I haven't tuned-in to the Casey Anthony trial more than a few times this month, but I did today as the news reporters have been debating whether Casey would testify in her defense, or not. The debate itself was laughable to me; she has far to many lies going to testify. I don't pretend to have any clue what the truth is; however, spotted the lies long ago as most people did, including the agents.
When a defendant testifies in their defense in a trial they do have the right to plead the Fifth to questions asked by prosecutors and not answer, but of course it makes them look like they have something to hide as they do. Pleading the Fifth means that according to the Fifth Amendment, a defendant can refuse to answer a question that could incriminate and convict them. Anyone with anything to hide is better off not testifying in their defense to begin with. A witness in a trial also has the right to plead the Fifth during trial; however, this results in the end of the witness's testimony.
In my own trial in Orange County, Florida (Orlando), I did testify in my defense. Though seriously provoked by the prosecutor, I did not plead the Fifth in response to any question. The State of Florida's main witness, Theresa Isaacs, did plead the Fifth in testimony though. The judge ordered a long lunch break so that she could talk to her attorney and make sure that pleading the Fifth was a good move. She returned from that break smirking and stated to the judge that she would be happy to testify. After the next few questions from my attorney, Theresa pled the Fifth once again. The judge ordered her dismissed as a witness. Prosecutors sure did not look happy and she exited the courtroom with fake tears rolling down her ugly face.
Shortly after Theresa's exit she went into a private room with main case agent Brant Rose. They were in there for quite some time, according to my friend sitting in the hallway. Immediately after leaving the private room, Theresa cried to a woman juror in the ladies room. The juror was compelled to tell a court deputy who in turn informed the judge. The jury was led out of the courtroom with the exception of the one juror. She informed all of us (minus the rest of the jury) exactly what Theresa stated to her as she cried in the bathroom. It was damaging to me, of course. I always believed that Theresa did what she did at the direction of Agent Brant Rose – the state was not doing good in the courtroom and he had to throw a monkey wrench in the trial at that point. Tampering with a jury was certainly not beyond Rose's arsenal of tools.
As soon as the lady juror finished telling her story of what happened in the bathroom, she was excused from the courtroom and instructed to not discuss anything with the other jurors. Prosecutors whispered something to the judge (the audio did not pick it up as I later listened to the trial CDs, trying to figure out what the conversation was), and the next thing I knew, the judge was explaining to me that I had every right to a mistrial. He repeated this several times and explained it all thoroughly, at the urging of prosecutors. They all wanted a mistrial. I refused the mistrial and stated that I would rather continue.
No way in hell they were going to get a second chance to fine-tune the witness acts. Theresa Isaacs was an actress, if nothing else. The State of Florida brought me to that point and I'll be damned – we were going to finish the show trial. No second show trial for me!
After all of that happened it really went downhill for the state. We were all waiting to hear Rocky's testimony. Unbeknown to me at that moment, Rocky would be told to leave the courthouse for his refusal to lie on the stand. In a private room he told both prosecutors that there was no need to go over his testimony and that he knew what really happened and intended to tell the truth on the stand. Prosecutors would refer to this as a “refusal to testify” at Rocky's sentencing hearing a month later and he was sentenced to 36 months in a Florida prison and 10 years of felony probation.
Someone with the MBI or the Office of the Statewide Prosecutor (OSP) judge shopped when they arrested me. Judge Anthony Johnson was best known as a hanging judge that always sided with prosecutors. He was the icing on the railroad cake for me. On a few occasions during trial he attempted to appear impartial, but was barely successful. Judge Johnson clearly ran a kangaroo court. Casey Anthony has no such problem – Orange County Circuit Court Chief Judge Belvin Perry, Jr. has no such biases and has conducted an actual fair trial.
I have read through most of the evidence in the Casey Anthony case and have come to several conclusions: She is guilty of something, though I am not so sure that it is first degree murder. The evidence does not prove murder in the first degree, no matter how you want to view it. Perhaps the evidence proves murder in the second degree or manslaughter, but that is not how she was charged. She was charged in the way that she was as prosecutors dangled the death penalty, figuring she would plead to a lesser charge (like second degree murder or manslaughter) to have the death penalty removed. She called their bluff.
Really I am hearing many theories from prosecutors in this case, but only a fool goes to trial on theory. In my opinion, even if this jury convicts Casey, the conviction would be overturned on appeal, if Judge Perry lets it fly, which I doubt that he would. And that is this former defendant's perspective on the Casey Anthony trial in Orlando.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Important Fourth Amendment Case
This case won't be before the U.S. Supreme Court Justices until the new term begins in October, but it is one of the most important cases in the 21st century. The case is the United States v. Jones (10-1259).
Question Presented: Whether the warrantless use of a tracking device on respondent's vehicle to monitor its movements on public streets violated the Fourth Amendment.
CERT. GRANTED 6/27/2011
Read the PDF from the SCOTUS HERE
What few seem to recognize is that cellphones are tracking devices and the Supreme Court ruling in this case will also determine the direction of future investigative tools and the use of tracking data by law enforcement without probable cause (i.e. a warrant). Obviously I am rooting for Antoine Jones.
The sad part is that this case is pushed by the Obama DOJ in what I consider an agenda to eliminate Fourth Amendment protections in the United States. With the SCOTUS decision in Connick vs. Thompson (09-571), I do not hold much hope.
Connick vs. Thompson Opinion HERE (PDF)
Failure at the Highest Level : Criminal Injustice
I have discussed the use of GPS tracking devices without warrant in my own case and in other cases on the blog. The last articles referencing the issue are:
More on GPS Tracking Without Warrant
GPS Tracking by State and Federal Agencies
Question Presented: Whether the warrantless use of a tracking device on respondent's vehicle to monitor its movements on public streets violated the Fourth Amendment.
CERT. GRANTED 6/27/2011
Read the PDF from the SCOTUS HERE
What few seem to recognize is that cellphones are tracking devices and the Supreme Court ruling in this case will also determine the direction of future investigative tools and the use of tracking data by law enforcement without probable cause (i.e. a warrant). Obviously I am rooting for Antoine Jones.
