A-side, and a landline that rang off the hook from the old guy on B-2, a direct line to downtown dispatch, and of course the hundreds of passengers in front of me that had come from the Delta escalators. Oh, and airport rules were that any Mears passenger had to be off the dock (in a vehicle and out of there) within 20 minutes of initial contact with the Mears station. I won't neglect to mention that the company always ran out of vehicles in the airport between 11am and 1pm – never failed. This was in 1992 and hopefully they have a better grasp on it these days.

So all of that and they couldn't include fucking health insurance. Of course I always worked over 40 hours a week, so they sure couldn't call it part-time as so many businesses do today.

Back then I would have to go to the emergency room and sit for hours to get a refill of my necessary medicine for the chronic health condition. My income was too high (that's a joke) for any free clinic at the time and at $8 per hour, and being a single mom, of course I had no money to pay for lab work and doctor visits. Medicaid? Nope – income too high. They did give my son Medicaid, but it was worthless as no doctor (in the entire phone book) would accept a new patient.

Do you really wonder why I opted to open an escort service and get the hell out of the airport?

It wasn't too long after my arrest and trial that I ran out of medication and the doctors I had been seeing on a cash basis wouldn't refill me anymore without extensive lab work and office visits. They all insisted that the lab work must be done in their office and the lab cost alone was anywhere from $160 to $280, depending on the specific doctor's office I went to. Of course they absolutely fucking needed lab work every 1-3 months because of a claim that my tests were off. Nevermind that I have had to take this medication since 1987, and would have to take it until the day I died. Nevermind that I could actually go into a coma if I didn't take it.

I found a great clinic and a wonderful doctor that I went to for two years until the day they told me they could no longer help me as the contract had been given to this horrible place called the Brevard Health Alliance (BHA). For the entire 18 months that I was stuck going to BHA I never met a doctor, though there is a doctor's name on all the paperwork. I saw a nurse practitioner that was clueless as to what could (and did) happen when she chose to lower my dosage by 1/3 – she was so involved in her sister's condition, which was the opposite of my own, that she viewed slowing all of my organs down as better than speeding them up or attempting to regulate the dosage until the symptoms disappeared. Thanks a fucking lot Deborah Yesowitch and Leslie Hamilton.

Leslie Hamilton actually told me that my opinion didn't matter and that she did not want to hear about all of my symptoms and problems because of the lower dosage. Save the next patient by getting the hell out of medicine Ms. Hamilton. At least Yesowitch did care and believed she was doing the correct thing that was best for me. Someone might want to tell her that having all of your organs slowed to the point that you're sleeping 12 hours a day and feel like you're not even breathing at times isn't all that she might believe it to be.

I cannot neglect to mention that when I first went to BHA they refused to help me even though I was told that I was certainly eligible. They had a guard dog of a bitch in the lobby and I was far from the only one that couldn't get past her. There were lots of complaints, according to a private source. When the ER doctor refused to refill me and told me to go to a doctor's office at great expense, I gave-up and quit taking the medication for my chronic condition. I actually came about as close to a coma as one could get without crossing the line in the four months that followed. Eventually an administrator from the clinic I had gone to previously contacted someone and BHA helped me, but in the manner stated. They were angry from jumpstreet.

After a couple of years of deterioration I moved back to Orlando. For a year I was treated by wonderful doctors that donate their time through Florida Hospital. They treated me without issue. Why? Because it is a free clinic and the doctors donate time and one must sign a form that they understand no lawsuit is possible according to Florida statutes. In Florida a physician that is donating time or helping without compensation cannot be sued. This is fine by me as I never wanted to sue a doctor anyway – I simply needed my stupid medication refilled. Since I no longer reside in Orange County a return is not possible – one must have an Orange County residence. I have considered renting a closet.

So here I am in the same position again today. I did find a cheap place to have the lab work done, so no issue on that. If I chose to go to an ER they would only refill me once and give me a 30-day supply. That is it – again nevermind that it is a medication that I must take until the day I die. Same thing if I went to an Urgent Care clinic – one of those places where you pay $60-100 to see a nurse. One month supply and never come back again. I went to one today, but chose to skip it as one month of pills won't cure any issue in my case.

As a result of being undertreated for so long I'm a great candidate for congestive heart failure and various other organ and endocrine system disorders. Really I have the Brevard Health Alliance to thank for that, but then ultimately I must place the blame on the MBI and the State of Florida. At least I could pay for high dollar insurance or cash doctor visits before they came along and fucked-up my life. The only cure at this point is cash to see an endocrinologist on a regular basis.

The bottom line to all of that is there is definitely better health care in Cuba. So much for freedom and democracy.

I tried a return to booking escort calls, but living an hour away didn't work as for some strange reason the escorts thought I should be donating my time and resources so each could live well. With the exception of one person that wasn't available very often and left the state a while back, each did her best to beat me out of my fees with every call – you really couldn't imagine the wild stories I heard as reasoning. Now they're all on their own – I turned the website into a pay-for-an-ad site and I will never book a call for anyone again, mainly because they just didn't want to pay for my services. If I lived in Orlando and my health was better none would have gotten away with it for a minute. And I dont give a damn if anyone buys an ad or not - they could suffer over in the Backpage ghetto for all I care.

This has turned out to be lengthier than I originally intended. We could call it my rant and to summarize I'll say that 95 out of 100 people that I have encountered in this country are a walking scam, full of shit, a walking incurable disease, and a tiny peg in a corrupt system with no end in sight.

