There was a case decided in U.S. Court of Appeals in the Ninth Circuit recently that allows law enforcement to place a GPS tracking device on a vehicle without regard for the Fourth Amendment or need to obtain a warrant based on probable cause. It doesn't even matter if they sneak on your property to place the GPS device on the vehicle. There is nothing new about this and it is something that law enforcement agencies across the country have done since Patriot Act was passed, but now it is legal whereas it required a warrant prior to the court ruling. Read about the case HERE. In my opinion the decision will be reversed by the United States Supreme Court in the near future. Read the actual Opinion HERE. It is a PDF.
Agents from somewhere placed a GPS tracking device on my vehicle the day after my arrest. I had bonded out of jail and had no choice but to go to the grocery store as Thanksgiving was two days away. They had me followed for the hour and a half that I shopped. I knew I was being watched and followed, but was clueless as to why at the time. I actually thought it had to do with how I paid for my purchase, so I used a credit card instead of cash. The stalking in the store was all too obvious as I was in there for so long with my teenage son's shopping list.
It was a couple of weeks later when I realized why I was followed that day. My house had a double-car garage and the door was down 95% of the time. My windows all had sheers and heavy drapes that were usually closed. My yard had a high privacy fence. They had no way of placing the device on my vehicle because they couldn't tell if anyone was home or not.
I am the champion at losing anyone in traffic or out of traffic. I learned to drive as a teenager in Germany, and I sure can drive if I want or need to. When I took the driving test in Germany it was 300 multiple choice questions and a serious driving test, and it required real study and practice. The test in Florida is 25 stupid multiple choice questions that anyone with half a brain could pass without looking at the book. In my younger years I also raced on occasion, and usually won. So trust me – I know how to drive.
The realization that they'd placed a GPS tracking device on my vehicle hit me when I noted that they kept showing-up (undercover, but still them) in places that I was when I positively knew that I had not been followed. It also occurred to me why they placed the tracking device on my car at about that same point in time: Agents broke into my home while other agents were sitting next to me in restaurants or lurking around corners when I was inside a friend's house. To this day I have no real idea what they were looking for when they broke into my home, but if I had to guess I would say that it was client lists – on my computer or actual books in my closets. They never found anything because there wasn't anything to find.
It is important to note that this all transpired beginning on November 21, 2001. In late 2005, my son drowned the vehicle in a deepwater canal out by the Kennedy Space Center – an accident of course. I do hope that the tracking device went down with the vehicle. I'm also sure that another was attached to the next vehicle that I owned - long after my jury acquittal.
This was never admitted by the MBI or any other agency, but years later (2007) I heard of another situation and case in which this was done to an MBI defendant shortly after arrest. They didn't admit it in her case either, but she was positive they did it. The case is the Li Ping Ding massage parlor case and Ms. Ding ended-up pleading guilty to one count of RICO. It is Orange County, Florida case # 2007-CF-004712-A-O and for some reason, the case is currently listed as "on appeal". Ms. Ding will be on felony probation until 2019.
I am sure that illegally placing a GPS tracking device on vehicles is something the MBI did frequently - hell they were caught taping an attorney and his client in an office, so please don't pretend they're good and acted legally. The funny thing with the US criminal justice system is that it's acceptable for law enforcement to break the law, but unacceptable for a citizen to expect their constitutional rights. Does anyone care that this has been done illegally for so many years? Nope – no one cared when I complained.
Image: Communication Satellite - 2009 © Natalia Silych / 2010 ©
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Melbourne Cop Frank Carter Fired
Citizens in the predominantly Black University Boulevard area in Melbourne, Florida have something to celebrate this weekend. On August 20, 2010, the Melbourne cop that enjoyed stopping and harassing so many motorists for so many years was terminated. Carter still faces criminal charges for falsifying tickets and illegally searching vehicles, but this is one step in the right direction.
I have spoken to victims in the Melbourne area that were terrified of Frank Carter. He's one overzealous bad cop on a power trip. The great majority of his victims are Black, though I also met a Puerto Rican couple that had a couple of run-ins with him. All one must do to provoke Carter is drive past him, or be parked when he drives by.
The arrest came in late January of 2010 following a complaint by a woman that Carter had written her eight traffic tickets – her vehicle was parked on Main Street in Melbourne when the tickets were issued. He wrote her a ticket for the vehicle windows having too dark a tint – but this bad boy wrote a ticket for each window. Can you imagine? Apparently it wasn't the first time he had harassed Dienecia Johnson, but we can make a sure bet that it's the last!
Though Dienecia Johnson and most residents in this part of Melbourne consider Carter's harassment to be racially motivated, I tend to disagree. I think he is just one power hungry bad-ass cop that believes he can do whatever he wants to whoever he encounters. Most of his victims are Black, but then his patrol area is predominantly Black also. This is far from the first complaint against Carter.
Frank Carter met his match with Dienecia though! It is about time that someone removed Carter from the picture. I look forward to hearing that a trial date is set in Carter's criminal case for official misconduct and falsifying records.
All news that I have read concerning Frank Carter's arrest was in the Florida Today newspaper. Since Carter has now been terminated, I'll soon be posting information on a case in which he chased down and shot a Black male that ran through a populated apartment complex, firing his weapon over 20 times. It is an involved case, so no more hints.
Cheers to Dienecia Johnson for fighting injustice for the hundreds of victims of Frank Carter!
I have spoken to victims in the Melbourne area that were terrified of Frank Carter. He's one overzealous bad cop on a power trip. The great majority of his victims are Black, though I also met a Puerto Rican couple that had a couple of run-ins with him. All one must do to provoke Carter is drive past him, or be parked when he drives by.
The arrest came in late January of 2010 following a complaint by a woman that Carter had written her eight traffic tickets – her vehicle was parked on Main Street in Melbourne when the tickets were issued. He wrote her a ticket for the vehicle windows having too dark a tint – but this bad boy wrote a ticket for each window. Can you imagine? Apparently it wasn't the first time he had harassed Dienecia Johnson, but we can make a sure bet that it's the last!
Though Dienecia Johnson and most residents in this part of Melbourne consider Carter's harassment to be racially motivated, I tend to disagree. I think he is just one power hungry bad-ass cop that believes he can do whatever he wants to whoever he encounters. Most of his victims are Black, but then his patrol area is predominantly Black also. This is far from the first complaint against Carter.
Frank Carter met his match with Dienecia though! It is about time that someone removed Carter from the picture. I look forward to hearing that a trial date is set in Carter's criminal case for official misconduct and falsifying records.
All news that I have read concerning Frank Carter's arrest was in the Florida Today newspaper. Since Carter has now been terminated, I'll soon be posting information on a case in which he chased down and shot a Black male that ran through a populated apartment complex, firing his weapon over 20 times. It is an involved case, so no more hints.
Cheers to Dienecia Johnson for fighting injustice for the hundreds of victims of Frank Carter!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Central Florida Law Enforcement Gone Wild
I must assume that the State of Florida is flush with money, so much money that they are clueless as to what to do with it. We've got two separate situations here that when combined leave the unemployed citizens (there's plenty around here) in central Florida counties wondering what they've done to deserve such absurd targeting by law enforcement. And then there's the high crime – actual crime that is committed against person and property in the area.
Are our law enforcement officials on steroids, psychotropic drugs, or a combination of the two?
The first story is about the barbershop raids in Orange County, Florida (Orlando). Yes, you read that correctly – they actually had close to 50 law enforcement officers raiding central Florida barbershops yesterday. Try to imagine this – really – do you have the image?
Some high-level official must have received a bad haircut. The Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation (DBPR) and the Orange County Sheriff's Office (OCSO) conducted SWAT raids on several barbershops in the area. I first saw this on the late news yesterday. Unlicensed haircutters were lead out in handcuffs and piled into a van while a dismayed worker that apparently was licensed commented that around 50 deputies entered the shop under the guise of a drug investigation search. There were no drugs, but they arrested one pastor in her seventies that cuts hair part-time and a list of others without licenses. They repeated this in fifteen barbershops in the Orlando area.
All of those arrested in the barbershop raids are Black Americans and these were low-priced old-fashioned barbershops – at least that is what I viewed on tv news. This is like Church people with scissors. Has the OCSO gone nuts? An Orange County spokesman claimed that "the aim of the operation is to give the Department of Business & Professional Regulation a "little more teeth" in addition to the fines and other sanctions it typically hands down." Read the entire article in the Orlando Sentinel HERE.
Yes, I'd say that some official got a bad haircut.
The morals agenda in Polk County, Florida seems to have escalated recently. Polk County is just west of Disney World – a few miles down I-4 – so these prostitution sting operations involve people from Orlando to the east and as far as Tampa to the west. In my opinion, only a total idiot would book a call in Polk County or Davenport or attempt to visit a female out there, but it looks like we have plenty of idiots around here as Sheriff Judd managed to arrest 44 men and women over the course of the last week. Of course some people believe that Davenport is a part of Kissimmee as they are so close in proximity, and Sheriff Judd did use a nice house in a gated community.
Usually Judd's operations net 20 arrests or less – I believe that the sexual predator sting op last week attracted a total of fifteen men. The prostitution sting operations are normal for Judd and last week's targeting of sexual predators by luring them with the Craigslist ad was an isolated event. The set-up this week involved placing ads on Backpage and Craigslist to lure "prostitutes, pimps, and their drivers," according to an Orlando Sentinel article that quoted Judd. The article is HERE and the Sentinel listed each of the 44 people arrested and their charges.
One thing about it – you know I'm on target in relation to the telephone line blocking and website blocking during large conventions when Sheriff Judd can manage to get 44 people to travel to Polk County, as many are from Orlando. I wonder if Judd is working with the network blockers…
Clearly law enforcement agencies in central Florida are flush with money and have less concern with solving murders, rapes, armed robberies or especially property crimes. I find the entire situation absurd.
Yes, I'd say that some official encountered a bad prostitute.
Image: Map of Central Florida with Golden Plane - 2009 © Jesse Kunerth / 2010 ©
Are our law enforcement officials on steroids, psychotropic drugs, or a combination of the two?
The first story is about the barbershop raids in Orange County, Florida (Orlando). Yes, you read that correctly – they actually had close to 50 law enforcement officers raiding central Florida barbershops yesterday. Try to imagine this – really – do you have the image?
Some high-level official must have received a bad haircut. The Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation (DBPR) and the Orange County Sheriff's Office (OCSO) conducted SWAT raids on several barbershops in the area. I first saw this on the late news yesterday. Unlicensed haircutters were lead out in handcuffs and piled into a van while a dismayed worker that apparently was licensed commented that around 50 deputies entered the shop under the guise of a drug investigation search. There were no drugs, but they arrested one pastor in her seventies that cuts hair part-time and a list of others without licenses. They repeated this in fifteen barbershops in the Orlando area.
All of those arrested in the barbershop raids are Black Americans and these were low-priced old-fashioned barbershops – at least that is what I viewed on tv news. This is like Church people with scissors. Has the OCSO gone nuts? An Orange County spokesman claimed that "the aim of the operation is to give the Department of Business & Professional Regulation a "little more teeth" in addition to the fines and other sanctions it typically hands down." Read the entire article in the Orlando Sentinel HERE.
Yes, I'd say that some official got a bad haircut.