The sad part is that this case is pushed by the Obama DOJ in what I consider an agenda to eliminate Fourth Amendment protections in the United States. With the SCOTUS decision in Connick vs. Thompson (09-571), I do not hold much hope.
Connick vs. Thompson Opinion HERE (PDF)
Failure at the Highest Level : Criminal Injustice
I have discussed the use of GPS tracking devices without warrant in my own case and in other cases on the blog. The last articles referencing the issue are:
More on GPS Tracking Without Warrant
GPS Tracking by State and Federal Agencies
Monday, June 27, 2011
Southwest Companions: Gutting the Albuquerque PD Case
I think I have been clear in past writings that I am not a fan of sites that post reviews of escorts or escort services. As long as I was in business, I jumped through hoops to prevent posting of reviews anywhere. The main reason for this is that I considered what transpired between an escort and a client to be private. The secondary reasoning is that it is a fallible system anyway, which was obvious in the Big Doggie case, the situation with TER – The Erotic Review – and now is clear in the Southwest Companions case.
I suppose that I feel the same about reviews of books, movies, and any other products also. Too many reviewers have an agenda in one direction or another.
In a way, I do not want to write this blog post about the Southwest Companions case. Why? Perhaps those involved need it out of the news so that they can worry about a defense and the rest of their lives. One thing I must say to anyone charged in the case:
You know you're not guilty as charged. At this point you may feel that it is so incorrect that it will go away, a judge will dismiss it, or prosecutors will have a change of heart and drop it. I am sorry, but this will not happen. I met this woman – a good friend of a good friend – within a week of my arrest. We had never met before and it was really a chance introduction. I was visiting my good friend again, about six weeks after arrest, and the woman (a neighbor of hers) dropped by again. When she saw me she was shocked, like fall to the floor shocked.
The woman stated that I had aged 10 years since we met five weeks earlier. It was not stated in any sort of rude way, but as a fact. In a little over a month, the case aged me 10 years. She really freaked out on it. I have never been into drugs or indulged in alcohol often – drinking was something I did once a year, on the average. I looked young for my age at the time of arrest. By the time the case was over, I looked old for my age.
Now that you begin to comprehend the lasting effects on me, let's gut the Albuquerque PD's case:
I want to use an article posted online a few hours ago in this exercise. The article is in the New Mexico Daily Lobo HERE. Having never lived in New Mexico, I have no idea if this is a rag or a serious mainstream syndicated newspaper as the Orlando Sentinel is in Orlando and the Miami Herald is in Miami. I do note that the article quotes the Albuquerque Chief of Police Raymond Schultz and Lt. William Roseman, the detective in charge of the case, throughout.
1. On June 23rd, Schultz stated: “You have an organization that is actively conducting counterintelligence operations,” he said. “This could have been very dangerous to any of the detectives working on this case. This investigation could expand to include human trafficking.”
My response: Bullshit. Don't pretend that some prostitutes and a couple of professors could be dangerous to your overzealous detectives because the statement is absurd. I also cannot view the Southwest Companions site participants as any sort of organization and would bet that these people didn't even know each other outside of their online world on the website. It was a virtual world, and little more. Human trafficking? Please say that was a joke. If you charge anyone in this case with any such charge it would be evidence that you know nothing at all about actual human trafficking and shouldn't be the Chief of Police at all.
2. Quote: “A tip from an anonymous informant sparked an investigation into Garcia’s alleged ties with the prostitution ring.”
My response: Well, you have set this up so that it's unlikely that any defense attorney will ever be able to question the party that allegedly started this entire fiasco. Do you always believe everything that an anonymous idiot states? Do you not bother to question the agenda of the party in initiating such an investigation? You couldn't have a clue of the agenda, because as you state, this party is anonymous, not a confidential informant – two different animals. Do you always embark on such a mission with every anonymous tip? How can Albuquerque afford you if you do?
3. Quote: “Roseman said fees for engaging in sexual acts with prostitutes ranged from less than $200 to as much as $10,000. “These are not your typical street prostitutes,” he said. “It was not a cheap organization.”
My Response: Proof that these prostitutes were 100% independent and not a part of any organizational effort at all. They decided who they saw, what they did, and what they charged. What you've really got here is a handful of misdemeanor prostitution cases, if your warrants to access the database were valid to begin with.
4. Quote: “Through their investigation, APD detectives found that discussion boards exclusive to high-ranking members included guides on how to identify and avoid law enforcement, prevent STDs and rate prostitutes using a starring system.”
My Response: I don't think anyone needs the Southwest Companions site for such guides – they are all over the internet. Will you arrest anyone that publishes a guide that you do not like? Will you arrest anyone with a star rating system? Will you track down who clicked on what? Better get to work. I discuss avoiding law enforcement occasionally, though not for the reasons that you imply here, but because most cops I have ever encountered in this country are overzealous jerks that would make up anything (testilie as opposed to testify). When I say that a person should avoid a traffic stop and drive within every possible law to do so, it isn't because I think they're concealing anything illegal in their vehicles.
5. Quote: “Flory set up a code of acronyms that referred to various sexual acts. Site members used the acronyms when soliciting sex online, according to Flory’s arrest warrant.”
My Response: Almost all adult websites that allow escorts to post ads have the same code of acronyms. I have never been a fan of the acronyms though – say “GFE” to me and I'll always hang-up. At any rate, Flory may have been the one to publish the code of acronyms, but trust me – he sure as hell didn't create any of them.
6. Quote: “In December 2010, Virginia Herringer was arrested on charges of promoting prostitution, possession of drugs and child abuse. Through her arrest, detectives said they learned the full extent of the Southwest Companions operation.”
My Response: I do thank the New Mexico Daily Lobo for clearing that up. Every news story that I came across online stated that it was Cara Garrett, but I didn't buy it as she was arrested for bothering the real informant and it made no sense whatsoever. So, some sleazy witch that is on drugs, has her own “prostitution” business, and abuses her children gave these detectives the real and true story? Get the hell out of here or I'll sell ya some property out in the Everglades. The entire statement is ridiculous.
7. Quote: “Roseman said the prostitution ring is unlike anything APD has ever seen. “We’ve seen similar things, but not organized in this manner,” he said. “This is typically like what we would see in a drug operation. We haven’t seen anything like this, at least not here in Albuquerque.””
