Disney is often referred to as
the happiest place on earth, which is dubious at best and more likely an outright lie, unless you're a child with wealthy parents. The US is often referred to (by Americans anyway) as the land of the free and the home of the brave and is best known for its quest to spread democracy worldwide these days. You'd better watch out or we'll
democratize you next!
To democratize sounds like an evil weapon that eliminates all in its path. Oh wait – it is, at least in the manner it is used today.I have never encountered corruption as widespread as is obvious today. Everywhere you turn it is scams and bullshit artists disguised as sheep that want to lend a helping hand. The court system – civil and criminal – is one huge scam disguised as law and order in society for the misguided individuals (or wolves) that profit from it, enforce it, and participate in it. They have managed to suck the life out of the intentions of our Founding Fathers.
The creditors should be renamed the predators because that's what they are. The civil court system utilizes judicial assistants and process servers as corrupt as the predators they serve while judges cover their eyes or go golfing and pretend it all doesn't exist while the help rubber stamps their names on any documentation in front of their dirty, corrupt faces.
Anyone that ever believed we would have universal health care in the US should take a look at a home out in the Everglades – the wildlife comes right up to the door and it's so exciting!I have a chronic health condition that I have dealt with since 1987. It was one of the main reasons I opened an escort service back in 1992 in Orlando. At the time I worked for Mears Transportation as a starter/dispatcher at Orlando International Airport (OIA). Mears is the main transportation company in Orlando and has the contracts to transport guests for Disney outside of Disney property. At the point I decided to open the service I had worked for Mears for 2 ½ years, but only for a year at OIA – I was a driver for the company and was promised health insurance within 90 days of changing positions, and so I did.
I would bother the airport manager monthly until finally I was given the answer that no pre-existing conditions would be covered.
Well that's fucking worthless, right? Especially since it wasn't paid for by the company and I would have had money deducted from my barely stretchable paycheck. These people paid me around $8 per hour to deal with the flood of people arriving on the B-1 Delta station and coordinate vans and buses to the US Air B-2 station and the A-side.
I dealt with a radio used to contact the starters on B-2 and A-side, and a landline that rang off the hook from the old guy on B-2, a direct line to downtown dispatch, and of course the hundreds of passengers in front of me that had come from the Delta escalators. Oh, and airport rules were that any Mears passenger had to be off the dock (in a vehicle and out of there) within 20 minutes of initial contact with the Mears station. I won't neglect to mention that the company always ran out of vehicles in the airport between 11am and 1pm – never failed. This was in 1992 and hopefully they have a better grasp on it these days.
So all of that and they couldn't include fucking health insurance. Of course I always worked over 40 hours a week, so they sure couldn't call it part-time as so many businesses do today.
Back then I would have to go to the emergency room and sit for hours to get a refill of my necessary medicine for the chronic health condition. My income was too high (that's a joke) for any free clinic at the time and at $8 per hour, and being a single mom, of course I had no money to pay for lab work and doctor visits. Medicaid? Nope – income too high. They did give my son Medicaid, but it was worthless as no doctor (in the entire phone book) would accept a new patient.
Do you really wonder why I opted to open an escort service and get the hell out of the airport?It wasn't too long after my arrest and trial that I ran out of medication and the doctors I had been seeing on a cash basis wouldn't refill me anymore without extensive lab work and office visits. They all insisted that the lab work must be done in their office and the lab cost alone was anywhere from $160 to $280, depending on the specific doctor's office I went to. Of course they absolutely fucking needed lab work every 1-3 months because of a claim that my tests were off. Nevermind that I have had to take this medication since 1987, and would have to take it until the day I died. Nevermind that I could actually go into a coma if I didn't take it.