The morals agenda in Polk County, Florida seems to have escalated recently. Polk County is just west of Disney World – a few miles down I-4 – so these prostitution sting operations involve people from Orlando to the east and as far as Tampa to the west. In my opinion, only a total idiot would book a call in Polk County or Davenport or attempt to visit a female out there, but it looks like we have plenty of idiots around here as Sheriff Judd managed to arrest 44 men and women over the course of the last week. Of course some people believe that Davenport is a part of Kissimmee as they are so close in proximity, and Sheriff Judd did use a nice house in a gated community.
Usually Judd's operations net 20 arrests or less – I believe that the sexual predator sting op last week attracted a total of fifteen men. The prostitution sting operations are normal for Judd and last week's targeting of sexual predators by luring them with the Craigslist ad was an isolated event. The set-up this week involved placing ads on Backpage and Craigslist to lure "prostitutes, pimps, and their drivers," according to an Orlando Sentinel article that quoted Judd. The article is HERE and the Sentinel listed each of the 44 people arrested and their charges.
One thing about it – you know I'm on target in relation to the telephone line blocking and website blocking during large conventions when Sheriff Judd can manage to get 44 people to travel to Polk County, as many are from Orlando. I wonder if Judd is working with the network blockers…
Clearly law enforcement agencies in central Florida are flush with money and have less concern with solving murders, rapes, armed robberies or especially property crimes. I find the entire situation absurd.
Yes, I'd say that some official encountered a bad prostitute.
Image: Map of Central Florida with Golden Plane - 2009 © Jesse Kunerth / 2010 ©
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Real Sex Trafficking Cases
Since I have written about sex trafficking cases that were not sex trafficking cases in reality, I figure that I should state my awareness that such situations and cases do exist. Recently there was an arrest of a Chinese woman in Queens, Jin Hua Cui, by Suffolk County, New York prosecutors that fits the actual definition of sex trafficking. Why can't the federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York investigate and prosecute real cases instead of the many created cases that come from this area? Either there are none or it's just easier or more newsworthy to bully these defendants with trumped-up, stacked charges.
So what is the difference?
One major difference is that there is evidence, according to prosecutors, that Jin Hua Cui solicited naïve young women by placing ads for nail technicians or attendants in area Korean language newspapers. These women were obviously deceived from the beginning if we are to believe this evidence exists, and I seriously doubt prosecutors would make such a claim without copies of the described ads.
It also looks like she was threatening these Korean immigrant job seekers with physical harm as well as public embarrassment in the community in which they lived – Flushing.
She was held on only $10K bail though – odd for such a case. The driver involved has already pled guilty to a promoting prostitution charge so I would imagine that he has agreed to testify for the state.
I have read several articles on this arrest but the most informative was in the Long Island Press. Writer Timothy Bolger asserted that it is the first state prosecution of its type in Suffolk County, and this in itself tells me that prosecutors actually have a real case and do not throw a sex trafficking blanket on every prostitution case that gets their attention. Bolger wrote:
Federal prosecutors could learn something from Suffolk County District Attorney Thomas Spota, at least according to several of the cases that I have reviewed. It is important that the state and federal sex trafficking statutes are used properly in prosecutions and not as a blanket to cover any prostitution related prosecution in an effort to stack serious charges and coerce a guilty plea to a lesser offense.
At least the Suffolk County D.A. understands the difference, but why such a low bail? Perhaps they expect Cui to lead them to something more.
So what is the difference?
One major difference is that there is evidence, according to prosecutors, that Jin Hua Cui solicited naïve young women by placing ads for nail technicians or attendants in area Korean language newspapers. These women were obviously deceived from the beginning if we are to believe this evidence exists, and I seriously doubt prosecutors would make such a claim without copies of the described ads.
It also looks like she was threatening these Korean immigrant job seekers with physical harm as well as public embarrassment in the community in which they lived – Flushing.
She was held on only $10K bail though – odd for such a case. The driver involved has already pled guilty to a promoting prostitution charge so I would imagine that he has agreed to testify for the state.
I have read several articles on this arrest but the most informative was in the Long Island Press. Writer Timothy Bolger asserted that it is the first state prosecution of its type in Suffolk County, and this in itself tells me that prosecutors actually have a real case and do not throw a sex trafficking blanket on every prostitution case that gets their attention. Bolger wrote:
"There had been 20 arrests statewide for sex trafficking since 2008, resulting in seven convictions with 11 cases still pending as of April 15, according to DCJS."
Federal prosecutors could learn something from Suffolk County District Attorney Thomas Spota, at least according to several of the cases that I have reviewed. It is important that the state and federal sex trafficking statutes are used properly in prosecutions and not as a blanket to cover any prostitution related prosecution in an effort to stack serious charges and coerce a guilty plea to a lesser offense.
At least the Suffolk County D.A. understands the difference, but why such a low bail? Perhaps they expect Cui to lead them to something more.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
When History is also the Present
A few days ago my anonymous attacker that claimed Memoirs
was lies also included a statement that the story was old news. Actually the story was never news at all – not really – as my persecutors at the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation (MBI) worked tirelessly to bury their dirty deeds and any reference to the telephone line blocking that has gone on for a minimum of 18 years.
There was indeed a change of the guard over at the MBI, but not until December of 2008, when former director William Lutz exited. Hell, his goodbye statement is still on the top of the main page of the MBI website which is otherwise unchanged since. The MBI victimized thousands during the course of the Lutz era, but Lutz was never alone, obviously. The line blocking continues and was joined by website blocking by 2007. That is what the champions of censorship do – they censor access to any telephone number or website that they choose. Read about the agency's past censorship pursuits in The Yellow Pages Fiasco.
When I have discussed The Bingo Racketeering Case in past it is because the case and the story are a part of history and a part of the present. Philip Leroy Furtney died in September of 2007; however, if all the money owed by the State to Furtney's estate has been paid the moment passed without fanfare. The Great Bingo Fiasco reveals the current state of the case in Orange County, Florida civil court under Case # 1995-CA-006890-O. The last entry on the docket sheet shows that there was a Satisfaction of Judgment filed by Furtney's estate on July 12, 2010. It was the mostly unpublicized case that continued for 15 long years. Whether this means that the estate has recovered the $millions owed or not is questionable.
I have occasionally discussed the ongoing situation with Operation Plastic Empire (MBI) and the case that started that ball rolling, Operation Out Call (IRS). Did you imagine that either of these messy cases were history for the hundreds of defendant-victims? Racketeering and credit card factoring convictions do not disappear and these people were wrongly prosecuted to begin with, as I stated in State as a Con Artist when explaining the new filings on this 1995 mess. Two of the defendants in the case disappeared prior to trial and there is still a Capias issued for each. Another 1996 case that really is still not resolved. The State of Florida case is Orange County, Florida Case # 1996-CF-011913-B, and the last file entry was made on March 10, 2010. The entry is an Order Denying Motion to Vacate and Set Aside Judgment of Conviction and Sentence. I seriously doubt that this was an ending, but know it has never ended for the list of defendants. Read more in Operation Plastic Empire Update and Skeletons in the Closet.
Another case that I have discussed is the Fabozzi case – a case connected to Operation Plastic Empire (MBI) and Operation Out Call (IRS). This is Orange County, Florida case # 1996-CF-003504-A-O addressed in The Fabozzi Case. This MBI prosecution is really not history either – Joey Fabozzi is still on felony probation from the case and he did serve four years in a Florida prison. Do you think it's all history to him? His co-defendant and brother Carmine died shortly after his release from prison.
Of course I also refer to my own case and story often on my blog. Would anyone expect any different? My case is not history. I had two co-defendants – Beth Sams and Robert Mihalek (Rocky). This is Orange County, Florida case # 2001-CF-015492. Rocky served time in prison, but is still on felony probation until 2014 and must pay the assessed court and investigative costs monthly. If you care about what was done to Rocky that caused him to plead guilty to Conspiracy to Commit Racketeering (RICO), just read The State of Florida Drugs Its Witnesses. And what ever happened to Beth Sams? According to the records under her name, there was an AFFIDAVIT FOR VIOLATION OF PROBATION filed on February 11, 2008. According to the Florida Crime Information Center, there is still a Warrant issued for Beth for the Violation of Probation. Apparently she has hidden herself well – good for her!
One issue that is connected to all other issues except the Bingo case mess is the continued blocking in the resorts and hotels on International Drive, Lake Buena Vista, and Disney. If you doubt that the issue existed in past and still exists today, then it is only because you haven't done your homework. Memoirs
is far from "old news" as my attacker asserted. Neither are Eddie Munoz's cases that are easily accessed in PACER.
There is also a list of cases that have yet to be resolved by plea or trial from the long, horrifying Lutz era of the MBI. It was only over in December of 2008. I think I will start bringing each of the remaining cases to the forefront here.
I always think about what people state when they personally attack me. I question the statements in my mind. I deleted the post as it was ridiculous and I refuse to argue with an anonymous idiot on my blog. I also question the attacker's agenda – Who is he or she? What is his reason in covering my story by referring to it all as lies? Why does he care so much that I post on this blog and attempt to sell my story? I have been attacked here in past by another escort service owner, but this time I feel it was different. My trial may have concluded with my acquittal by the jury in 2003, but the harassment sure didn't stop there, and actually I wrote the book at the end of 2008 because of the continuing harassment and the informants showing-up at my door. Is the attacker one of those informants, angry that the second edition has her real name? I am sure that I'll never know who specifically it is, but I do recognize the pattern of intent to discredit.
For the full story on Operation Outcall (IRS) read "The Love Float" starting on page 30 of the New York Magazine Google Books box at the Footer of this blog.
Image: Orlando Cityscape in Early Morning 2009 © Josh Rinehults / 2010 ©
There was indeed a change of the guard over at the MBI, but not until December of 2008, when former director William Lutz exited. Hell, his goodbye statement is still on the top of the main page of the MBI website which is otherwise unchanged since. The MBI victimized thousands during the course of the Lutz era, but Lutz was never alone, obviously. The line blocking continues and was joined by website blocking by 2007. That is what the champions of censorship do – they censor access to any telephone number or website that they choose. Read about the agency's past censorship pursuits in The Yellow Pages Fiasco.
When I have discussed The Bingo Racketeering Case in past it is because the case and the story are a part of history and a part of the present. Philip Leroy Furtney died in September of 2007; however, if all the money owed by the State to Furtney's estate has been paid the moment passed without fanfare. The Great Bingo Fiasco reveals the current state of the case in Orange County, Florida civil court under Case # 1995-CA-006890-O. The last entry on the docket sheet shows that there was a Satisfaction of Judgment filed by Furtney's estate on July 12, 2010. It was the mostly unpublicized case that continued for 15 long years. Whether this means that the estate has recovered the $millions owed or not is questionable.
I have occasionally discussed the ongoing situation with Operation Plastic Empire (MBI) and the case that started that ball rolling, Operation Out Call (IRS). Did you imagine that either of these messy cases were history for the hundreds of defendant-victims? Racketeering and credit card factoring convictions do not disappear and these people were wrongly prosecuted to begin with, as I stated in State as a Con Artist when explaining the new filings on this 1995 mess. Two of the defendants in the case disappeared prior to trial and there is still a Capias issued for each. Another 1996 case that really is still not resolved. The State of Florida case is Orange County, Florida Case # 1996-CF-011913-B, and the last file entry was made on March 10, 2010. The entry is an Order Denying Motion to Vacate and Set Aside Judgment of Conviction and Sentence. I seriously doubt that this was an ending, but know it has never ended for the list of defendants. Read more in Operation Plastic Empire Update and Skeletons in the Closet.