My Response: How did this guy make lead detective? Any website that publishes adult ads and any forum that allows escorts to promote their own business operates about the same. This is not an organized effort and it is simply a publisher that publishes a forum online and individual participants exercising their right to free speech. I sure have never seen any drug operation that works like anything described herein. This is looking more like a First Amendment case by the minute.
To conclude here, this is only one article in one online newspaper. I have no way of accessing the warrant for arrest affidavit and gutting that, or I certainly would. If you're reading this and near the Bernalillo County Clerk's Office, please mail me a copy of the arrest affidavit and I'll interpret it and post the results. Contact me for a mailing address. Beyond that, each defendant needs to spend some time gutting their own arrest warrant affidavit - I think you'll feel much better by the time you've finished that exercise; mine was 120+ pages of pure crap and I felt much better when finished.
I suppose that I feel the same about reviews of books, movies, and any other products also. Too many reviewers have an agenda in one direction or another.
In a way, I do not want to write this blog post about the Southwest Companions case. Why? Perhaps those involved need it out of the news so that they can worry about a defense and the rest of their lives. One thing I must say to anyone charged in the case:
You know you're not guilty as charged. At this point you may feel that it is so incorrect that it will go away, a judge will dismiss it, or prosecutors will have a change of heart and drop it. I am sorry, but this will not happen. I met this woman – a good friend of a good friend – within a week of my arrest. We had never met before and it was really a chance introduction. I was visiting my good friend again, about six weeks after arrest, and the woman (a neighbor of hers) dropped by again. When she saw me she was shocked, like fall to the floor shocked.
The woman stated that I had aged 10 years since we met five weeks earlier. It was not stated in any sort of rude way, but as a fact. In a little over a month, the case aged me 10 years. She really freaked out on it. I have never been into drugs or indulged in alcohol often – drinking was something I did once a year, on the average. I looked young for my age at the time of arrest. By the time the case was over, I looked old for my age.
Now that you begin to comprehend the lasting effects on me, let's gut the Albuquerque PD's case:
I want to use an article posted online a few hours ago in this exercise. The article is in the New Mexico Daily Lobo HERE. Having never lived in New Mexico, I have no idea if this is a rag or a serious mainstream syndicated newspaper as the Orlando Sentinel is in Orlando and the Miami Herald is in Miami. I do note that the article quotes the Albuquerque Chief of Police Raymond Schultz and Lt. William Roseman, the detective in charge of the case, throughout.
1. On June 23rd, Schultz stated: “You have an organization that is actively conducting counterintelligence operations,” he said. “This could have been very dangerous to any of the detectives working on this case. This investigation could expand to include human trafficking.”
My response: Bullshit. Don't pretend that some prostitutes and a couple of professors could be dangerous to your overzealous detectives because the statement is absurd. I also cannot view the Southwest Companions site participants as any sort of organization and would bet that these people didn't even know each other outside of their online world on the website. It was a virtual world, and little more. Human trafficking? Please say that was a joke. If you charge anyone in this case with any such charge it would be evidence that you know nothing at all about actual human trafficking and shouldn't be the Chief of Police at all.
2. Quote: “A tip from an anonymous informant sparked an investigation into Garcia’s alleged ties with the prostitution ring.”
My response: Well, you have set this up so that it's unlikely that any defense attorney will ever be able to question the party that allegedly started this entire fiasco. Do you always believe everything that an anonymous idiot states? Do you not bother to question the agenda of the party in initiating such an investigation? You couldn't have a clue of the agenda, because as you state, this party is anonymous, not a confidential informant – two different animals. Do you always embark on such a mission with every anonymous tip? How can Albuquerque afford you if you do?
3. Quote: “Roseman said fees for engaging in sexual acts with prostitutes ranged from less than $200 to as much as $10,000. “These are not your typical street prostitutes,” he said. “It was not a cheap organization.”
My Response: Proof that these prostitutes were 100% independent and not a part of any organizational effort at all. They decided who they saw, what they did, and what they charged. What you've really got here is a handful of misdemeanor prostitution cases, if your warrants to access the database were valid to begin with.
4. Quote: “Through their investigation, APD detectives found that discussion boards exclusive to high-ranking members included guides on how to identify and avoid law enforcement, prevent STDs and rate prostitutes using a starring system.”
My Response: I don't think anyone needs the Southwest Companions site for such guides – they are all over the internet. Will you arrest anyone that publishes a guide that you do not like? Will you arrest anyone with a star rating system? Will you track down who clicked on what? Better get to work. I discuss avoiding law enforcement occasionally, though not for the reasons that you imply here, but because most cops I have ever encountered in this country are overzealous jerks that would make up anything (testilie as opposed to testify). When I say that a person should avoid a traffic stop and drive within every possible law to do so, it isn't because I think they're concealing anything illegal in their vehicles.
5. Quote: “Flory set up a code of acronyms that referred to various sexual acts. Site members used the acronyms when soliciting sex online, according to Flory’s arrest warrant.”
My Response: Almost all adult websites that allow escorts to post ads have the same code of acronyms. I have never been a fan of the acronyms though – say “GFE” to me and I'll always hang-up. At any rate, Flory may have been the one to publish the code of acronyms, but trust me – he sure as hell didn't create any of them.
6. Quote: “In December 2010, Virginia Herringer was arrested on charges of promoting prostitution, possession of drugs and child abuse. Through her arrest, detectives said they learned the full extent of the Southwest Companions operation.”
My Response: I do thank the New Mexico Daily Lobo for clearing that up. Every news story that I came across online stated that it was Cara Garrett, but I didn't buy it as she was arrested for bothering the real informant and it made no sense whatsoever. So, some sleazy witch that is on drugs, has her own “prostitution” business, and abuses her children gave these detectives the real and true story? Get the hell out of here or I'll sell ya some property out in the Everglades. The entire statement is ridiculous.
7. Quote: “Roseman said the prostitution ring is unlike anything APD has ever seen. “We’ve seen similar things, but not organized in this manner,” he said. “This is typically like what we would see in a drug operation. We haven’t seen anything like this, at least not here in Albuquerque.””