Wikileaks is under attack again. I must imagine that you've read about the federal grand jury in Virginia issuing subpoenas to Twitter and the US DOJ pressuring Facebook and Google. They want the names of supporters and record of all internet activities. Perhaps there is hope for me after all and the US government could be paying for that endocrinologist.

Greetings from the most corrupt place on earth.

Monday, January 3, 2011

More on Former Melbourne FL Cop Frank Carter

One of Carter's fans has posted a new response as “Anonymous” under my last Frank Carter post on this blog: A Discussion about Fired Melbourne Cop Frank Carter

Anonymous stated:

Just my $.02 ,
Defamation" is the general term used internationally, and is used in this article where it is not necessary to distinguish between "slander" and "libel". Libel and slander both require publication.

The fundamental distinction between libel and slander lies solely in the form in which the defamatory matter is published. If the offending material is published in some fleeting form, as by spoken words or sounds, sign language, gestures and the like, then this is slander.

Libel is defined as defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures. The law of libel originated in the 17th century in England. With the growth of publication came the growth of libel and development of the tort of libel.

I looked up Dienecia Johnson record:
09/21/2008 OBSCURED TAG
09/27/2009 316.2956.1 OPERATING WITH ILLEGAL SUNSCREENING 02/25/2010 DISMISSED 20098973GDW
09/27/2009 316.2956.1 OPERATING WITH ILLEGAL SUNSCREENING 02/25/2010 DISMISSED 20098972GDW
09/27/2009 316.2956.1 OPERATING WITH ILLEGAL SUNSCREENING 02/25/2010 DISMISSED 20098971GDW
09/27/2009 316.2956.1 OPERATING WITH ILLEGAL SUNSCREENING 02/25/2010 DISMISSED 20098970GDW
09/27/2009 316.2952.2 SIGN OR COVERING ON WINDSHIELD
She was arrested for selling both cocaine and marijuana. That is fact, not fiction.

Also the FDLE has dropped all of the original charges yet added another. Florida Today paints a different picture.
Then why is there only one charge and not the original 8 or so? False information by the chief given to the FDLE. Also did you see who just retired early? The city manager.

Why would the arrest of Carter inspire so these two to retire?
I'll give you one clue, retirement benefits. They both could be subject to no retirement benefits.
What is Carter's sole charge standing? Giving someone a ticket for a poorly lit license plate. Florida read that a police offer must be able to read it from 50 feet.
Did you know that Florida Today was given the wrong video to post? I do

I responded:

So you want to continue the argument in reference to Carter? No problem.

Libel law in the UK is different from libel laws in the US. You left out one major point - truth is an absolute defense in a libel suit. If this were not the case I probably would have been sued for "Memoirs of an Accused Madam," but it is the case.

Look for my response post later this evening
And here we are again, though this “anonymous” is not the same person as the last “anonymous” as is obvious by the post content; either that or he was drunk when he responded earlier. Once again the victim, Dienecia Johnson, is the one being attacked. Isn't it always that way when a bad cop is seeking some absurd defense for his actions?

First let's again address Dienecia Johnson's arrest record, specifically the statement that, “ She was arrested for selling both cocaine and marijuana. That is fact, not fiction.”

No shit Sherlock. As I stated in the blog post that you responded to, the case was DROPPED by PROSECUTORS. Furthermore, the case had to be incredible – she was released on her own recognizance. Even the judge knew it was bullshit. So Ms. Johnson experienced a false arrest – this is a point against Carter, and you're not doing a great job at defense buddy.

In so far as the rest of that list of crap charges goes, I am well aware of how bad cops work. When they have no real reason for a traffic stop, they simply create one. How in the hell could anyone know she didn't have her driver's license in her wallet before pulling her over? There was no other charge in several of the listed cases making it clear that she was being harassed.

In a few of the cases there was the usual bullshit charge: obscured tag; sign or covering on windshield; and driving vehicle in unsafe condition. Obscured tag my ass – someone needs to get some glasses if he cannot see a tag with one of the two tag lights out.

My son was pulled over for the same crap by a whacko overzealous Cocoa P.D. officer several years ago. The jerk then used this to write a ticket for “running a red light” and held my son for over 30 minutes while waiting on the dogs – they were busy in Melbourne. Needless to say my son took the red light ticket to court and was found “not guilty” because right on red at that particular intersection was absolutely normal. Hint – he took photos of the intersection to court. As if any of this would give him probable cause for a vehicle search! (lucky for whacko cop the dogs were busy in Melbourne)

Obviously you are a cop, and perhaps you're Frank Carter – I have no idea – but if you do not have anything better to do than harass motorists in your sector, then Melbourne P.D. needs to toss your ass as well.

I do not pretend to know anything about videos given to Florida Today. I do know that Frank Carter is an overzealous whack cop that harassed Black motorists in his sector for far too many years. People in that area were petrified of him. I'm not in that area or I would have seen his bad cop ass in court long before.

You have the audacity to bring-up a drug charge that was dropped by prosecutors a while back? Denecia Johnson should be filing suit for false arrest. All of that bullshit traffic crap is exactly that – do not pretend she ever harmed anyone, had an accident, or actually did anything whatsoever wrong. Your list merely shows the many times that the woman has been a Carter victim.

In so far as libel goes – truth is an absolute defense in a libel suit. If you (or Carter) believes differently, then file away. I am not your typical victim and I will see your bad ass in court.