Another case that I have discussed is the Fabozzi case – a case connected to Operation Plastic Empire (MBI) and Operation Out Call (IRS). This is Orange County, Florida case # 1996-CF-003504-A-O addressed in The Fabozzi Case. This MBI prosecution is really not history either – Joey Fabozzi is still on felony probation from the case and he did serve four years in a Florida prison. Do you think it's all history to him? His co-defendant and brother Carmine died shortly after his release from prison.
Of course I also refer to my own case and story often on my blog. Would anyone expect any different? My case is not history. I had two co-defendants – Beth Sams and Robert Mihalek (Rocky). This is Orange County, Florida case # 2001-CF-015492. Rocky served time in prison, but is still on felony probation until 2014 and must pay the assessed court and investigative costs monthly. If you care about what was done to Rocky that caused him to plead guilty to Conspiracy to Commit Racketeering (RICO), just read The State of Florida Drugs Its Witnesses. And what ever happened to Beth Sams? According to the records under her name, there was an AFFIDAVIT FOR VIOLATION OF PROBATION filed on February 11, 2008. According to the Florida Crime Information Center, there is still a Warrant issued for Beth for the Violation of Probation. Apparently she has hidden herself well – good for her!
One issue that is connected to all other issues except the Bingo case mess is the continued blocking in the resorts and hotels on International Drive, Lake Buena Vista, and Disney. If you doubt that the issue existed in past and still exists today, then it is only because you haven't done your homework. Memoirs
There is also a list of cases that have yet to be resolved by plea or trial from the long, horrifying Lutz era of the MBI. It was only over in December of 2008. I think I will start bringing each of the remaining cases to the forefront here.
I always think about what people state when they personally attack me. I question the statements in my mind. I deleted the post as it was ridiculous and I refuse to argue with an anonymous idiot on my blog. I also question the attacker's agenda – Who is he or she? What is his reason in covering my story by referring to it all as lies? Why does he care so much that I post on this blog and attempt to sell my story? I have been attacked here in past by another escort service owner, but this time I feel it was different. My trial may have concluded with my acquittal by the jury in 2003, but the harassment sure didn't stop there, and actually I wrote the book at the end of 2008 because of the continuing harassment and the informants showing-up at my door. Is the attacker one of those informants, angry that the second edition has her real name? I am sure that I'll never know who specifically it is, but I do recognize the pattern of intent to discredit.
For the full story on Operation Outcall (IRS) read "The Love Float" starting on page 30 of the New York Magazine Google Books box at the Footer of this blog.
Denial doesn't change the facts. My story is all still real and it is history, but it is not in the past – it is the present that I discuss.
Image: Orlando Cityscape in Early Morning 2009 © Josh Rinehults / 2010 ©
Monday, August 16, 2010

August 13, 2010. Back to school is a time when adults begin looking at school related issues. New to our technological world, is the issue of cyberbullying. According to Dr. James Hughes, CEO of Inspirations for Youth and Families, a teen residential program and boarding school for behavior problems, “teen cyberbulling is a behavioral issue that occurs when Teens bully other people through use of the internet, cell phones, and other media sources.” As defined by the researchers, cyberbullying includes aggressive, intentional, repeated acts against victims who cannot easily defend themselves. There are two kinds of cyberbullying, direct attacks (messages sent to your kids directly) and cyberbullying by proxy (using others to help cyberbully the victim, either with or without the accomplice's knowledge). Because cyberbullying by proxy often gets adults involved in the harassment, it is much more dangerous.
Dr. Hughes states: “Cyberbulling is a teen behavior problem and an indicator of a more serious mental health issue. Teens involved in cyberbulling are often engaging in teen drug abuse, which can lead to an escalation of the bullying and physical harm to the victim.” Dr. Hughes and Inspirations teen residential program works with community organizations to bring cyberbullying to the frontline of “concerning teen behaviors”, along with teen drug use and teen drug abuse behaviors. According to Stop Cyberbullying, a non-profit web-based organization, there are several approaches in cyberbulling:
Teens may send hateful or threatening messages to other teens. While not said in real life, unkind or threatening messages are hurtful and very serious.
Teens send death threats using IM and text-messaging as well as photos/videos.Text wars or text attacks are when teens gang up on the victim, sending thousands of text-messages to the victims cell phone or other mobile device. The victim is then faced with a huge cell phone bill and angry parents.
Blogs are online journals. They are a fun way for teen to send messages for all of their friends to see. However, teens sometimes use these blogs to damage other teen’s reputations or invade their privacy.
Children used to tease each other in the playground; now they do it on Web sites. Teens sometimes create Web sites that may insult or endanger another teen. They create pages specifically designed to insult another teen or group of people. Teens also post other people’s personal information and pictures, which put those people at a greater risk of being contacted or found.
Many of the newer cell phones allow teens to send pictures to each other. The teens receive the pictures directly on their phones, and may send it to everyone in their address books. There have been cases of teens sending mass e-mails to other users, that include nude or degrading pictures of other teens. Once an e-mail like this is sent, it is passed around to hundreds of other people within hours; there is no way of controlling where it goes.
Teens often take a picture of someone in a locker room, bathroom or dressing room and post it online or send it to others on cell phones. Teens can use graphics and photo-crop to alter an innocent picture into looking pornographic.
According to the July issue of Archives of General Psychiatry and author Dr. Matthew Davis, an associate professor of pediatrics, internal medicine and public policy at the University of Michigan, children aged 10 to 17 years old were reportedly aggressive to another person on the interned, 4 percent were victims of online aggression, and 3 percent reported being an aggressor and a target. In cyberbullying, victims are at risk 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The widely publicized death of aMassachusetts teen who took her life after months of relentless cyberbullying, created national attention and highlighted this media-based crime.
As teenagers return to school, most schools and educational professionals are very concerned about alarming teen behaviors including teen drug abuse and teen cyberbullying. Dr. Hughes of Inspirations states: “If schools take a proactive position and create consequences, along with the support of law enforcement, teen behaviors will be considered serious and result in legal charges. Cyberbullying creates a paper trail and data trail, allowing for an easier trace of the cyber-perpetrator and cyervictim. Effective anti-bullying programs are ones that suggest that bystanders should get involved and report it to the school.
Written by: K. CorcoranSources: Inspirations for Youth and Families, LLC – Dr. James HughesStop Cyberbullying and Wired Kids Inc.
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Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for Adults and Young Adults: 1-888-387-6237
Dr. Hughes states: “Cyberbulling is a teen behavior problem and an indicator of a more serious mental health issue. Teens involved in cyberbulling are often engaging in teen drug abuse, which can lead to an escalation of the bullying and physical harm to the victim.” Dr. Hughes and Inspirations teen residential program works with community organizations to bring cyberbullying to the frontline of “concerning teen behaviors”, along with teen drug use and teen drug abuse behaviors. According to Stop Cyberbullying, a non-profit web-based organization, there are several approaches in cyberbulling:
Teens may send hateful or threatening messages to other teens. While not said in real life, unkind or threatening messages are hurtful and very serious.
Teens send death threats using IM and text-messaging as well as photos/videos.Text wars or text attacks are when teens gang up on the victim, sending thousands of text-messages to the victims cell phone or other mobile device. The victim is then faced with a huge cell phone bill and angry parents.
Blogs are online journals. They are a fun way for teen to send messages for all of their friends to see. However, teens sometimes use these blogs to damage other teen’s reputations or invade their privacy.
Children used to tease each other in the playground; now they do it on Web sites. Teens sometimes create Web sites that may insult or endanger another teen. They create pages specifically designed to insult another teen or group of people. Teens also post other people’s personal information and pictures, which put those people at a greater risk of being contacted or found.
Many of the newer cell phones allow teens to send pictures to each other. The teens receive the pictures directly on their phones, and may send it to everyone in their address books. There have been cases of teens sending mass e-mails to other users, that include nude or degrading pictures of other teens. Once an e-mail like this is sent, it is passed around to hundreds of other people within hours; there is no way of controlling where it goes.
Teens often take a picture of someone in a locker room, bathroom or dressing room and post it online or send it to others on cell phones. Teens can use graphics and photo-crop to alter an innocent picture into looking pornographic.
According to the July issue of Archives of General Psychiatry and author Dr. Matthew Davis, an associate professor of pediatrics, internal medicine and public policy at the University of Michigan, children aged 10 to 17 years old were reportedly aggressive to another person on the interned, 4 percent were victims of online aggression, and 3 percent reported being an aggressor and a target. In cyberbullying, victims are at risk 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The widely publicized death of aMassachusetts teen who took her life after months of relentless cyberbullying, created national attention and highlighted this media-based crime.
As teenagers return to school, most schools and educational professionals are very concerned about alarming teen behaviors including teen drug abuse and teen cyberbullying. Dr. Hughes of Inspirations states: “If schools take a proactive position and create consequences, along with the support of law enforcement, teen behaviors will be considered serious and result in legal charges. Cyberbullying creates a paper trail and data trail, allowing for an easier trace of the cyber-perpetrator and cyervictim. Effective anti-bullying programs are ones that suggest that bystanders should get involved and report it to the school.
Written by: K. CorcoranSources: Inspirations for Youth and Families, LLC – Dr. James HughesStop Cyberbullying and Wired Kids Inc.
If the information you are looking for is not found here and you need immediate attention you may contact us:
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for Adults and Young Adults: 1-888-387-6237

FORT LAUDERDALE, FL - August 10, 2010 – “New omnibus research from the Partnership for a Drug-Free America shows that more than one-third of parents are concerned that TV (38 percent), computers (37 percent) and video games (33 percent) make it harder for them to communicate with their media-engrossed teens about risky behaviors, like drug and alcohol use. The survey of more than 1,200 parents also confirms that a quarter or more are worried that newer forms of media, including cell phone texting (27 percent) social networking sites, like Facebook (25 percent) and Twitter (19 percent) hinder effective parent/child communication about the dangers of teen substance abuse”, according to the Partnerships for a Drug-Free America website.
According to a Kaiser Family Foundation study of 2,000 teens released earlier this year, “the average amount of time young people (8-18 year olds) spend consuming entertainment media is up dramatically to almost eight hours per day – that’s at least 53 hours a week of immersion in some form of media. The research also noted that the more media teens consume, the less happy they tend to be and those who are most captivated by media reported their academic performance suffered. About half (47 percent) of heavy media users reported they usually get fair to poor grades, mostly C’s or lower, compared to about a quarter (23 percent) of light media users”, states the Partnership website.
“These recent findings present a clear picture of the opportunity for Teen Drug Abuse Risk Factors. Common behaviors found in teens who are abusing drugs includes isolation, social life withheld from parents thru password coded or invitation only websites (Facebook, MySpace) social sites or media (YouTube, Twitter,) and telephone texting, in addition to declining academic interest and declining grades, and an immersion in societal perceptions of drug use.”, says Karen Corcoran the Co-Founder of Inspirations For Youth And Families, a teen residential substance abuse treatment center.