My Response: How did this guy make lead detective? Any website that publishes adult ads and any forum that allows escorts to promote their own business operates about the same. This is not an organized effort and it is simply a publisher that publishes a forum online and individual participants exercising their right to free speech. I sure have never seen any drug operation that works like anything described herein. This is looking more like a First Amendment case by the minute.
To conclude here, this is only one article in one online newspaper. I have no way of accessing the warrant for arrest affidavit and gutting that, or I certainly would. If you're reading this and near the Bernalillo County Clerk's Office, please mail me a copy of the arrest affidavit and I'll interpret it and post the results. Contact me for a mailing address. Beyond that, each defendant needs to spend some time gutting their own arrest warrant affidavit - I think you'll feel much better by the time you've finished that exercise; mine was 120+ pages of pure crap and I felt much better when finished.
Teen Addiction Treatment in Wyoming

Teen drug addiction is becoming a common topic in conversations, news reports, health reports, and a variety of news and media. It is no longer a taboo issue. As parents and family members, teachers and guidance counselors, and anyone involved with the daily lives of teenagers approach the issue and dilemma of teen drug addiction, they seldom know where or how to find the solution to the problem.
Parents and teens both experience the pain of teen drug addiction. It is common knowledge that most teens struggling with drug addiction do not seek help voluntarily. In fact, statistics show that most teens do not recognize their behavior as problematic. Therefore, the parents or guardians of a teen are usually more likely to be the first people to initiate a move towards finding a solution. Solutions to drug abuse and addiction begin with the most basic act of seeking help.
Due to their developmental needs, when choosing a teen drug rehab treatment program it is important to ensure that the program is specifically designed for teens. Also, if the teen has mental health issues, the facility should be able to treat them at the same time. Some adolescent teen rehabs provide alongside addiction treatment an educational program which will help your child in keeping their school credits while away from home in a treatment center.
Choosing the right treatment facility is the most important step in choosing the right treatment for an adolescent. As Wyoming may not offer specialized addiction treatment for teens, keep in mind that looking for treatment in another state might be your only choice.
Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab can guide you in the right direction in choosing an adolescent rehabilitation center that will provide the treatment and therapies specifically related to your child’s needs. If your doctor has recommended that your teen stay in an inpatient/residential addiction treatment program, we can help you get admitted. Give us a call and we will help you identify the most suitable treatment program for your child.
For more information on teen drug abuse, teen addiction treatment, and teen drug rehab programs visit us on the web.
For more information on teen drug abuse, teen addiction treatment, and teen drug rehab programs visit us on the web.
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237
Thursday, June 23, 2011
The Justice System, the Media, and the Flory case
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Professor Arrested on 40 Counts of Promoting Prostitution
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Lowering the drinking age - Is this a age a good idea?

The answer to whether the legal age for alcohol consumption should be lowered to 18 from the current legal age 21 remains unresolved while experts, families and educators struggle to put an end to alcohol-related incidents amongst the nation's teens.
Those in favor of lowering the legal drinking age argue that the current legal age for consuming alcohol, 21, has clearly not been able to sway underage teens towards abstaining from alcohol. Furthermore, in 2008 more than 130 college chancellors and presidents signed a petition which supported the age reduction. They believe that proper funding in the education sector will educate teens on the dangers of alcohol abuse while allowing them to experience alcohol and enjoy it responsibly, as oppose to consuming it illegally in discrete locations where so much can go wrong.
But while the idea of lowering the drinking age from 21 to 18, and attempting to deglamorize alcohol in order to reduce alcohol abuse amongst teens seems appealing, many experts and families believe that it would be a step in the wrong direction considering the effectiveness of the law legislated in 1984 which raised the drinking age from 18 to 21 and lowered alcohol consumption amongst young teens. Furthermore, research has shown that delaying the onset of alcohol use reduces the chances of becoming addicted in the future.
For more information on teen alcohol abuse, teen alcoholism treatment, and teen alcohol rehab programs visit Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab.
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237 http://www.inspirationsyouth.com
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237 http://www.covecenterforrecovery.com
Alaska Teen Addiction Treatment

Most parents recognize when their child needs help. Solutions to drug addiction begin with the most basic act of seeking help. The decision of a parent to seek help is the first sign of change and hope in the midst of chaos, heartbreak, fear, and confusion in the home and life of the parent and teen. The act of seeking help is a powerful and motivating factor in working toward a solution. As a parent begins to seek help for a troubled teen, it is beneficial for the parent to recognize his/her efforts as a moment of change and the first step toward finding a solution. Every decision and effort thereafter can become a positive, rewarding step toward a solution to the problem of teen drug addiction.
Due to their developmental needs, when choosing a teen drug rehab treatment program it is important to ensure that the program is specifically designed for teens. Also, if the teen has mental health issues, the facility should be able to treat them at the same time. Some adolescent teen rehabs provide alongside addiction treatment an educational program which will help your child in keeping their school credits while away from home in a treatment center.
Choosing the right treatment facility is the most important step in choosing the right treatment for an adolescent. As Alaska may not offer specialized addiction treatment for teens, keep in mind that looking for treatment in another state might be the best option you have.
If you are having a hard time locating and addiction treatment for your son or daughter, Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab can help. We will guide you in the right direction in choosing an adolescent rehabilitation center that will provide the treatment and therapies specifically related to your child’s needs. If your doctor has recommended that your teen stay in an inpatient/residential addiction treatment program, we can help you get admitted. Give us a call and we will help you identify the most suitable treatment program for your child.
For more information on teen drug abuse, teen addiction treatment, and teen drug rehab programs visit us on the web.
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237 http://www.inspirationsyouth.com
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237 http://www.covecenterforrecovery.com
Prescription drug abuse up among Valley Youths

Legal drug abuse has become quite popular with youths and the results are borderline devastating. In the last twenty years, the number of minors reporting the use of prescription drugs has steadily increased in areas such as Clovis and north Fresno where drugs like Vicodin and Oxycontin are sold for around forty dollars on the streets.
Even though officials claim prescription drug abuse has increased among teens, no local surveys have been conducted to prove such a statement until last year when the California Healthy Kids Survey also included questions regarding the abuse of prescription painkillers among teens. The questions were added because school administrators reported frequent drug use by the students. George Rodriguez, a social worker with the Clovis Police Department claimed that parental awareness has helped bring attention to the matter and the results have been positive so far.