I found a great clinic and a wonderful doctor that I went to for two years until the day they told me they could no longer help me as the contract had been given to this horrible place called the Brevard Health Alliance (BHA). For the entire 18 months that I was stuck going to BHA I never met a doctor, though there is a doctor's name on all the paperwork. I saw a nurse practitioner that was clueless as to what could (and did) happen when she chose to lower my dosage by 1/3 – she was so involved in her sister's condition, which was the opposite of my own, that she viewed slowing all of my organs down as better than speeding them up or attempting to regulate the dosage until the symptoms disappeared. Thanks a fucking lot Deborah Yesowitch and Leslie Hamilton.
Leslie Hamilton actually told me that my opinion didn't matter and that she did not want to hear about all of my symptoms and problems because of the lower dosage. Save the next patient by getting the hell out of medicine Ms. Hamilton. At least Yesowitch did care and believed she was doing the correct thing that was best for me. Someone might want to tell her that having all of your organs slowed to the point that you're sleeping 12 hours a day and feel like you're not even breathing at times isn't all that she might believe it to be.
I cannot neglect to mention that when I first went to BHA they refused to help me even though I was told that I was certainly eligible. They had a guard dog of a bitch in the lobby and I was far from the only one that couldn't get past her. There were lots of complaints, according to a private source. When the ER doctor refused to refill me and told me to go to a doctor's office at great expense, I gave-up and quit taking the medication for my chronic condition. I actually came about as close to a coma as one could get without crossing the line in the four months that followed. Eventually an administrator from the clinic I had gone to previously contacted someone and BHA helped me, but in the manner stated. They were angry from jumpstreet.
After a couple of years of deterioration I moved back to Orlando. For a year I was treated by wonderful doctors that donate their time through Florida Hospital. They treated me without issue. Why? Because it is a free clinic and the doctors donate time and one must sign a form that they understand no lawsuit is possible according to Florida statutes. In Florida a physician that is donating time or helping without compensation cannot be sued. This is fine by me as I never wanted to sue a doctor anyway – I simply needed my stupid medication refilled. Since I no longer reside in Orange County a return is not possible – one must have an Orange County residence. I have considered renting a closet.
So here I am in the same position again today. I did find a cheap place to have the lab work done, so no issue on that. If I chose to go to an ER they would only refill me once and give me a 30-day supply. That is it – again nevermind that it is a medication that I must take until the day I die. Same thing if I went to an Urgent Care clinic – one of those places where you pay $60-100 to see a nurse. One month supply and never come back again. I went to one today, but chose to skip it as one month of pills won't cure any issue in my case.
As a result of being undertreated for so long I'm a great candidate for congestive heart failure and various other organ and endocrine system disorders. Really I have the Brevard Health Alliance to thank for that, but then ultimately I must place the blame on the MBI and the State of Florida. At least I could pay for high dollar insurance or cash doctor visits before they came along and fucked-up my life. The only cure at this point is cash to see an endocrinologist on a regular basis.
The bottom line to all of that is there is definitely better health care in Cuba. So much for freedom and democracy.I tried a return to booking escort calls, but living an hour away didn't work as for some strange reason the escorts thought I should be donating my time and resources so each could live well. With the exception of one person that wasn't available very often and left the state a while back, each did her best to beat me out of my fees with every call – you really couldn't imagine the wild stories I heard as reasoning. Now they're all on their own – I turned the website into a pay-for-an-ad site and I will never book a call for anyone again, mainly because they just didn't want to pay for my services. If I lived in Orlando and my health was better none would have gotten away with it for a minute. And I dont give a damn if anyone buys an ad or not - they could suffer over in the Backpage ghetto for all I care.
This has turned out to be lengthier than I originally intended. We could call it my rant and to summarize I'll say that 95 out of 100 people that I have encountered in this country are a walking scam, full of shit, a walking incurable disease, and a tiny peg in a corrupt system with no end in sight.
Wikileaks is under attack again. I must imagine that you've read about the federal grand jury in Virginia issuing subpoenas to Twitter and the US DOJ pressuring Facebook and Google. They want the names of supporters and record of all internet activities. Perhaps there is hope for me after all and the US government could be paying for that endocrinologist.
Greetings from the most corrupt place on earth.