Corcoran states: “This research reveals a need for parents to take a more active role in their teenager’s lives. Parents should be aware of how teens are spending their time online and remain aware of the impact all media consumption is having on their teens. Videos of teens using drugs, abusing cough medicine, and becoming intoxicated, are readily available on YouTube and other social networking websites. In many cases, reality television glorifies and sensationalizes drug addiction, teen pregnancy, and dysfunction in the family.” According to Corcoran, a mental health professional and parent of young adults, “It is difficult to gain knowledge of a teen’s social life and friends if communication, along with time spent between parent and adolescent was not previously established. Parents taking time to speak with their children while spending quality time together, are less likely to become isolated from their child-turned-teen and more likely to transition into the role of parental investigator.”
According to research, kids and teen’s cell phone ownership has increased sharply since 2004, from 39 percent to 66 percent in 2009, while ownership of iPods jumped drastically from 18 percent to 76 percent over the same time period. Karen Corcoran of Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab states: “Teen use of cellular telephones, which now includes internet accessibility, further distances the teenager from parental monitoring and protection.” Among kids and teens, cell phone ownership has increased since 2004, from 39 percent to 66 percent in 2009, while ownership of iPods increased from 18 percent to 76 percent over the same time period. Corcoran further states: “ If cell phones and ipods are not enough to create a growing concern regarding teen behaviors, early teenage access to vehicles will definitely initiate a concern regarding the separation that teen driving creates between the teenager and parent. When teenagers are given a car or any motorized transportation, it immediately creates a teen world withheld from the supervision of parents and family.” “Teen drug use, teen drug abuse, and other dangerous behaviors are just the beginning of a teenagers exposure to a world in which teens are unprepared to encounter, when the parent’s ability to monitor a teen is removed,” according to Karen Corcoran.
Inspirations for Youth and Families and their Inspirations Teen Rehab program knows all-to-well, the results of teen behavior and poor choices, associated with over exposure to media and the isolation of teen’s parents it creates. “Teens entering teen rehab, report an ability to withhold most of their daily activities and knowledge of their social life, from their parents and family members,” states Dr. James Hughes, Chief Executive Officer and child psychologist for Inspirations for Youth and Families. LLC.
Teenagers entering their freshman year of high school or returning to high school, presents an opportunity for parents to set new boundaries, begin conversations, and schedule parent and teen talk-time, in an effort to prevent the typical teen behavior issues and teen drug use and teen drug abuse concerns. Take time to talk with your teenager. Create family time. Communication with teens is the best prevention tool a parent can use.
Written by: Christopher Walsh
Reach out to us. If you teeen is presenting behavior and addiction problems help is just a click or a phone call away. If the information you are looking for is not found here and you need immediate attention you may contact us:
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for Adults and Young Adults: 1-888-387-6237

As we approach the time to return to school, it is prudent for all parents and educators of high school teenagers to recognized risk factors for teens, focusing on “troubled teens”, as the most at risk group of high school teenagers. Teens are a population of people, most at risk for drug use, abuse, and addiction. For troubled teens, the risk that teens will smoke, drink, get drunk and use illegal drugs increases sharply if they are highly stressed, frequently bored or have substantial amounts of spending money, according to The National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance Abuse VIII: Teens and Parents, an annual back-to-school survey conducted by The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University. This survey was the first of its kind for CASA.
Included in CASA's survey findings:
• High stress teens are twice as likely as low stress teens to smoke, drink, get drunk and use illegal drugs.
• Often bored teens are 50 percent likelier than not often bored teens to smoke, drink, get drunk and use illegal drugs.
• Teens with $25 or more a week in spending money are nearly twice as likely as teens with less to smoke, drink and use illegal drugs, and more than twice as likely to get drunk.
• Teens exhibiting two or three of these characteristics are at more than three times the risk of substance abuse as those exhibiting none of these characteristics.
• More than half the nation's 12-to-17 year olds (52 percent) are at greater risk of substance abuse because of high stress, frequent boredom, too much spending money, or some Teens who have a history of physical or sexual abuse, a learning disability or eating disorder, or teens suffering from serious depression or another mental health condition are also at a greater risk for teen drug abuse and teen addiction.
Five Ways Parents Can Reduce Troubled Teen Behaviors and At Risk Potential
• Identify mental health issues including attention deficit disorder, depression, oppositional defiance disorder, bipolar, ptsd, and other conditions commonly found in the teenage population.
• Identify the stress in your child's life and help them, offering individual therapy or boarding school, adolescent residential rehab, and alternative solutions.
• Understand when and why your children are bored, upset or triggered to engage in negative behaviors. Engage them in activities, suited for their personality and ability.
• Limit the amount of money your children have to spend and monitor how that money is spent.
• Know who your children's friends are and keep their friend’s and parent’s telephone numbers available for your use.
• Create a rewards-based chore and responsibility schedule. Reward good behavior and goal-oriented chores, tasks, and academics.
• Participate in your children's lives: attend their sports events, musical or theatrical accomplishments, oversee their homework and remain knowledgeable about their grades and academic performance, participate in activities together, and talk with them about drugs.
Written by: K. Corcoran
Source: Sources: CASA News Release, Teens At Risk Updated December 24, 2007
If the information you are looking for is not found here and you need immediate attention for your troubled teen you may contact us:
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for Young Adults and Adults : 1-888-387-6237
Included in CASA's survey findings:
• High stress teens are twice as likely as low stress teens to smoke, drink, get drunk and use illegal drugs.
• Often bored teens are 50 percent likelier than not often bored teens to smoke, drink, get drunk and use illegal drugs.
• Teens with $25 or more a week in spending money are nearly twice as likely as teens with less to smoke, drink and use illegal drugs, and more than twice as likely to get drunk.
• Teens exhibiting two or three of these characteristics are at more than three times the risk of substance abuse as those exhibiting none of these characteristics.
• More than half the nation's 12-to-17 year olds (52 percent) are at greater risk of substance abuse because of high stress, frequent boredom, too much spending money, or some Teens who have a history of physical or sexual abuse, a learning disability or eating disorder, or teens suffering from serious depression or another mental health condition are also at a greater risk for teen drug abuse and teen addiction.
Five Ways Parents Can Reduce Troubled Teen Behaviors and At Risk Potential
• Identify mental health issues including attention deficit disorder, depression, oppositional defiance disorder, bipolar, ptsd, and other conditions commonly found in the teenage population.
• Identify the stress in your child's life and help them, offering individual therapy or boarding school, adolescent residential rehab, and alternative solutions.
• Understand when and why your children are bored, upset or triggered to engage in negative behaviors. Engage them in activities, suited for their personality and ability.
• Limit the amount of money your children have to spend and monitor how that money is spent.
• Know who your children's friends are and keep their friend’s and parent’s telephone numbers available for your use.
• Create a rewards-based chore and responsibility schedule. Reward good behavior and goal-oriented chores, tasks, and academics.
• Participate in your children's lives: attend their sports events, musical or theatrical accomplishments, oversee their homework and remain knowledgeable about their grades and academic performance, participate in activities together, and talk with them about drugs.
Written by: K. Corcoran
Source: Sources: CASA News Release, Teens At Risk Updated December 24, 2007
If the information you are looking for is not found here and you need immediate attention for your troubled teen you may contact us:
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for Young Adults and Adults : 1-888-387-6237

As Teens Head Back to School, Take Time to Talk. The back to school season is a time of new beginnings for teens, as it is for parents too. It can also be a time of new challenges for many young people dealing with added pressure from friends, especially when it involves teen drug and teen alcohol use. Back to school season is a time for parents to set new boundaries regarding social media websites such as Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter, texting and cell phone usage, and internet passcodes. Parents should set time aside, on a regular basis, to meet with their teenager, discuss life issues and events, and remain a pillar of strength and influence, in their teen’s life., provides a great website for information of teen behaviors, teen drug abuse, teen mental health issues, and high school education within a therapeutic environment. is an online resource to help parents start an ongoing dialogue with their kids about avoiding risky behaviors. Parents can learn about what teens are seeing and learning from their increased exposure to media and talk with them about the importance of making positive, choices most of which will determine the direction of their future.
Waiting for the right time to speak with teenagers will result in waiting for too long. In addition to direct conversation with a teen, it is also helpful for parents to keep in touch via the current media and communication styles, including cell phone texting, emails, and twitter. It can be a fun way to keep the lines of communication open.
Reach out to us. If the information you are looking for is not found here and you need immediate attention you may contact us:
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for Adults and Young Adults: 1-888-387-6237
Drug Rehab for Girls

Inspirations Teen Rehab provides gender specific- teen girls drug abuse treatment and girl’s behavior therapy, in a nurturing and therapeutic environment. Inspirations Teen Girl’s Addiction Treatment Program provides opportunities for girls to share their experiences in gender specific therapeutic groups, where each girl can process female issues, experiences, and perceptions relative to each teen’s life. The number of teen girls using or abusing drugs and alcohol is equal to teen boy’s drug use and drug abuse. Girls are also smoking cigarettes as much as boys. Yet, the issues girls bring to teen therapy and teen drug abuse treatment are often different than as with teenage boys.
Inspirations Teen Rehab for Girls also provides gender specific High School Education. Inspirations provides teen girls education format, allowing for girls to focus more on their studies and less on distractions from teen boys. In providing gender specific education, Inspirations Teen Rehab for Girls has witnessed a decline of girls focus on appearance and perceptions of their appearance from boys. Although it is necessary for girls and boys to learn to interact appropriately with each other, Inspirations limits their involvement to specific activities, which are monitored and structured.
Inspirations Teen Rehab also provides tutoring, allowing individual teens to improve in academic areas in which the teen shows signs of struggle. Inspirations teen addicton treatment center also provides “Online” programs for additional program and academic opportunities, including SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) preparation and early college course classes.
Recent studies of adolescent girls and drug abuse, reveal that girls use and abuse drugs for different reasons than boys. According to the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDP), a three-year study on women and young girls (ages 8–22) from the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University revealed that girls and young women use substances for reasons different than boys and young men. The study also found that the signals and situations of higher risk are different and that girls and young women are more vulnerable to abuse and addiction: they get hooked faster and suffer the consequences sooner than boys and young men. (National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, the Formative Years: Pathways to Substance Abuse Among Girls and Young Women Ages 8–22, February 2003)
According to the 2008 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), approximately 42.9% of women ages 12 or older reported using an illicit drug at some point in their lives. Approximately 12.2% of females ages 12 and older reported past year use of an illicit drug and 6.3% reported past month use of an illicit drug. (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration). However, males and females had similar rates of past month nonmedical use (abuse) of psychotherapeutic drugs (2.6 and 2.4 percent, respectively), pain relievers (2.0 and 1.8 percent), tranquilizers (0.7 and 0.8 percent), stimulants (0.4 percent for both), methamphetamine (0.1 percent for both), and sedatives (0.1 percent for both). These statistics are located on the web:
At Inspirations Teen Rehab, each teenage girl is provided the time and opportunity to grow in mind, body and spirit, focusing on goals and the psychological tools and life tools needed to reach her goals.
Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away. If the information you are looking for is not found here and you need immediate attention you may contact us:
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for Adults and Young Adults: 1-888-387-6237
Massachusetts Adolescent Addiction Treatment Center

Adolescent Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Massachusetts, Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab is a nationally recognized addiction treatment Center working with teens suffering from addictions and other destructive behaviors.