Many drug agents claim that children trust doctors' prescriptions and don't really think of addiction as an issue, not knowing that most painkillers have the same ingredients of heroin.
Children abusing prescription drugs are usually from middle to upper class neighborhoods whose parents can afford healthcare, making access to prescription painkillers easy and frequent. Parents who use prescription drugs should take every measure to protect their prescription drugs from easy reach. Most importantly parents should educate themselves in how to communicate with their children about the life treating risks of prescription drugs that are take without doctors approval.
For more information on teen prescription drug abuse, teen prescription addiction treatment, and teen prescription drug rehab programs visit Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab.
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237 http://www.covecenterforrecovery.com
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237 http://www.covecenterforrecovery.com
Hawaii Teen Addiction Treatment

Most parents recognize when their child needs help. Solutions to drug addiction begin with the most basic act of seeking help. The decision of a parent to seek help is the first sign of change and hope in the midst of chaos, heartbreak, fear, and confusion in the home and life of the parent and teen. The act of seeking help is a powerful and motivating factor in working toward a solution. As a parent begins to seek help for a troubled teen, it is beneficial for the parent to recognize his/her efforts as a moment of change and the first step toward finding a solution. Every decision and effort thereafter can become a positive, rewarding step toward a solution to the problem of teen drug addiction.
Due to their developmental needs, when choosing a teen drug rehab treatment program it is important to ensure that the program is specifically designed for teens. Also, if the teen has mental health issues, the facility should be able to treat them at the same time. Some adolescent teen rehabs provide alongside addiction treatment an educational program which will help your child in keeping their school credits while away from home in a treatment center.
Choosing the right treatment facility is the most important step in choosing the right treatment for an adolescent. As Hawaii may not offer specialized addiction treatment for teens, keep in mind that looking for treatment in another state might be the best option you have.
If you are having a hard time locating and addiction treatment for your son or daughter, Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab can help. We will guide you in the right direction in choosing an adolescent rehabilitation center that will provide the treatment and therapies specifically related to your child’s needs. If your doctor has recommended that your teen stay in an inpatient/residential addiction treatment program, we can help you get admitted. Give us a call and we will help you identify the most suitable treatment program for your child.
For more information on teen drug abuse, teen addiction treatment, and teen drug rehab programs visit us on the web.
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237 http://www.inspirationsyouth.com
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237 http://www.covecenterforrecovery.com
Drug Addicted Child – Don’t Be an Enabler Get Professional Help

Dealing with a drug addicted child may be one of the hardest and painful journey parents can go through. Getting advice from friends and professionals is one thing but to put that advice into action and try to prevent the child from slipping deeper into addiction is a completely different process.
Parents of drug addicted children often watch the child's personality and demeanor change. A parent's love is not enough to prevent this as the child no longer sees the parent in the same way. The people they loved and cherished have vanished and the only thing they see now a source of income - another way to obtain the drugs they need. The relationship has changed, the child the parents once knew has gone and love is not what it used to be. Although the child may show attention and affection, it is usually a way to get what they need.
A drug addicted child needs money for drugs and a place to live. As long as these two are provided chances are they may never want to drop the drug abuse habit. They may even be able to convince the parents they have stopped, just to start the cycle again. Parents of drug addicted children need to know that love and affection must take a new form. There is no longer protection in the home as this may provide a feeding ground for the addiction. Anything that could trigger an overdose or fuel the drug abuse habit must be cut off if the child is still living at home, and the safest way to support and aid any type of recovery is by the means of professional help for both the family and the addicted child.
Parents and caretakers of drug addicted children must realize that this not a phase that will pass on its own. If required, parents must acquire the appropriate help themselves before they attempt to help their child. Not knowing what to do will only add tension to an already painful experience. No family is immune to such a situation and all measures must be taken to provide help as there is no pain greater for a parent than burying a child.
For more information on teen drug abuse, teen addiction treatment, and teen drug rehab programs visit Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab. Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237 http://www.covecenterforrecovery.com
Creative Reasoning for Collateral Murder

On the short portion about Lamo, I must conclude that the guy could have easily walked away from the chat with the person claiming to be Brad Manning. All that he had to do was not log-in and read, but instead he chose to play high profile informant and encourages the person on the other side to discuss Assange and the so-called classified material.
None of this should be “top secret” anyway, which is a central point of Wikileaks. It should be public information open to dissemination by the people. They award contracts in the $billions and solicit the unaware to join a false war based on a false premise. Sure they're mad as hell that they have been exposed for what they truly are. Absolutely.
So far it looks like every journalist that Assange worked with to publish the Afghanistan War logs has thrown him under the bus, except Mark Davis. Kaj Larsen is a particularly useful tool for the US government in this film as is Daniel Domscheit-Berg as they pursue throwing Assange under the bus together in a discussion concerning the case in Sweden against him and Assange “going berserk” when the documents were published. It should be clear that these were documents in a court case that has had one strange revelation after the other, beginning with the sudden push to prosecute.
Newsflash to Domscheit-Berg: Not wanting pretrial documents prepared by prosecutors publicly released is not “a contradiction,” and actually has nothing to do with releasing documents exposing government officials involved in a conspiracy to cover-up war crimes or documents that embarass. Some of us can see beyond a created criminal case that popped-up just in time to discredit Assange.
Back to the show...
Okay, so I consider it part show and part documentary. That federal grand jury convened in Alexandria, Virginia and the CIA's Wikileaks Task Force (WTF) [what the fuck to me] is looking for anything and everything to indict Julian Assange on. As I stated in an earlier post, when the government has little or no evidence and they want to indict, they go to grand juries in Alexandria and in the Middle District of Florida. These people would indeed indict a ham sandwich.
I get the point or reason for the existence of Anonymous, but to actually remain anonymous, interviews with pro-government journalists should be out. They'll out you in the end, and probably have already attempted to.
I also get the anger at Amazon for removing the Wikileaks sites from its servers, but then again, it is a private company that can choose who it does business with and who it doesn't. For me it brought to mind the many people that I refused to book as an escort business operator over the years. I couldn't imagine being forced to book everyone capable of dialing a phone. PayPal cleared-up their big mistake when they released the frozen Wikileaks account funds as they had no right to freeze it to begin with.
I also now empathize with Assange over the situation of the funds intended for Brad Manning's defense. Assange has been put between a rock and a hard place so we must look at those that put him there, not attempt to track every dollar. The Brad Manning case and Julian Assange's situation must be kept separate.
I intend to post on the Gitmo Files in the coming week.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Ohio's Youth Drug Abuse Problems

Commonly known as “dog food” and boy”, and currently being purchased for as low as 10 dollars a hit, heroin continues to be the drug of choice in central Ohio along with other the parts of the state.
The Ohio substance abuse monitoring network which assesses the quantity and type of drugs available throughout the state, has disclosed that studies from June 2010 to January 2011 showed an increased availability in heroin across the state of Ohio, with black tar heroin being the most common form of the substance in central parts of the state. Furthermore, studies showed that in the Columbus region, adolescents as young as fourteen were seeking addiction treatment for their heroin abuse.
In addition to heroin, lesser known drugs such as psilocybin mushrooms, LSD’s and ecstasy still constitute major problems for communities across Ohio. The substance abuse monitoring network also concluded that marijuana, like in most states, is Ohio’s most available drug, with widespread availability on almost every street and corner and its use transcending race, age and gender.
If you would like to get more information on teen substance abuse and teen addiction treatment in Ohio, visit Inspirations Teen Rehab @ http://www.inspirationsyouth.com/Teen-Rehab-Ohio.asp
Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab, is a nationally recognized, licensed residential addiction treatment center, for teens ages 14 to 18 and their families, who are struggling with the chaos of teen behaviors and the consequences associated with alcohol and/or drug addiction, which may include mental health issues, more commonly known as dual-diagnosis. At Inspirations Teen Rehab we understand your concern for your teenager and the changing behaviors causing heartbreak and fear for your teen’s safety and future.
Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away.
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237 http://www.inspirationsyouth.com
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237 http://www.covecenterforrecovery.com
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237 http://www.covecenterforrecovery.com
Finding drug rehab for your teen in Oregon

When choosing a teen drug rehab treatment program in Ohio, it is important to ensure that the program is specifically for teens - due to their developmental needs. Also, if the teen has mental health issues, the facility should be able to treat them at the same time. Some adolescent teen rehabs provide alongside addiction treatment an educational program which will help your child in keeping their school credits while away from home in a treatment center.
Choosing the right treatment facility is the most important step in choosing the right treatment. When looking for a specialized adolescent drug rehab, keep your mind open, as the best choices available might be an out of state drug rehab center.
Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab can guide you in the right direction in choosing an adolescent rehabilitation center that will provide the treatment and therapies specifically related to your child’s needs. If your doctor has recommended that your teen stay in an inpatient/residential addiction treatment program, we can help you get admitted. Give us a call and we will help you identify the most suitable treatment program for your child.
For more information on teen drug abuse, teen addiction treatment, and teen drug rehab programs visit us on the web.
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Drug War Profiteers not the usual suspects
When we think about who is profiting from the 40+ year failed War on Drugs, the usual list includes Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) and its profiteers / stockholders, anyone involved in law enforcement, and anyone working in the judicial and incarceration systems in the US. These groups of people are all surviving and profiting from the Drug War started so long ago, but there are others that are out of our line of sight that reap the huge profits in a failed war.
The list includes the same companies that profit from the War on Terror. Money that the US government doesn't even have is funneled to the same list of companies, with occasional name changes, in the form of private contracts. I view this as criminal collusion.
According to an article published in the Los Angeles Times yesterday and written by Brian Bennett, $billions are handed out in the form of US counter-narcotics contracts. The spending is largely unaccounted for and the dolts passing out the cash at the DoD unaware of what it's actually going for. The article is: Senate Report: Funds funneled to private contractors in drug war go untracked.
Most likely the privileged parties at the the DoD that pass out money like candy are handing it to pals in the war profit sector. In my opinion, this is a scheme they cooked-up together many years ago. Imprison anyone with any level of participation in drug sales, put the people to work in prisons across the US for a mere pittance, and sit back and watch the profits roll-in at the expense of all US taxpayers. What a scam!
So what companies are on that list of drug war profiteers receiving most contracts?
Lockheed Martin
According to the report, DynCorp International Inc. received more than the other four combined between 2005 and 2009. DynCorp board of Directors includes a couple of retired military officers, but we could figure that without bothering to look. These are the people taking all the money the US government doesn't have to give and demanding that you bow in gratitude for their so-called service.
It turns out that the US military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned of in his 1961 farewell speech has far exceeded even his forecast. What an exciting and profitable time for all of the war profiteers!
Edit on June 12, 2011: I was doing additional research on the topic of high ranking military officers benefiting financially from war and came across this interesting article: From the Pentagon to the private sector. It is not as if I was unaware of this unethical practice, but more that I didn't realize how rampant it is. These people are raking in the money with all these wars they sell the people on. I'll say it again: What a scam!
The list includes the same companies that profit from the War on Terror. Money that the US government doesn't even have is funneled to the same list of companies, with occasional name changes, in the form of private contracts. I view this as criminal collusion.
According to an article published in the Los Angeles Times yesterday and written by Brian Bennett, $billions are handed out in the form of US counter-narcotics contracts. The spending is largely unaccounted for and the dolts passing out the cash at the DoD unaware of what it's actually going for. The article is: Senate Report: Funds funneled to private contractors in drug war go untracked.
Most likely the privileged parties at the the DoD that pass out money like candy are handing it to pals in the war profit sector. In my opinion, this is a scheme they cooked-up together many years ago. Imprison anyone with any level of participation in drug sales, put the people to work in prisons across the US for a mere pittance, and sit back and watch the profits roll-in at the expense of all US taxpayers. What a scam!
So what companies are on that list of drug war profiteers receiving most contracts?
Lockheed Martin
According to the report, DynCorp International Inc. received more than the other four combined between 2005 and 2009. DynCorp board of Directors includes a couple of retired military officers, but we could figure that without bothering to look. These are the people taking all the money the US government doesn't have to give and demanding that you bow in gratitude for their so-called service.