Inspirations Teen Rehab encourages Massachusetts’ teens to leave their everyday lifestyle by immersing themselves in a new and different environment during the addiction treatment process. Inspirations Teen Rehab is known for a unique approach to "Real Life" Teen Addiction Treatment and Recovery.
Drug Rehab for Massachusetts' Teens
Inspirations Teen Rehab, MA includes a mix of both inpatient and outpatient addiction programs, to meet our teens specific “Goals of Treatment” which are identified during their assessment with our Client Liaison Team. Intensive Outpatient Treatment incorporates the comprehensive addiction treatment program and "Real Life" approach to recovery in a flexible therapeutic schedule.
When our Massachusetts addiction treatment specialists makes a recommendation on individualized addiction treatment programs, we recognize that in most cases, an addiction or mood disorder isn’t the only issue. For example, a teen with depression may also be battling a co-occurring addiction such as alcoholism. Tackling multiple issues requires a more comprehensive strategy than tackling one issue alone, and will be accommodated in the suggested addiction treatment program.
Our aim is to treat the whole person, and not just an isolated symptom. During addiction treatment we will work with the teen to identify the factors that may have contributed to their addiction or disorder – home, work, relationships and medical history. We also believe that families have a vital role to play in the teen's recovery process, and each program has a place for family participation, to educate them in the addiction treatment process and to equip them for their role as supporters.
Inspirations Teen Rehab provides Massachusetts Teens with the following services: Interventions, Mental Health Treatment, Dual Diagnosis Treatment, Eating Disorders Treatment and Court Ordered Rehabilitation.
Teen Drug Rehab Therapy Programs in Massachusetts Includes: Psychotherapy, Trauma Therapy, Co-Dependency Therapy, Art Therapy, Music Therapy, Recreational Activities (Sober Fun), Relapse Prevention, Family and Group Therapies.
Interventions are necessary for individuals who are unable or unwilling to recognize the need for help. Interventionists assist families in confronting and guiding their loved one to recognize the signs and symptoms of addiction and the need for change. Credentialed and experienced Interventionists are available to assist teens and family members.
Inspirations Teen Rehab offers addiction treatment services for teens residing in Massachusetts. Our adolescent addiction treatment program is a simulated "home-life" environment, supervised by trained professionals, in which daily life experiences occur.
Sober Fun activities may include bowling, movies, beach outings and barbeques, AA and/or NA conventions and events. Premier activities are scheduled monthly, which may include snorkeling, fishing, excursions on a glass bottom boat, airboat tours, or a trip to the our local parks and beaches.
Teen Addiction Treatment - After Care
Inspirations Teen Rehab offers after care addiction treatment programs for Massachusetts teens to prepare each adolescent for a successful recovery. Our aftercare program includes a support system, AA or NA meetings and personal accountability. Intensive Outpatient or Outpatient Treatment may be recommended upon successful completion of the program.
Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away. If the information you are looking for is not found here and you need immediate attention you may contact us:
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for Adults and Young Adults: 1-888-387-6237
Is Your Teen More Likely to Use Drugs/ Drink Alcohol?

There are factors that increase the risk of teens using drugs and/or drinking alcohol. Being aware of these factors can help parents prevent or reduce the risk for their teens. Knowing the common factors that pair with using drugs or alcohol, can help parents decide when it is time to have conversations and take action. According to, there are five main categories of these indicators.
1. The Individual: The teen begins to drink or use drugs at an early age, they don’t think drugs are harmful, suffers from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, suffers from depression, anxiety or conduct disorders, impulsive, rebellious.
2. Peers: The teen hangs out with other teens that are rebellious, drink/ use drugs, have positive views of drugs/alcohol, involved in gangs, began drinking/ drug use at an early age.
3. Family: family history of addiction or alcoholism, traumatic events such as abuse or divorce, small amount of parental supervision, no parental expectations on teens, inconsistent punishment, lack of parental concern for drug use, ongoing family conflict/arguing, parents who suffer from mental illness or depression.
4. School: the teen has always struggled with school, learning disability, on the remedial track in school, grades dropping, not doing homework, lack of motivation and commitment.
5. Community: easily accessible drugs and alcohol in the neighborhood, lack of community resources, low income community, music/tv portraying drug use and alcohol positively.
Having these factors present in or around your teen does not guarantee that your teen will use drugs, however the presence of one or more of these factors does increase the ability of your teen to interact with drugs and alcohol.
Inspirations for Youth and Families aka, Inspirations Teen Rehab is here to help your teen and your family through this difficult process.
Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away. If the information you are looking for is not found here and you need immediate attention you may contact us:
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for Adults and Young Adults: 1-888-387-6237
How to Tell if my Teen is Using Drugs or Drinking?
Let’s face it; it can be difficult for a parent to confirm if a child is using drugs or alcohol. Of course a parent can catch a teen in the act or find evidence in their bedroom; however in most cases it is not that simple. According to, there are steps and signs to help.
1. Ask: If you and your teen have open lines of communication, then this would a good first step for you. Be careful not to attack your teen; you want to avoid escalating the situation to where the teen becomes defensive or tries to run away.
2. There are signs that can help you identify if your teen is using or drinking:
• Behavioral Issues: Mood swings, unusually tired, very silent, decrease of inhibitions, lack of motivation, unusual clumsiness, poor balance, uncoordinated, obnoxious behavior, laughing at nothing, secretive, depression, hostile/angry, awake for long periods of time followed by long sleep periods, slur speech, unable to form sentences. Change in relationships with family members or friends.
• Personal Appearance: Poor hygiene, mess/unclean clothes, careless appearance, burns or ashes on fingers/lips, flushed cheeks or face, track marks on arms/legs and long sleeves/pants in warm weather.
• A Change in Personal Habits: locking bedroom doors, going out every night, disrespecting family, new group of friends, smell of smoke on clothes/breath, heavy consumption of chewing gum or mints, use of eye drops, frequently breaking curfew, money problems, reckless driving or accidents, avoiding eye contact, sudden use of candles/ air fresheners, clenched teeth, secret phone calls/text messages and munchies or increase in snacks and appetite.
• School/Work Issues: loss of interest, grades dropping, decrease participation in hobbies/ sports, skipping class, complaints from teachers or coworkers, getting into fights, not fulfilling duties.
• Health Issues: Nose bleeds, frequent sickness, dramatic weight loss/gain, accidents, bruises, headaches, sweatiness, vomiting, seizures, and excessive thirst.
• Home/Car Problems: prescriptions disappearing, missing cigarettes/alcohol, money/valuables missing, unusual smells, containers, wrappers, seeds, pipes/bongs in glove box, rolling papers, increase in lighters.
One of these problems alone is not enough to confirm that your teen is using drugs or drinking, but could be a result of normal teenage growth. However, if you begin to see many changes and an increase in the areas mentioned above than you mihgt want to contact Inspirations Teen Rehab to help your teen.
Inspirations for Youth and Families aka, Inspirations Teen Rehab is here to help your teen and your family through this difficult process.
Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away. If the information you are looking for is not found here and you need immediate attention you may contact us:
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for Adults and Young Adults: 1-888-387-6237
1. Ask: If you and your teen have open lines of communication, then this would a good first step for you. Be careful not to attack your teen; you want to avoid escalating the situation to where the teen becomes defensive or tries to run away.
2. There are signs that can help you identify if your teen is using or drinking:
• Behavioral Issues: Mood swings, unusually tired, very silent, decrease of inhibitions, lack of motivation, unusual clumsiness, poor balance, uncoordinated, obnoxious behavior, laughing at nothing, secretive, depression, hostile/angry, awake for long periods of time followed by long sleep periods, slur speech, unable to form sentences. Change in relationships with family members or friends.
• Personal Appearance: Poor hygiene, mess/unclean clothes, careless appearance, burns or ashes on fingers/lips, flushed cheeks or face, track marks on arms/legs and long sleeves/pants in warm weather.
• A Change in Personal Habits: locking bedroom doors, going out every night, disrespecting family, new group of friends, smell of smoke on clothes/breath, heavy consumption of chewing gum or mints, use of eye drops, frequently breaking curfew, money problems, reckless driving or accidents, avoiding eye contact, sudden use of candles/ air fresheners, clenched teeth, secret phone calls/text messages and munchies or increase in snacks and appetite.
• School/Work Issues: loss of interest, grades dropping, decrease participation in hobbies/ sports, skipping class, complaints from teachers or coworkers, getting into fights, not fulfilling duties.
• Health Issues: Nose bleeds, frequent sickness, dramatic weight loss/gain, accidents, bruises, headaches, sweatiness, vomiting, seizures, and excessive thirst.
• Home/Car Problems: prescriptions disappearing, missing cigarettes/alcohol, money/valuables missing, unusual smells, containers, wrappers, seeds, pipes/bongs in glove box, rolling papers, increase in lighters.
One of these problems alone is not enough to confirm that your teen is using drugs or drinking, but could be a result of normal teenage growth. However, if you begin to see many changes and an increase in the areas mentioned above than you mihgt want to contact Inspirations Teen Rehab to help your teen.
Inspirations for Youth and Families aka, Inspirations Teen Rehab is here to help your teen and your family through this difficult process.
Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away. If the information you are looking for is not found here and you need immediate attention you may contact us:
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for Adults and Young Adults: 1-888-387-6237
Adolescent Drug Rehab

Inspirations for Youth and Families aka Inspirations Teen Rehab, is a licensed residential substance abuse treatment for teens offering a powerful combination of programs: Teen Intensive individual addiction treatment program, family and group therapeutic sessions, educational program for teens in recovery, teen life skills management, and recreational/sports program. Inspirations' teen drug rehab programs combine motivational treatment with the "accountability" concept, emphasizing, respect for family, respect for others, and a teamwork approach towards daily goals and accomplishments.
Behavior modification is a very important part of our teen's addiction treatment program. During enrollment at our Teen Addiction Treatment Center, one of our licensed psychiatrist meets with the parents and collects information about their teen's behavior and past activities. Other family members and sometimes even teachers are welcome to complement the observations through a questionnaire or letter. The information/observations gathered will bring a better understanding of your child to us. Understanding your teen and his/her daily activities and surroundings will help us understand the behavior he/she is displaying. Additionally, understanding your child's daily life will help us with the greater goal of understanding the cause and effect of the behaviors, thus helping to affect change towards a clean and sober life.
If you are looking for a drug rehab for your son or daughter or have any questions, please know that we are here to provide you with support and guidance, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We welcome the opportunity to answer your questions free of charge about teen behavior, substance use, adolescent addiction, teen drug rehab, or other related matters.
Visit our teen addiction treatment website: Free Initial Consultation at: 1-888-757-6237.
Visit our young adult and adult addiction treatment website:
Free Initial Consultation at: 1-888-387-6237
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Hiking in Iraq and Information Warfare
Shane Bauer, Sarah Shourd, and Josh Fattal have been held in Iran since July 31, 2009 when they were taken into custody by an Iranian Revolutionary Guard officer. If you watch world news I will imagine that you are already aware of this, but it is why they were hiking in Iraq at the Iranian border that is the question. There is also debate as to whether they were in Iraq or Iran. I do not pretend to have the real answer and instead this is somewhat of an exercise in information analysis.
Do you automatically believe any news story in a mainstream newspaper?
Do you automatically believe any news story in an alternative news publication because the viewpoints presented are similar to your own?