It turns out that the US military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned of in his 1961 farewell speech has far exceeded even his forecast. What an exciting and profitable time for all of the war profiteers!
Edit on June 12, 2011: I was doing additional research on the topic of high ranking military officers benefiting financially from war and came across this interesting article: From the Pentagon to the private sector. It is not as if I was unaware of this unethical practice, but more that I didn't realize how rampant it is. These people are raking in the money with all these wars they sell the people on. I'll say it again: What a scam!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
The Food Not Bombs Arrests in Orlando
The arrests in Orlando of 13 members of Food Not Bombs (FNB) thus far is worse publicity than the City of Orlando realizes at this point. The news stories have been on the front pages of major newspapers around the world and the City would be better off backing down and letting it go, in my opinion. The FNB activists are exactly that and have no intention of backing down.
Many with FNB are active in other causes as well. I met several of the people at a rally for the Orlando Weekly downtown after the MBI arrested several in the newspaper's sales department over selling ads to massage parlors, escorts, and prostitutes. FNB is not a local organization and members from other areas are coming to Orlando to feed the homeless at Lake Eola downtown even though they realize they'll most likely be arrested for violating the city ordinance.
The City of Orlando prevailed in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, which isn't that hard as this circuit is friendly to government (city, county, state) and unfriendly to anyone challenging government or its agents. Been there and done that. I do hope to see the FNB attorney take it to the higher court.
I used to go to Lake Eola often, at least a few times a week, but have since moved and spend little time there these days. The reason for the city's fight in relation to FNB feeding the homeless at Lake Eola Park is the surrounding high-dollar real estate. The park is lined by expensive condominiums, restaurants, and street cafés on three sides and these wealthy downtown dwellers do not want the poor and downtrodden there at all, and certainly not to eat a meal.
If you can spare a few $s, consider giving to the Food Not Bombs cause – this is a really great organization and the money won't go to line the pockets of anyone involved as it does with most US charities like the Red Cross. The main link is Food Not Bombs. The link to donate is not all that easy to locate on the website and is referred to as A Dollar for Peace and it's is HERE.
Many with FNB are active in other causes as well. I met several of the people at a rally for the Orlando Weekly downtown after the MBI arrested several in the newspaper's sales department over selling ads to massage parlors, escorts, and prostitutes. FNB is not a local organization and members from other areas are coming to Orlando to feed the homeless at Lake Eola downtown even though they realize they'll most likely be arrested for violating the city ordinance.
The City of Orlando prevailed in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, which isn't that hard as this circuit is friendly to government (city, county, state) and unfriendly to anyone challenging government or its agents. Been there and done that. I do hope to see the FNB attorney take it to the higher court.
I used to go to Lake Eola often, at least a few times a week, but have since moved and spend little time there these days. The reason for the city's fight in relation to FNB feeding the homeless at Lake Eola Park is the surrounding high-dollar real estate. The park is lined by expensive condominiums, restaurants, and street cafés on three sides and these wealthy downtown dwellers do not want the poor and downtrodden there at all, and certainly not to eat a meal.
If you can spare a few $s, consider giving to the Food Not Bombs cause – this is a really great organization and the money won't go to line the pockets of anyone involved as it does with most US charities like the Red Cross. The main link is Food Not Bombs. The link to donate is not all that easy to locate on the website and is referred to as A Dollar for Peace and it's is HERE.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
A New MBI Priority
It appears that the new priority agenda for the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation (MBI) in Orlando is busting pain clinics, or rather those doctors that do little more than sell prescriptions for oxycodone. It is an admirable agenda as Florida has a serious overdose problem and attracts addicts from across the southern US on pill-seeking missions. This drug is the new heroin just in case you're wondering what epidemic I am referring to here.
Today the MBI busted a so-called “pain management” clinic about 2 blocks from where I lived for a couple of years and it's about time someone did something. Of course the real culprit is big pharma for manufacturing so much of this drug. Surely these pharmaceutical companies knew what they have been profiting from, right?
State databases are often inaccurate on the drug overdose toll. A friend's (Dusty from Memoirs) boyfriend died with enough of this drug in his system to kill a horse back in early 2003, but I do not believe that anyone was bothering to keep track back then. Tom was originally prescribed this drug for back pain, but in short time the original problem was all but forgotten. My friend just dated him and had no idea how far his addiction had gotten; they didn't live together. In her own investigation, she located the doctor that had been prescribing Tom's pills and pursued prosecution, and Tom was far from alone, but she met only with resistance from any potential prosecuting authorities, including the State of Florida.
Back in 2003, the problem was swept under a rug and proliferated quickly. Tom's death was one of the earlier deaths and the first time I had heard about the prescription pain med problem in this state. So while I appreciate that the State of Florida and the MBI have taken notice the last year or two, this should have been a main agenda before Tom's death. Instead they were all busy going after people like me that abhor big pharma. How many died because they chose to pursue escort business operators and escorts instead of pill-mill fronts like the one busted today? How many are addicted today as a result of Florida's prescription drug epidemic that should have been derailed so long ago?
Make no mistake: These pain pill addicts are capable of just about anything to obtain their drugs, so real crime proliferated side-by-side with the pain med addiction and overdose problem. It really is the new heroin in the US, and the traffickers and doctors prescribing it should have been pursued a decade ago. Great agenda, but too little and too late in my opinion.
Today the MBI busted a so-called “pain management” clinic about 2 blocks from where I lived for a couple of years and it's about time someone did something. Of course the real culprit is big pharma for manufacturing so much of this drug. Surely these pharmaceutical companies knew what they have been profiting from, right?
State databases are often inaccurate on the drug overdose toll. A friend's (Dusty from Memoirs) boyfriend died with enough of this drug in his system to kill a horse back in early 2003, but I do not believe that anyone was bothering to keep track back then. Tom was originally prescribed this drug for back pain, but in short time the original problem was all but forgotten. My friend just dated him and had no idea how far his addiction had gotten; they didn't live together. In her own investigation, she located the doctor that had been prescribing Tom's pills and pursued prosecution, and Tom was far from alone, but she met only with resistance from any potential prosecuting authorities, including the State of Florida.