I'll tell you – I never automatically believe anything. I am not a trusting person, as people go. I wish that I could be trusting; however, the case and bizarre trial eliminated that possibility forever. I used to be trusting, for what that is worth.
Articles written about me during and after my trial contained various falsities – this is a reference to the Orlando Sentinel articles published at the time. When I questioned the reporter the response I received was, "That is how my editor wanted to run the story and you cannot sue because it was not a quote." The fact is that the article attributed statements to me that I did not make – a fact that could be proven as my attorney sat there on the bench in hallway with me when the reporter spoke to both of us. I have since learned enough to know that the reporter was incorrect – indeed I could have filed suit. The statements attributed to me that I didn't make painted a false picture of me. It was unethical and unfair to say the least.
Even mainstream newspapers such as the Orlando Sentinel or the Washington Post or the New York Times publish stories with an assortment of falsities. Sometimes it is the result of a hidden agenda as in my case – the Orlando Sentinel used to be quite supportive of the MBI – and sometimes it is the result of having incorrect information, as in the situation with a statement concerning my case in the Orlando Weekly. The point is that there are various reasons that any article may contain false information, so blind trust is not normally an intelligent idea.
I have found articles about the hikers' situation that make polar opposite statements. There is one writer that claims the hikers to be pro-Syrian, anti-Israel activists there on an anti-Israel mission. The writer of a different article paints the hikers to be innocent colleagues from Berkeley taking a relaxing vacation hike in the Kurdistan region of Iraq near the Iran border. Yet other articles make different statements.
So who are you supposed to believe? Let's use our logical reasoning skills for a moment.
Who in their right mind would be hiking in the Kurdistan region of Iraq near the Iran border in July of 2009?
Answer: No one in their right mind would do such a thing unless it was a part of an agenda of some sort by some group or government agency.
This is the one fact that no one can really dispute. You could tell me that they weren't in their right minds and have mental issues and that would be more believable to me. C'mon – a relaxing hike there at this point in time? You could use many defenses, but that one is laughable. No list of articles written in the year or two prior to this situation could convince me that they were anti-Israel or even activists on a personal mission. The reason that such a list would be unconvincing is that it could easily be a planned cover should a problem arise.
I also do not view the Iranian government or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as ignorant and actually quite the opposite. This is an educated individual with a background comparable to that of a socially disadvantaged citizen in the US. Words and meanings in his speeches have frequently been twisted by Western media.
Media often has an agenda of one sort or another and few sources are truly unbiased. Bloggers that hold all types of viewpoints are biased more often than not, whether there is an agenda or not – and yes, this includes me. I think it's obvious when you read this blog that I have an anti-war, liberal, and even anti-establishment perspective. It's also obvious that I have zero trust of government, agents, cops and almost any other power player.
The hikers' families are begging for help from anyone that will listen. Do you blame them? I don't. However, the fact is that the Iranian government believes the hikers were there on a mission of some sort for a government agency. Do you blame them for this belief? I don't.
What do we do with spies on missions here in the US? Well, we have done everything from sentence them to death to incarcerate them for life to release them. In the end it is the decision of the US government, as this should be the decision of the Iranian government. Insulting the Iranians' intelligence is not likely to help the hikers, and media has done this in many ways as have human rights groups. Let's not pretend that we do not have political prisoners and spies incarcerated in the US, as to do so would be a clearly false assertion that serves only to insult.
Perhaps a realistic and honest approach to the hikers' situation would be more advantageous.
Do you automatically believe any news story in a mainstream newspaper?
Do you automatically believe any news story in an alternative news publication because the viewpoints presented are similar to your own?
I'll tell you – I never automatically believe anything. I am not a trusting person, as people go. I wish that I could be trusting; however, the case and bizarre trial eliminated that possibility forever. I used to be trusting, for what that is worth.
Articles written about me during and after my trial contained various falsities – this is a reference to the Orlando Sentinel articles published at the time. When I questioned the reporter the response I received was, "That is how my editor wanted to run the story and you cannot sue because it was not a quote." The fact is that the article attributed statements to me that I did not make – a fact that could be proven as my attorney sat there on the bench in hallway with me when the reporter spoke to both of us. I have since learned enough to know that the reporter was incorrect – indeed I could have filed suit. The statements attributed to me that I didn't make painted a false picture of me. It was unethical and unfair to say the least.
Even mainstream newspapers such as the Orlando Sentinel or the Washington Post or the New York Times publish stories with an assortment of falsities. Sometimes it is the result of a hidden agenda as in my case – the Orlando Sentinel used to be quite supportive of the MBI – and sometimes it is the result of having incorrect information, as in the situation with a statement concerning my case in the Orlando Weekly. The point is that there are various reasons that any article may contain false information, so blind trust is not normally an intelligent idea.
I have found articles about the hikers' situation that make polar opposite statements. There is one writer that claims the hikers to be pro-Syrian, anti-Israel activists there on an anti-Israel mission. The writer of a different article paints the hikers to be innocent colleagues from Berkeley taking a relaxing vacation hike in the Kurdistan region of Iraq near the Iran border. Yet other articles make different statements.
So who are you supposed to believe? Let's use our logical reasoning skills for a moment.
Who in their right mind would be hiking in the Kurdistan region of Iraq near the Iran border in July of 2009?
Answer: No one in their right mind would do such a thing unless it was a part of an agenda of some sort by some group or government agency.
This is the one fact that no one can really dispute. You could tell me that they weren't in their right minds and have mental issues and that would be more believable to me. C'mon – a relaxing hike there at this point in time? You could use many defenses, but that one is laughable. No list of articles written in the year or two prior to this situation could convince me that they were anti-Israel or even activists on a personal mission. The reason that such a list would be unconvincing is that it could easily be a planned cover should a problem arise.
I also do not view the Iranian government or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as ignorant and actually quite the opposite. This is an educated individual with a background comparable to that of a socially disadvantaged citizen in the US. Words and meanings in his speeches have frequently been twisted by Western media.
Media often has an agenda of one sort or another and few sources are truly unbiased. Bloggers that hold all types of viewpoints are biased more often than not, whether there is an agenda or not – and yes, this includes me. I think it's obvious when you read this blog that I have an anti-war, liberal, and even anti-establishment perspective. It's also obvious that I have zero trust of government, agents, cops and almost any other power player.
The hikers' families are begging for help from anyone that will listen. Do you blame them? I don't. However, the fact is that the Iranian government believes the hikers were there on a mission of some sort for a government agency. Do you blame them for this belief? I don't.
What do we do with spies on missions here in the US? Well, we have done everything from sentence them to death to incarcerate them for life to release them. In the end it is the decision of the US government, as this should be the decision of the Iranian government. Insulting the Iranians' intelligence is not likely to help the hikers, and media has done this in many ways as have human rights groups. Let's not pretend that we do not have political prisoners and spies incarcerated in the US, as to do so would be a clearly false assertion that serves only to insult.
Perhaps a realistic and honest approach to the hikers' situation would be more advantageous.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Defining Freedom of Speech
Well, we are back to full moderation of comments here on this blog. This is, obviously, not the first time it has happened, but once again I am verbally attacked by some moron. It is easy to spew lies when you post anonymously, but guess what? This is my blog and I can as easily delete your ridiculous comment. Exercise your right to free speech and start your own blog.
As for my story in Memoirs
being all lies – place your name on that along with a contact email and I'll publish your comment. After I publish your comment I will subpoena your information from the appropriate ISP and file a defamation lawsuit for your attempts to place me in a false light. I have said it before and I'll say it again – anything in the book stated as fact is exactly that. I sure do not see anyone coming forward to file a suit against me, and I'm sure I won't.
I never accepted the false information disseminated by agents or their informants in past and I will not be accepting it today either. I went through far too much hell in the case to tolerate such attacks. I fixed it by publishing the book and commenting under my real name anywhere that I comment. If my attacker is so ignorant that he doesn't understand why I did this, he need only contact his attorney and ask.
We have some level of freedom of speech in the US, but this does not extend to disseminating false information that places a person in a false light and ruins anything they attempt to do in life. The only absolute defense in a defamation suit is truth, and Memoirs
is full of facts and truth, which is of course why no one has sued me.
The person that chose to attack me is most likely an agent from some unknown agency or an informant – the MBI agenda changed in December of 2008, when former director William Lutz retired, though they are still clearing up cases from the long Lutz era.
The person that attacked me verbally also has a right to free speech, and guess what? He can start his own blog by going HERE. He may name the blog "VickyGallasisaLiar" if he so desires. I may (and would) then subpoena his contact information and serve him in a defamation suit. I do not have to tolerate lies about my person, my family, or my former business, and I never will – just ask the agents that lost in the case or anyone else involved, including their informants.
Still trying to bury my story huh? Funny attempt anyway, but screw you "anonymous" attacker.
As for my story in Memoirs
I never accepted the false information disseminated by agents or their informants in past and I will not be accepting it today either. I went through far too much hell in the case to tolerate such attacks. I fixed it by publishing the book and commenting under my real name anywhere that I comment. If my attacker is so ignorant that he doesn't understand why I did this, he need only contact his attorney and ask.
We have some level of freedom of speech in the US, but this does not extend to disseminating false information that places a person in a false light and ruins anything they attempt to do in life. The only absolute defense in a defamation suit is truth, and Memoirs
The person that chose to attack me is most likely an agent from some unknown agency or an informant – the MBI agenda changed in December of 2008, when former director William Lutz retired, though they are still clearing up cases from the long Lutz era.
The person that attacked me verbally also has a right to free speech, and guess what? He can start his own blog by going HERE. He may name the blog "VickyGallasisaLiar" if he so desires. I may (and would) then subpoena his contact information and serve him in a defamation suit. I do not have to tolerate lies about my person, my family, or my former business, and I never will – just ask the agents that lost in the case or anyone else involved, including their informants.
Still trying to bury my story huh? Funny attempt anyway, but screw you "anonymous" attacker.
A New Epithet – The Professional Left
I was reading a recent article on the NORML website this evening that concerned Obama supporters that have deserted. Of course this includes me, though I still haven't responded to any of the many emails that I receive weekly from the Obama campaign. Most likely I haven't responded as I have nothing nice to say and it would be sufficient to reply with a "remove me as a subscriber" click.
The writer of the article, Russ Belville, was quoting White House press secretary Robert Gibbs: "Gibbs was expressing frustration at progressive activists who are complaining that the president hasn’t lived up to campaign promises on a number of issues."
It is obvious to me that the 2012 campaign has already started. I have had too many heated discussions with these new Obama supporters – well, I don't know if they're new or not, but I do know that each one comes-off like they support Obama only because he is the Democrat. I've always been nonpartisan. I supported Obama for many reasons, but not just because he was the Democratic candidate. I could not care less about his party affiliation. I supported Obama because of the anti-war, anti-Gitmo, rule of law platform that he ran on.
What were a few of the significant reasons that I supported Obama?
His promise to close the Guantanamo Bay camps as soon as he took office.
His promise to end the war if it was not already over by the time he took office.
His promise to bring all troops home if not already done by the time he took office.
He told us to make him accountable, yet he is accountable for nothing.
He is arguing in favor of U.S. military detainment of individuals without habeas corpus instead of opposing this criminal practice.
He claimed that he would hold the telecoms accountable for violating law by allowing wiretaps without warrant and instead gave them all a pass.
His intentions in relation to universal health care were beaten by the opposition, so I really cannot blame him for that, but we have no more available health care for the uninsured or those with pre-existing conditions (me) than we did before the campaign began. His dedication to education was an additional reason that I supported him, but again this is not a reason to jump ship. He also professed his intention to work towards decriminalizing marijuana and instead his representative press secretary Gibbs has laughed at the idea of legalization; decriminalization was not a part of the conversation. Gibbs thinks that Obama deserters should be drug tested – an absolute insult.
The blogging for Obama workers are already out in full force and ready to disrupt, attack, and neutralize anyone that dares not support their candidate. I know – I blogged for Obama during the campaign. I recognize the agenda, the methods utilized to gain supporters, and the neutralization by undermining and using straw man tactics. Been there and played that.
Really I feel as if I was kicked. I spent unimaginable hours talking people into voting and following-up daily until I knew their vote was made. I spent an uncountable number of hours blogging for Obama. I supported Obama mainly for his promises to end the war, but instead he has escalated the wars.
His current workers go so far as to state that we, the progressive activists that supported Obama, have no choice. Do I want a Sarah Palin or a Rush Limbaugh to end-up in the White House in 2012? Hell no; however, it is also not possible to support or vote for a candidate that has literally kicked us in the teeth with all the lies.
According to Robert Gibbs, the many dedicated people that supported Obama and worked tirelessly to get votes are now nothing more than the "professional left," whatever that means. All I can say is that if Obama doesn't end the wars and bring US troops home now, close Guantanamo immediately, and restore rule of law in this country – there will be more deserting supporters than they seem to believe.
Who do these people think put them in the White House?
The writer of the article, Russ Belville, was quoting White House press secretary Robert Gibbs: "Gibbs was expressing frustration at progressive activists who are complaining that the president hasn’t lived up to campaign promises on a number of issues."
It is obvious to me that the 2012 campaign has already started. I have had too many heated discussions with these new Obama supporters – well, I don't know if they're new or not, but I do know that each one comes-off like they support Obama only because he is the Democrat. I've always been nonpartisan. I supported Obama for many reasons, but not just because he was the Democratic candidate. I could not care less about his party affiliation. I supported Obama because of the anti-war, anti-Gitmo, rule of law platform that he ran on.
What were a few of the significant reasons that I supported Obama?
His promise to close the Guantanamo Bay camps as soon as he took office.
His promise to end the war if it was not already over by the time he took office.
His promise to bring all troops home if not already done by the time he took office.
He told us to make him accountable, yet he is accountable for nothing.
He is arguing in favor of U.S. military detainment of individuals without habeas corpus instead of opposing this criminal practice.
He claimed that he would hold the telecoms accountable for violating law by allowing wiretaps without warrant and instead gave them all a pass.
His intentions in relation to universal health care were beaten by the opposition, so I really cannot blame him for that, but we have no more available health care for the uninsured or those with pre-existing conditions (me) than we did before the campaign began. His dedication to education was an additional reason that I supported him, but again this is not a reason to jump ship. He also professed his intention to work towards decriminalizing marijuana and instead his representative press secretary Gibbs has laughed at the idea of legalization; decriminalization was not a part of the conversation. Gibbs thinks that Obama deserters should be drug tested – an absolute insult.
The blogging for Obama workers are already out in full force and ready to disrupt, attack, and neutralize anyone that dares not support their candidate. I know – I blogged for Obama during the campaign. I recognize the agenda, the methods utilized to gain supporters, and the neutralization by undermining and using straw man tactics. Been there and played that.
Really I feel as if I was kicked. I spent unimaginable hours talking people into voting and following-up daily until I knew their vote was made. I spent an uncountable number of hours blogging for Obama. I supported Obama mainly for his promises to end the war, but instead he has escalated the wars.
His current workers go so far as to state that we, the progressive activists that supported Obama, have no choice. Do I want a Sarah Palin or a Rush Limbaugh to end-up in the White House in 2012? Hell no; however, it is also not possible to support or vote for a candidate that has literally kicked us in the teeth with all the lies.
According to Robert Gibbs, the many dedicated people that supported Obama and worked tirelessly to get votes are now nothing more than the "professional left," whatever that means. All I can say is that if Obama doesn't end the wars and bring US troops home now, close Guantanamo immediately, and restore rule of law in this country – there will be more deserting supporters than they seem to believe.
Who do these people think put them in the White House?
Friday, August 13, 2010
Miami Companions Update
It seems that many viewers of my blog drop-in to read the Miami Companions posts. This is okay as it is a blog. I think that what is bugging me at the moment is that very few of the viewers have any interest in Memoirs
and my story.
I'm the one that took 'em to trial on organized crime charges and won. I'm the one that was smart enough not to have a database of clients. I'm also the only one that really lost in my case – the clients never had a minute of trouble and the few escorts arrested in 10 years of business didn't lose their lives and their home and their belongings and their savings. I did on all counts.
Stopping in is always okay, but usually when you visit Starbucks you buy a cup of coffee. Not much different than visiting here for information and buying a copy of the one book that matters to me. What the hell is $5.99 these days? It won't even buy you coffee and a pastry at a Starbucks.
So here is the deal – buy a copy of Memoirs for the $5.99 or any book I sell for that matter, and receive a free copy of:
The Miami Companions Indictment (PDF)
The Fabiola Contreras Complaint (PDF)
All you need to do is enter "MC" in the instructions to seller box in the PayPal form. And anyone with a credit or debit card can buy with PayPal.
If you have already purchased any one of my books and want these copies, simply email me at the email address in any book. This offer is good no matter where you purchased the book, but if you didn't purchase a book from me then I may ask you a question so I know that you really did.
Consider it my tip cup.
Image: Miami Morning - 2004 © Floyd Anderson / 2010 ©
I'm the one that took 'em to trial on organized crime charges and won. I'm the one that was smart enough not to have a database of clients. I'm also the only one that really lost in my case – the clients never had a minute of trouble and the few escorts arrested in 10 years of business didn't lose their lives and their home and their belongings and their savings. I did on all counts.
Stopping in is always okay, but usually when you visit Starbucks you buy a cup of coffee. Not much different than visiting here for information and buying a copy of the one book that matters to me. What the hell is $5.99 these days? It won't even buy you coffee and a pastry at a Starbucks.
So here is the deal – buy a copy of Memoirs for the $5.99 or any book I sell for that matter, and receive a free copy of:
The Miami Companions Indictment (PDF)
The Fabiola Contreras Complaint (PDF)
All you need to do is enter "MC" in the instructions to seller box in the PayPal form. And anyone with a credit or debit card can buy with PayPal.
If you have already purchased any one of my books and want these copies, simply email me at the email address in any book. This offer is good no matter where you purchased the book, but if you didn't purchase a book from me then I may ask you a question so I know that you really did.
Consider it my tip cup.
Image: Miami Morning - 2004 © Floyd Anderson / 2010 ©
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The Show Trial of Omar Khadr
Omar Khadr is my son's age and has been in the custody of U.S. forces since July of 2002. Let's see – my son is 23 years and was 15 years when Omar was whisked away in serious condition by the occupying military forces on an abandoned Soviet base near Khost, Afghanistan. I think of how naïve and irresponsible my son was at 15, and I cannot imagine this teen being held in U.S. interrogation hell for 8 long years. Canadian citizen Omar Khadr's trial by military commission was underway today.
He is being prosecuted pursuant to the Military Commissions Act of 2006 on a list of charges:
Murder in Violation of the Law of War
Attempted Murder in Violation of the Law of War
Providing Material Support for Terrorism
It's hard to believe that a 15 year-old committed all of that, or any of that. When my son was 15 he was busy at the mall with his friends, going to the movies and concerts, and learning to drive with his father. It is important to remember that Omar was not so lucky. He lived in Afghanistan and the U.S. military was busy invading, occupying, and bombing any movie theaters that he might have otherwise visited. Hell, they were bombing the residents out of their homes. Unlike your child or my child, Omar was surrounded in the hell of war.
The jury has already been chosen in this military commission trial and it looks like prosecutors managed to have the one truly qualified juror tossed. The U.S. Army officer has an academic background in U.S. foreign policy and history and admitted that he believed Guantanamo should have been shut down long ago. The academic background is similar to my own – though history was my major and I have over 70 undergraduate credits in this area of study, my graduate studies and research examined U.S. foreign policy in history, specifically Cold War history. Of course I feel that the Guantanamo camps should never have been opened to begin with.
We are without rule of law in the US at this point. This military commission trial violates a list of US and International laws. As with many other detainees, Omar Khadr confessed under torture and coercion, but his confession will be admitted into evidence. I thought that 15 year-olds were considered children by the US? They are if in the US, so this is saying that there are special rules when the child is not on US soil.
Close your eyes for a moment and imagine what the US military did to him over the course of 8 years that he has been in custody. Now picture your 15 year-old. The jury of his peers will not be his peers at all. Thus far all military members agreed that age has no significance by itself and children should not be held to a different standard. May the very same happen to one of their children one day.
Why bother with the trial? No doubt in my mind that this group of hard-line military members will convict on any count presented. Do you have doubt?
He is being prosecuted pursuant to the Military Commissions Act of 2006 on a list of charges:
Murder in Violation of the Law of War
Attempted Murder in Violation of the Law of War
Providing Material Support for Terrorism
It's hard to believe that a 15 year-old committed all of that, or any of that. When my son was 15 he was busy at the mall with his friends, going to the movies and concerts, and learning to drive with his father. It is important to remember that Omar was not so lucky. He lived in Afghanistan and the U.S. military was busy invading, occupying, and bombing any movie theaters that he might have otherwise visited. Hell, they were bombing the residents out of their homes. Unlike your child or my child, Omar was surrounded in the hell of war.
The jury has already been chosen in this military commission trial and it looks like prosecutors managed to have the one truly qualified juror tossed. The U.S. Army officer has an academic background in U.S. foreign policy and history and admitted that he believed Guantanamo should have been shut down long ago. The academic background is similar to my own – though history was my major and I have over 70 undergraduate credits in this area of study, my graduate studies and research examined U.S. foreign policy in history, specifically Cold War history. Of course I feel that the Guantanamo camps should never have been opened to begin with.
We are without rule of law in the US at this point. This military commission trial violates a list of US and International laws. As with many other detainees, Omar Khadr confessed under torture and coercion, but his confession will be admitted into evidence. I thought that 15 year-olds were considered children by the US? They are if in the US, so this is saying that there are special rules when the child is not on US soil.
Close your eyes for a moment and imagine what the US military did to him over the course of 8 years that he has been in custody. Now picture your 15 year-old. The jury of his peers will not be his peers at all. Thus far all military members agreed that age has no significance by itself and children should not be held to a different standard. May the very same happen to one of their children one day.
Why bother with the trial? No doubt in my mind that this group of hard-line military members will convict on any count presented. Do you have doubt?
Monday, August 9, 2010
A reader emailed me this evening requesting that I define COINTELPRO as discussed in my last post. It seems that suddenly it is a popular term, though few using it have real knowledge of the program or its effects on the lives of so many that chose to dedicate their lives to fighting injustice in history or today. As a student of Cold War era history in an academic context and in life experiences I am able to offer two perspectives of the US Counter Intelligence Program referred to as COINTELPRO.