Back in 2003, the problem was swept under a rug and proliferated quickly. Tom's death was one of the earlier deaths and the first time I had heard about the prescription pain med problem in this state. So while I appreciate that the State of Florida and the MBI have taken notice the last year or two, this should have been a main agenda before Tom's death. Instead they were all busy going after people like me that abhor big pharma. How many died because they chose to pursue escort business operators and escorts instead of pill-mill fronts like the one busted today? How many are addicted today as a result of Florida's prescription drug epidemic that should have been derailed so long ago?
Make no mistake: These pain pill addicts are capable of just about anything to obtain their drugs, so real crime proliferated side-by-side with the pain med addiction and overdose problem. It really is the new heroin in the US, and the traffickers and doctors prescribing it should have been pursued a decade ago. Great agenda, but too little and too late in my opinion.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Efforts in Trying to Reduce Teen Prescription Drug Abuse

The office of National Drug Policy is now considering the abuse of prescription drugs the fastest growing drug problem in the nation considering the alarming nationwide statistics which have become epidemic.
In order to properly dispose off the excess prescribed medication in medicine cabinets, Bucks and Montgomery counties in the state of Pennsylvania have decided to participate in a prescription drug "take-back” program which has been established to collect and dispose of the public’s left over prescription pills, in order to prevent their abuse.
Melanie Swanson, a prevention specialist with the Council of Southeastern Pennsylvania, hoped that this year’s “take back” program would just as successful as last years; hoping the program would help put an end to the abuse of dangerously accessible prescription pills in the community.
For more information on Pennsylvania teen prescription drug abuse and prescription drug addiction treatment visit Inspirations Teen Rehab @ http://www.inspirationsyouth.com/Teen-Rehab-Pennsylvania.asp
Inspirations is an specialized treatment center for adolescents, providing addiction prevention programs as well as treatment and aftercare services for teens who are struggling with drug addiction. For those teens that have moved beyond drug abuse, Inspirations’ teen drug rehab provides recovery that meets teenagers at their place in life. In designing our teen addiction treatment programs, emphasis has been put on helping the teen and family establish recovery and learn the life skills necessary for the teen reach personal goals, academic goals, gain the insight and ability to hold one’s self accountable for decisions and actions, as well as capable of making appropriate choices, living a life without the impairment of drugs.
Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away.
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Teen Drug Rehab Programs in Nevada

Teen Drug Detox in Nevada / Teen Drug Detoxification in Nevada
Normally, those suffering from a drug addiction cannot safely detox on their own. In fact, in some cases, attempting to do so can be deadly. During the drug detoxification process, the body is denied the toxins usually accumulated by the drug, resulting in uncomfortable and in some cases dangerous drug withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes a drug with a similar action is taken instead, to reduce the side effects and risks of withdrawal. Detoxification is often the first step in a drug addiction treatment program and should be followed by addiction treatment therapies. Behavioral-based therapy and/or a medication (if necessary) are available during Drug Detoxification in Nevada. Detox alone with no follow-up is not an addiction treatment.
There are a number of Nevada drug detox programs available. Studies have shown that inpatient drug detox programs are usually more successful than outpatient detox, due in large part to the fact that they are medically based programs located within a drug rehab facility or addiction treatment center.
Teen Drug Rehab Nevada / Teen Drug Rehabilitation Nevada
Short-term and long-term drug rehabilitation in Nevada, intensive outpatient drug rehab programs, outpatient and residential addiction treatment programs along with 12-step programs, individual, family and group therapy are all drug addiction treatment programs available for residents in Nevada.
Nevada Addiction Treatment for Boys
Inspirations Teen Rehab provides gender specific- boys drug abuse treatment and boy’s behavior therapy, in a nurturing and therapeutic environment. Inspirations Teen Boy’s Addiction Treatment Program provides opportunities for boys to share their experiences in gender specific therapeutic groups, where each boy can process male issues, experiences, and perceptions relative to each teen’s life. Read more on Addiction Treatment for Boys in Nevada.
Nevada Addiction Treatment for Girls
The number of teen girls using or abusing drugs and alcohol is equal to teen boy’s drug use and drug abuse. Girls are also smoking cigarettes as much as boys. Yet, the issues girls bring to teen therapy and teen drug abuse treatment are often different than as with teenage boys. Read more on Addiction Treatment for Girls in Nevada.
Normally, those suffering from a drug addiction cannot safely detox on their own. In fact, in some cases, attempting to do so can be deadly. During the drug detoxification process, the body is denied the toxins usually accumulated by the drug, resulting in uncomfortable and in some cases dangerous drug withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes a drug with a similar action is taken instead, to reduce the side effects and risks of withdrawal. Detoxification is often the first step in a drug addiction treatment program and should be followed by addiction treatment therapies. Behavioral-based therapy and/or a medication (if necessary) are available during Drug Detoxification in Nevada. Detox alone with no follow-up is not an addiction treatment.
There are a number of Nevada drug detox programs available. Studies have shown that inpatient drug detox programs are usually more successful than outpatient detox, due in large part to the fact that they are medically based programs located within a drug rehab facility or addiction treatment center.
Teen Drug Rehab Nevada / Teen Drug Rehabilitation Nevada
Short-term and long-term drug rehabilitation in Nevada, intensive outpatient drug rehab programs, outpatient and residential addiction treatment programs along with 12-step programs, individual, family and group therapy are all drug addiction treatment programs available for residents in Nevada.
Nevada Addiction Treatment for Boys
Inspirations Teen Rehab provides gender specific- boys drug abuse treatment and boy’s behavior therapy, in a nurturing and therapeutic environment. Inspirations Teen Boy’s Addiction Treatment Program provides opportunities for boys to share their experiences in gender specific therapeutic groups, where each boy can process male issues, experiences, and perceptions relative to each teen’s life. Read more on Addiction Treatment for Boys in Nevada.
Nevada Addiction Treatment for Girls
The number of teen girls using or abusing drugs and alcohol is equal to teen boy’s drug use and drug abuse. Girls are also smoking cigarettes as much as boys. Yet, the issues girls bring to teen therapy and teen drug abuse treatment are often different than as with teenage boys. Read more on Addiction Treatment for Girls in Nevada.
For more information on teen drug abuse, teen addiction treatment, and teen drug rehab programs visit Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237
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