Most are aware that COINTELPRO was implemented by the FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover during the civil rights era and that Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were victims of the covert activities and scheme to disseminate misinformation and otherwise disrupt activities that furthered civil rights in the United States . Few understand the broad use of the program against any group deemed subversive under Hoover 's directive.
The American Indian Movement (AIM) is a little mentioned movement these days, yet Leonard Peltier, American political prisoner, still wastes away in a federal prison. The AIM was under attack by the FBI during the same years that the Black Panther Party (BPP) was, but there's little doubt that the BPP was a primary target with many members languishing in prisons across the US today.
What did agents do under COINTELPRO?
The primary goal of COINTELPRO was to disrupt any group activities utilizing any means necessary. Agents would:
1. Create an atmosphere of animosity between rival groups that were not necessarily enemies in any way, but simply had different agendas. The FBI made the groups enemies.
2. Infiltrate any group considered subversive and destroy the group credibility in public perception while turning members and colleagues against each other.
3. Play the part of provocateur by inciting violence at peaceful protests and events.
4. Infiltrate and destroy family relationships and friendships with the intention of isolating the victim. Various means were used to achieve the goal including, but not limited to, forged letters to friends and colleagues, anonymous letters that discredited members to wives or husbands, anonymous telephone calls claiming members were informants, and painted a person with the "snitch jacket". A snitch jacket is when the agent spreads word that the victim is an informant when the truth is quite the opposite.
5. Agents actually committed violent acts against members of one group and left behind evidence that the acts were committed by a rival group.
6. Harassed, strong-armed, and threatened group family member, friends, and employers.
7. Planted drugs and guns in order to arrest and jail a victim.
8. Made the movement look foolish and/or prone to violence or as fringe radicals.
9. Plotted assassinations of group members; Fred Hampton is one example.
10. Utilized various illegal surveillance methods.
The feds used every tool in the toolbox to ruin and disrupt civil rights and anti-war movements. Socialist and pro-Communist groups (CPUSA for example) were substantial targets as were academics. Thousands of classified documents have been released in relation to COINTELPRO, but there is little doubt that many more will never be released by the federal government.
COINTELPRO is still in operation today, though methods used by agents have been redefined and modernized. Cyber warfare is really just a new way of playing the same old game, usually from the safe position of a keyboard in an office, but still with physical violence when deemed necessary.
Back in late 2007, I joined Cop Watch in Orlando , or rather I wanted to. I immediately discovered that an MBI agent was a member of the group so I never returned after the first meeting. One must always be aware of infiltrators in group or movement that would be a problem to those in authority is state and federal agencies. A couple of movements at the forefront today strike me as covert operations, though I will leave the parties nameless today as this is about defining COINTELPRO. I am positive that I am considered a dissident by at least a couple of federal agencies. Oh well.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Cointelpro Still Alive and now Refined
I must reveal the hell that I have gone through in the last 10 days on various fronts. I have discussed several of the problems on a few forums because it was all surreal to me, until now. I get it. One poster, in an attempt to help me, suggested that my computer had a virus as no other explanation was plausible. Well guess what? The answer is an old one indeed and one that I am all too familiar with from the past.
Some Background First
Few readers of this blog have read Memoirs
so I'll summarize it: It is not about escorts and escort services. It is all about escort service line blocks in Orlando area resorts during large conventions, my denouncement and investigation of the telephone number blocking since 1993, and of course my arrest, case, and trial on organized crime/racketeering charges that resulted in an acquittal by jury.
Throughout the years that I ran around screaming about the blocking I was painted as a paranoid nut. During the case that followed my arrest – yes, the case actually worsened post arrest – I was discredited on every forum possible with every person that had even a remote interest in my story. The personal attacks and discrediting varied according to what would be most effective in the particular situation. For example, the main case agent told both of my co-defendants that the entire case against all of us was because "Vicky filed a lawsuit against Disney," and they believed it enough to repeat it to a process server that then filed a sworn affidavit. Agent Rose said something to make it all really believable – it was no simple statement.
My competitors were told that I was an informant. According to several different people, Agent Rose stated, "How else do you think she has remained in business for so long?" Several competitors found it all believable enough to plead guilty in their own cases when Rose told them that I had made a lengthy (7 page) statement against them. Why didn't anyone ever demand to see this alleged statement? I have no idea, except perhaps that Rose was a great storyteller.
The one person that could have corroborated all that I state is dead. Well, my co-defendants could have also except that both are still under psychiatric care and drugged. The one totally sane person that experienced it all with me from 1995 through early 2008 was Suzanne Redfern (Dusty to me). She died of "pulmonary disease," and being the non-medical person that I am, I define that as being related to her excessive smoking. Dusty smoked cigarettes and marijuana almost non-stop for many years. I do not really doubt that this caused her death, but again, she was the one person that could corroborate, and even add to, every single statement that I have made.
The other person that experienced it all with me from late 1992 until late 1996, experienced so much hell in her life, including the suicide of her 17 year-old son, and was under psychiatric care until rather recently – within the last year. Her actual name is Lisa, but her alias in Memoirs
is Kendall .
Several months prior to my trial, the state submitted a deposition by actual informant Theresa Ann Isaacs – she also has several aliases, but read Whatever Happened to Ann? for in-depth information on her. The statement was entirely false and I had little doubt that it was fed to Terri by Agent Brant Rose. I discuss it in the book, but it is so vile that I'm not going to restate it here. The purpose of the statement was to provoke hatred for me in anyone still defending me, and also perhaps to provoke my suicide (it almost did).
Since 1993, I have been viewed by so many people as paranoid and crazy when the topic of the telephone number blocks comes-up. Well guess what? Eddie Munoz of Las Vegas has pursued the telephone line block situation since 1993, with a list of cases filed in state and federal court in Nevada . Eddie investigated differently than I did – he documented the problems and had Sprint on the case 24/7 for years. His statements were also corroborated by other escort service owners in Las Vegas and former hacker/current security consultant Kevin Mitnick – in a court of law! Read more about Eddie Munoz's pursuit of the blockers in Ongoing Conspiracies.
Okay, enough on the background. What has transpired during the last 10 days?
Last Sunday I awoke to find several anomalies in relation to my website, my blogs, and each of my books. I am an Amazon Associate and love the Kindle, so when the new Wifi/Wifi-3G Kindle was announced in the news I ordered one and placed banners all over each blog and the website that click-through to Amazon if a person wants to order it. I would receive a commission if purchased through my banners. Anyway, after going to all the trouble to place these Kindle and Kindle book banners all over the place, I awoke to find something else entirely: marketing spam crap banners with "check your credit score free" and bouncy, jumping smiley faces everywhere. It was a mess. I spent the afternoon removing these banners everywhere because I hate spam crap.
Once I was finished removing all the banners I decided to check my book product pages in the Kindle store. Each ebook had two product pages – one published through Amazon Digital Text Platform (DTP) and the other was imported by Amazon from the Mobipocket publishing platform, and each also has a paperback product page on Amazon. The paperbacks have always been connected to the Kindle books – Amazon does this shortly after a book is published.
Well guess what? Each ebook product page for ebooks published through DTP now stated, "not currently available" and "pricing information not available". At this point in time, all except one is fixed: Blueprint for an Escort Service
. It gets worse though – each ebook product page for the Mobipocket imports is a "404 Document Not Found" page with a link to Amazon's main page, and those ebook product pages will never return to the Amazon store.
The only thing that I did was lower the price on the ebooks published through DTP – people do this every day and it isn't supposed to cause a book to be unavailable for an entire week. I am paid for sales of the Mobipocket imports through Vendor Central, so I emailed them and later received the response that having duplicate product pages is a violation of the Terms of Service. I get that, but what I do not get is that each ebook has had a duplicate page since the day it was published – the first in April 2009. So what triggered the sudden removal?
To top all of that off, each paperback was now disconnected from its ebook in the Kindle store. It was if I never had any book available on Kindle. The one book is still disconnected from its unavailable ebook. At the same time – my ebooks are all available at the correct price in the UK Amazon Kindle store.
I also have each book in the Google Book Partners Program, which will soon be opening Google Editions – a Google ebook sales store. I attempted to change prices on these ebooks at the same time that I changed prices in the Kindle store – 10 days ago.
For the last 7 days I have been back and forth with Google Book Partners over my inability to change the prices – I click the "save and continue" button after changing the price, the button looks like it is depressing, but nothing changes – not when I am in the process and not the next day or the day after. The lady from Google doesn't get it either, so I'm not alone, and offered to enter all the information using a spreadsheet, but I haven't checked to see if that worked or not yet.
I have also been back and forth with tech support from Amazon's DTP and Vendor Central, and they do not understand why or how this happened to the DTP published ebooks. They do understand why it happened to the Mobipocket imports, but have no idea how or what triggered the issue. It is also not understandable that each ebook and paperback is available and connected in the UK Amazon store. I have also been back and forth with Author Central at Amazon over my disconnected paperbacks - they are fixed except for the one Blueprint
I never bothered contacting Amazon Associates over the spam banners as I found no reference to the problem on the Associate's forums – I sure don't need anyone else telling me that I have a virus in my computer because I DO NOT. Computer and telephone networks and issues were an area of expertise in past, so let's not even go there.
Oh - and I almost forgot to add that every other day during the 10 day period, I attempted to efile my son's 2009 tax return as he needs his refund - but guess what? It was rejected 5 times by IRS for not having the correct PIN to efile. The efile PIN is the previous year's Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) and I even had my son dial IRS to confirm that we have the correct figure and OF COURSE we did. Still, no matter - it was rejected for an incorrect PIN 5 flippin' times in 10 days and showed a correct PIN in each case. I finally decided to mail it by certified mail.
Oh - and I almost forgot to add that every other day during the 10 day period, I attempted to efile my son's 2009 tax return as he needs his refund - but guess what? It was rejected 5 times by IRS for not having the correct PIN to efile. The efile PIN is the previous year's Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) and I even had my son dial IRS to confirm that we have the correct figure and OF COURSE we did. Still, no matter - it was rejected for an incorrect PIN 5 flippin' times in 10 days and showed a correct PIN in each case. I finally decided to mail it by certified mail.
On several occasions last week I also had serious trouble posting to this blog using Firefox or IE. At one point I gave-up, but later returned determined and posted via a different IP address. It is as if all efforts of writing and publishing since April of 2009 were being erased, one by one. Is someone angry with me? Has something I've written interfered with a scheme of one sort or another? I have always stated that the blocks could not exist except with the assistance of government and specific private parties. I was also arrested and put on trial on organized crime charges with evidence so flimsy that agents couldn't get a court order to wiretap or a search warrant – unheard of in legal circles; ask any attorney.
Today I read this article on the website: Wikileaks Cointelpro Wizzard of Oz or Whistleblower? by Deborah Dupre' –
According to the writer, well hell – she includes this note in the article:
Note: For the past 16 hours, the human rights reporter has experienced what resembles computer hacking. Her article to have been published this morning has repeatedly vanished each time "saved" in the publishing tool. Examiner technicians have been notified and can hopefully retrieve the data.
Cointelpro is alive and well and has merely evolved since the era of Martin Luther King, the Black Panthers, and the Vietnam War.
Image: Computer Hacker with Mask 2010 © Selimaksan /
2010 ©
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